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Arming the police

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Yes MIlkeyboy that is so true.


Manners cost nothing no matter who you are.

I’ve noticed very few children young ones now wave to an officer and smile or indeed an officer waving back on Shetland, I see it a lot on my travels south little one getting slightly excited seeing officer in uniform or police car. Because Shetland police do come across as totally unapproachable it’s their aura they give off .

If children feel and see these vibes what are the adults interpreting about Shetland police officers.

I know you will get some exceptions but I am talking generally the police need to change their attitude when dealing with the community as a whole.

We want to be proud on our Shetland police officers , I,m sure are very good but we need all very good.


Good police relations begins at young age and probably best form of education and probably so true for island police, forget tasers on Shetland it will just alienate the situation here.

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Money better spent on further or better training/ education ,people skills ,manners and attitudes of Shetland police officers and have a more chance of a lasting effect on the community And gaining respect back than money on tasers that SHetland in all honesty just doesn’t need Shetland cannot justify tasers it just lacks serious crime of any kind on a regular basis it just isn’t here.

One off, occasionally just doesn’t do it.

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When I am spoken down to by an officer, I reply in a polite and calm manner and find that their manner changes. 

It does not show any manners or courtesy to be spoken down to by an officer, or a constable. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got all uptight and pompous if spoken down to by one of Joe Public.

Edited by George.
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Gun crime has fallen dramatically in Scotland in the last 10 years which would suggest the police have been doing a good job .http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Crime-Justice/TrendFirearm


On your link they do, of course, state that, "Over the last 10 years, air weapons have consistently been the most commonly identified weapon used in recorded offences involving a firearm." I've never considered an airgun to be a firearm but no doubt that's just me. Never thought about pellet guns, though  :cool:

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I think that describing airguns as firearms is just a legal(?) catch-all dreamed up by some numpty of a politician.  Maybe we should tie him to a post and find out just how many .177 or .22 pellets it takes to finish him off.. :twisted:


Oh dear...  looks like I've just made a post inciting violence..  Waiting for the 4am knock(?) on the door.

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I think that describing airguns as firearms is just a legal(?) catch-all dreamed up by some numpty of a politician.  Maybe we should tie him to a post and find out just how many .177 or .22 pellets it takes to finish him off.. :twisted:


Oh dear...  looks like I've just made a post inciting violence..  Waiting for the 4am knock(?) on the door.


Quite right, a firearm with not a single spit of fire in or around it. Having said that, at least one person claims that the police are doing a good job. There is no justification but they make their claims regardless.


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I think the wording of the article was "would suggest that the police..."


Don't see how whoever wrote it came to that conclusion and anyway, it's just an opinion and has little bearing on reality.


Sad truth is that to effectively run a totalitarian state, you 1st have to disarm the population whilst arming the "controllers".


It's being helped by the "Us vs Them" mentality of a lot of police officers.  You cannot command(?) respect(?) by force of arms.


Just ask yourself;

Would you risk your life and safety to help an unarmed police officer or, would you do the same if the officer was armed?


I know which side of the fence I fall on.

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