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Shetland Councillors


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Ower a year since da new skreed cam inta being.  Foos dy Cooncillors gettin' oan?


We wir promised a fresh lot we fresh ideas, whit wid do gee dy councillors in dir yearly report card?


Over a year since the new Councillors came into the job.  How are your Councillors getting on?


We were promised a fresh set of Councillors with fresh ideas, what would you give your Councillors in their yearly report card?

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@tarsus - what's getting worse?

I could be wrong, and please don't jump down my throat with the knives out (or go and slag me off to your local hair stylist), but I am thinking it is the written Shetland dialect that Tarsus is having problems with.


But, of course, I could be wrong.  This is very possible, I have been told.

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Maybe if Tarsus used English as it is spoke we could find a common language.


What are all the forward slashes about? They're as confusing to me as Shetlin appears to be to them.


I have no hair left to style, or at least not on my head anyway, so no slagging off will occur. ;)

Edited by Ghostrider
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Ower on Fiscloot folk are sayin' dey canna believe we irna teachin' dialect in wir schools (I dunna think we should be but dat's anidder thing aadagidder), and here, on a Shetland forum, we hae folk complanin' aboot spickin Shetland on it.


You canna please aybody aa da time.

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hi there, at least you can understand the post by tarsus, what someone with English as a second language thinks of it I dread to think, his spelling is good as well. if our kids went to the mainland speaking like this they would never get a job as nobody would understand them.

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hi there, at least you can understand the post by tarsus, what someone with English as a second language thinks of it I dread to think, his spelling is good as well. if our kids went to the mainland speaking like this they would never get a job as nobody would understand them.


I speak broad Shetland most of the time, but knap for those who cannot understand me.  Most folk have the common wit to do so.  Isn't quite as black and white as you would like to present.

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hi there, at least you can understand the post by tarsus, what someone with English as a second language thinks of it I dread to think,


English IS my second language. Shetlin is my first language.


And no, I'm not sure I understand their post. Double spaced forward slashy speak hasn't been in any English I've encountered before.

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