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This is a potentially interesting scheme




From the Zero Waste Scotland website


A Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland
Consultation on the options for distinct elements of a deposit return scheme on beverage containers, seeking views on which options will deliver the best results for Scotland.
Why We Are Consulting
We want to design a deposit return system that will work well for everyone in Scotland, providing increased recycling rates and quality of recycling, reductions in littering and business opportunities. We want a wide range of views as possible to help us design an effective system.
The responses to the consultation will help us to design an effective system. This will then go forward as regulations under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.
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I think that it is a great idea. Puts a lot of the responsibility back on the retailers who, up until now (and along with manufacturers), seem to be getting away quite lightly.


Only problem I can see is that it might end up being corrupted into just another money making exercise with no real "bite".

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Puts a lot of the responsibility back on the retailers who, up until now (and along with manufacturers), seem to be getting away quite lightly.

Is the responsibility primarily on the retailers and manufacturers, or is it on the backs of Joe Public? As far as I'm aware the retailers and manufacturers aren't really the ones that make so much of a mess. Joe Public is the one that chucks it here, there and everywhere without any thought about it while the businesses are all too often seen to do their best to cause no more pollution than necessary. Not perfect but they make the effort.

Edited by George.
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Fair comments George but, I am not aware of any businesses (manufacturers or retailers) that offer to take back the "empties".


Wholesalers (wiith turnover over a certain turnover value), on the other hand, have to pay a levy to SEPA based on the amount of packaging waste they generate.


I honestly feel that if Coca Cola, and all the rest, place their products into millions of plastic bottles then, they should have to pay a levy for each bottle they use, and that the levy should then be used to properly dispose of the used items.  Start at the source/top, it's much more efficient !

Same for the massive amounts of coffee shops and their plastic cups and anyone else who contributes to "industrial scale" waste.

The money raised should then be used to set up proper recycling facilities and to try and educate the morons who seem to dump their rubbish anywhere and everywhere.


The charge on plastic bags that retailers have to make is both good, and bad. 

Good is that it raises the public's awareness in respect of the problems  the bags cause.

Bad is that the money generated is handed to local charities who appear to have nothing to do with trying to clean the environment.

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