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Recycle! Positive Comments Welcome


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Burning crap in a bonfire or burning it in the old Rova Head furnace wasn't 'recycling' in any size, shape or form. We've been doing things differently though for almost twenty years though, and the only obvious reason its not classed as 'recycling' is whoever created teh tick box exercise never thought of our circumstances.

No. The reason the Lerwick waste to energy plant, or any other waste to energy plant for that matter, is not a recycling facility is nothing to do with circumstance or 'box ticking', it's because it isn't recycling by definition.


Recycling has to be cyclic process, the clue is in the name. If you burn something its gone, it's a linear process - once burned you've reached the end of the line because you don't get to burn it again. With recycling you never come to the end of the line but rather you can start the whole process over again from the beginning and keep on repeating it.


Waste to energy plants are waste disposal facilities, and are preferred because they extract value from the waste, but extracting value does not make it recycling.




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'Recycling' and 'Environmentally Friendly/Green' are not interchangable terms, and most definitely are not necessarily the same thing. 

No, they're not interchangeable but recycling is a lot more environmentally friendly and green than it is to use all the waste as landfill.



It wouldn't take much tax to do in many cases, Johnson & Johnson managed to stop using plastic for the stems of cottom buds and use paper instead after consumer pressure, at no difference in price to the end product, in some shops at least. 

It is good to hear that somebody is making the effort to cut pollution by changing from plastic to paper. You never know, it might catch on ;-)

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> Personally I'm undecided between laziness and incompetence.

Don't forget today's fashionable meme, the Russians did it..


Actually.. that reminds me of a book someone was mentioning in that regard..

> Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism
> by Ion Mihai Pacepa

Reviews for above:




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> cut pollution by changing from plastic to paper.

Assuming it does !

Related link:

> Danish EPA: Plastic Bags have Lowest Environmental Impact


I'm reminded about this kind of solution that could be deployed locally:

> This New Device Recycles Plastic Bottles Into 3D-Printing Material

I do have a slight interest in the subject as one day I'd like to manufactor vehicles, and it would be nice to have a ready supply of low cost raw materials on my doorstep..

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> all the ash from the incinerator is shipped out

I wonder what they do with it ?

You'd think it would be full of useful material one could recycle further..

I'm reminded of:

Who cares about incinerator ash?

Well, the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority for one. The authority hopes to launch a $13 million recycling project that would recover tiny bits of gold, silver, aluminum, copper and zinc from the 165,000 tons of ash from waste burned annually in incinerators in Lancaster and Harrisburg.

The project — one of the first in the United States — could mean the recovery of about 7,000 tons of ferrous and non-ferrous metals a year, netting perhaps $1.7 million for the authority.

Almost makes you think about building more incinerators to burn other peoples rubbish for an income stream . . .

After all, those metals don't grow on trees, and we have to import them.. unless we still have old fashioned metal mines in this country that our miners slave away digging out stuff..

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Firstly as a general rule i am pro recycling, when done right.


With that in mind, and if anyone is in any doubt of the current futility of recycling glass in Shetland please see photos in this link; https://ibb.co/album/n1HLwF


Taken this weekend in Cunningsburgh, the bins right next to the facility are chock full, the un crushed glass is spilling out over the walls, the crushed glass mountain is spilling through fences and onto road. It is a shambles, a mess, litter, whatever you want to call it.


Is crushing glass into a heap recycling? Is making slabs out of it even recycling?


The most frustrating thing is glass should be easiest thing to reuse, not even recycle, put jam back in jars, juice back in bottles, reuse before recycling.


It would be better putting glass to landfill and disposing of it properly as taking it to Cunningsburgh to be heaped on the surface.

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Is crushing glass into a heap recycling?

Crushing glass is one the first stages in the recycling of glass.


Is making slabs out of it even recycling?

Recycling glass as the aggregate in concrete, whether to use for making slabs, walls etc is recycling. Having said that, there are a lot of different uses for recycled glass. 


Glass recycling


Recycle for Scotland


It might also be a good idea for the glass to be collected and disposed of. People shouldn't have to put up with it not being taken away.

Edited by George.
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