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Brexit (merged threads)


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What I know about EU legislation is it is legislation that we in Britain do not require from a dictatorial institution


We have our own democratically elected "buffoons" in Westminster and Holyrood  who are supposed to rule this country .


I have lived with the changes for the past 40 odd years ,and in the work place had to conform to them so I know .


It is a bit like driving a car I do not know how to build it but I do know how to drive it,and can judge whether it is good or bad.

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What I know about EU legislation is it is legislation that we in Britain do not require from a dictatorial institution


With respect, it doesn't seem that you do know about EU legislation. You can't provide any examples. You just repeatedly say you don't like the EU without any justification.


I have lived with the changes for the past 40 odd years ,and in the work place had to conform to them so I know .


Let's have examples of the changes in your workplace due to EU regulations that you don't like then.

Edited by Davie P
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For me, da decision in how I voted came down tae balancing the pros and cons of the European Regional Development Fund and da Common Fisheries Policy.


I think Shetland has done very weel fae da ERDF with funding for piers, roads and da lik, and there doesna seem to be ony plans fae Westminster or Hollyrood to replace dat post-Brexit.


I dunna think Shetland has done as well as it could have fae da CFP, but dat said there's no guarantee we'll do any better if we leave da EU. Fishing is a fraction of UK economy and rights could easily be traded away under whatever agreements follow Brexit.

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It was interesting to see both Hard Brexit and Remain supporters celebrating the defeat together yesterday, with both thinking their preferred option is now more likely.


Hopefully, now that the government has survived today's vote of no-confidence, May will use her diplomacy skills and charisma (!) to pull both sides of parliament together - although I can't see it....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brexit: Third of UK businesses considering move abroad - survey


Is anybody still thinking Brexit is a good idea?!



Almost a third of UK companies could move some operations abroad because of Brexit, a survey has suggested.


The Institute of Directors surveyed 1,200 business leaders and found that 16% already had relocation plans while a further 13% were actively considering a move.


Oh, the glorious power that is 'spin'.


No names, no evidence other than an 'opinion' from a sample of 1200, presented in a way that tries to tells us what to think.


A tyical pointless piece from that socialist perverts paradise that is the BBC.

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I'm interested in hearing more about some of your points:


All this rubbish about not being able to work and travel abroad.  What about people outside the EU who want to come here and set up businesses, want to do trade with us and at present don't because of the constraints imposed because of the EU?  

Leaving the EU will make it considerably more difficult for UK citizens to work and travel in the EU. That's a fact.
So, what about the people who want to move here to set up businesses? What is the UK government proposing that will make this more straightforward post Brexit? Or is it just an assumption that this will be more straightforward in future?

The EU is crucifying ordinary folk, just look at how our fishing industry has suffered immensely at their hands

The UK government negotiated away many of our rights in exchange for other concessions. There's no guarantee that won't happen again. As the EU is our biggest export market for fish, what do you think the impact will be of post-Brexit restrictions?

....not to mention the huge tariffs imposed on many ordinary goods meaning many farmers get totally screwed over.  Support Shetland milk, do you?  Support dairy farmers in the UK or rather have imported milk from Belgium putting our folk out of business? 

How will Shetland milk be affected? Personally, I buy local produce whenever possible to support the local economy. I can't see that changing post-Brexit.

Howzabout a survey as to how many companies have gone bust in the UK as a result of unfair competition as a result of the EU or how many businesses moved to other EU countries, deliberately lured there by the EU?

Any links or evidence of this?
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Couldn’t agree more Capeesh, but we voted to remain part of the uk and the uk as a whole voted to leave.

But why care about democracy, the snp has ignored the wishes of the majority ever since where Scottish independence is concerned and are doing the same with the EU vote.


As I’ve said previously, what’s the sense in voting anymore if our “elected” government, who are supposed to represent the people and democracy just put their fingers in their ears and go la la la la la la.

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