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Brexit (merged threads)


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just for the sake of annoying the young. let's revert to imperial weights and measures. and back to the old coinage. 


Well, why not? Its not like metrification has ever been completed anyway, despite it being a work in progress for almost 50 years.


In 1969 they told us at the school that they were withdrawing all teaching of imperial measuring as 'by the time any of us entered the workforce, everything would metric'. Total baloney, money changed in '71, but not much else had by the 80's. Sooooo..... Us who they refused to teach imperial to not only had to teach ourselves imperial measuring, we had to teach ourselves how to convert between metric and imperial as well, as some people, industry and trade used one, and some the other.


Yeah, metrification has slowly progressed ever since, but even today its far from complete. Buy clothes, its still measured in inches, look at vehicle tyre sizes, a mismash of both, eg. a 205/55 x 16 tyre has the first measurements in mm and the second in inches, tyre pressures are in lb/ft mostly and seldom in kg/m, road speed limits are in miles not kilometres, and so it goes on, right up to the classic I noticed the other day. A burst pressure test rating on a cardboard box was stated in lb/ft and kg/ft.........


I really don't mind whether we're imperial or metric, out of necessity I've had to learn both equally well and can work in either, but FFS pick one and stick with it, 50 years of a mishmash of two got old long ago.

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The signatories to the "Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU" petition is almost 5 million as I write this, and the most popular petition ever on the website.

It does suggest that the remoaners are determined to get what they want, democratically or not. It also suggests that they couldn't care less just who strips all the fish out of our waters. The Jerry's and the Spaniards like it, though.

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Petitions (if they are worded correctly) tend to be very democratic but, in this instance, it would need to amass 17,000,000 verified signatures to carry any real weight otherwise it's just a "cold feet/2nd bite at the cherry" option. !


Makes you wonder if the vote we (myself and 17,000,000 others) undertook to leave was ever worthwhile.


A question for all the "petitioners'.  Would you be able to process the required number of verified signatures in the 15 hours that the polling station was open ?

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Contrasting a national state run referendum (which received almost 100% across the board news coverage for months leading up to the vote) with an online petition is, of course, absurd.  For a petition to garner 5 million signatures in a matter of days is quite remarkable.


EDIT - According to the link posted by Davie P above, its receiving around 10 signatures per second at the moment! At that rate, by my calculation, it will reach 17 million in around 13 days time. Remarkable.

Edited by JGHR
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The only 'verification' necessary for one of those petitions is confiration that the email address given is 'live', and apparently there's an awful lot of sad people out there with either a library of email addresses all ready and waiting, or at least who are willing to sit and create them, just to be 'in the winning team', whatever the question subject is or whoever is running the poll. That much has been proven several times by completely unbelievable if not impossible results in Shetland Times polls, even for rather boring and non-controversial topics.


At least the referendum supposedly checked on eligibility to vote, with these anybody anywhere can vote......


5 Million clicks in a few days is quite a feat, I won't argue that much, but remarkable, maybe not so much. Even if only one or two of the rabid (friends with concerns about Brexit) fanatic groups on F/B goaded their membership in to it, it would be easily achievable.


Reality check time too though, over 16 Million voted 'Remain' in 2016, so even if all 5 Million votes are legitimate, over 60% who voted 'Remain' in '16 either can't be ar*ed to make their feelings known now, or have changed their mind. Poor show that, don'tcha think. ;-)

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