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Brexit (merged threads)


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I'm amazed at how amazingly trusting leave voters are. I personally feel a lot of the EU rules and regulations (however overblown some may be) at least make it harder for the government to completely do over any of us 99%. Tories able to set their own employment laws? **** that.

Being in the EU did not stop Fred Goodwin (Fred the Shred) or the Carillion directors or even the Edinburgh Tram contractors ripping us off,so what protection from the greedy minded rogues did that great institution give us.


Would have thought that EU legislation would have forced those who stole so much to pay it back ,but did they  NO.


Lets paddle our own canoe and enforce our own laws and not allow some crooks "European protection"

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Urabug, let's deal in specifics. Your generalised 'bullies' and 'take back control' rhetoric isn't adding anything to the discussion.


When we leave the EU we will be able to make changes to our own laws and legislation to suit our needs and this will now take time.


What laws and legislation do you think we should change that the EU are preventing us from changing?



Much of the EU legislation is good but there is a lot of it that can only be described as nonsense.


What specific EU legislation is nonsense?



And please provide some evidence. Over your past few posts, you've tried to blame the EU for several things which have simply not been true.

Edited by Davie P
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For 40+ years we have heard nothing else but "new EEC regulations" and I would challenge anyone to come up with any occupation that has not been affected .


It is only now that I have the time ,that I realize the gradual effect that this has had on us ,when working we just got on with it and never gave it another look.


Europe said jump and the UK said how high because we no longer had enough power to object.


Everything from community halls to mucking da byre are all in some way regulated .Cannot put slippering on the floor for an eightsome reel  :ponders:


Regulation is a necessity but over regulation is not and that is what the EU is doing and IMHO strangling Britain to the point we cannot compete fairly with many of the eastern world countries.


Plenty of info on Google and elsewhere for those who really want to delve deep.


I'm getting a bit fed up with BREXIT and just want out no matter what the consequences it really cannot be any worse.

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UK had a seat at the top table shaping and writing those regulations.

As always your post is short on facts.

Yeah! we were are the table but our opinions carried about as much weight as a fart in a force 10 gale.

Edited by Urabug
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Urabug, you were asked for some examples, and once again have failed to provide anything. Apart from this....

For 40+ years we have heard nothing else but "new EEC regulations" ........
Everything from community halls to mucking da byre are all in some way regulated .Cannot put slippering on the floor for an eightsome reel  :ponders:

Can you provide some specifics with relation to how the EU is responsible for regulating community halls, mucking out byres and preventing slipreen being put on dancefloors please?
You seem to be getting fact mixed up with what you want to believe.


I'm getting a bit fed up with BREXIT and just want out no matter what the consequences it really cannot be any worse.

So you can't provide any detail as to why you want out, and you don't care about the consequences of leaving. Give me strength!

Edited by Davie P
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UK had a seat at the top table shaping and writing those regulations.

As always your post is short on facts.

Yeah! we were are the table but our opinions carried about as much weight as a fart in a force 10 gale.



Urabug, this is just nonsense and suggests that you don't have much idea about EU legislative and decision-making procedures. I recommend this website as an introduction - https://europa.eu/european-union/eu-law_en

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UK had a seat at the top table shaping and writing those regulations.

As always your post is short on facts.

Yeah! we were are the table but our opinions carried about as much weight as a fart in a force 10 gale.


Beat me to it Davie, complete stoness!

More and more this place is just an echo chamber for certain people.

Too much uninformed opinion on this forum dressed up as facts.

Don't tell me they are alternative facts.

As they say I am out.

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