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Tesco don't own any apple trees, but they are perfectly capable of flogging apples.


True, but Tesco are big enough and ugly enough that they dictate the price of the apples when they buy them and when they sell them, and are quite capable of fighting off their competition.


The likes of Bulb never buy anything until they've already agreed to sell it, their suppliers dictate the price of what they buy, and when they impinge too much on the big players profits, they'll do the same as Loganair v. Flybe et al before them, drop their price to freeze Bub out of the market, and Bulb and its likes aren't in a position to survive a big bucks sustained price war.


Bub etc are fine and well if you're happy to enjoy their savings short term, possibly a little longer, and are prepared for a here today gone tomorrow situation with possibly a period of no power or extremely expensive power when they suddenly go under when the big boys decide to get rid of them.

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Guest PJS1979

Thats not the way it happens Ghostrider, you have a contract that agrees you a set price until that deal expires, then you are free to move again.

Edited by PJS1979
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Thats not the way it happens Ghostrider, you have a contract that agrees you a set price until that deal expires, then you are free to move again.

It may well be handy to check that out, PJS. After all, you're probably just like me. If you're paying too much, you will possibly want to move on - pronto. Just a wee thought, though.

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Thats not the way it happens Ghostrider, you have a contract that agrees you a set price until that deal expires, then you are free to move again.


I'm not disputing that, there's no problem in that area.


The point I was trying to make though, is what happens when Bulb or similar are forced out of business by the bigger boys in a price war designed to get rid of them, and aren't there anymore to supply the power and honour their end of the contract. As will very likely happen if such cheaper 'broker' only type suppliers continue to grow and start making inroads in to the big boys profits.


No other supplier is obliged to supply you instead, and there's no guarantee any of them will be in any hurry to take on ex-Bulb or similar customers, or may only do so on an inflated pricing structure.

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Guest PJS1979
Your point is ?


Loads of scaremongering going on here SSE are a complete rip off, i changed from them years ago and have used 6 different suppliers and saved my self hundreds, why pay more one you can pay a lot less, im paying 34 pound a month just now.

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Dont be so fearful of the money grabbing capitalist swines, play the game with them !


There's no fear, there's only a copy of their statement retained, including date posted and received, in case the wrong thing happens B)

Edited by George.
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Ignore the “you'll pay £x per month”. Do the maths and see how it works out.


If Any power provider did disappear from the market tomorrow, the capitalist system means that companies will target those customers to get their business.


If anyone wants a referral link for Bulb, just let me know.

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  • 1 year later...

I told SSE that I no longer wanted THTC heating. I asked them to change my meter and signed up to a 1 year single tariff. As soon as they changed the meter I joined Bulb. Bulb credited me for the £25 cancellation fee charged by SSE. Didn't cost anything to change.


By the way they are not legally allowed to cut off your supply a) while changing supplier or B) if supplier goes bust.


It looks likely that SSE may in future withdraw from selling electricity direct to customers as its more cost efficient for them to use people like Bulb to do the customer service bit.

Edited by Wheelsup
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