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Time to get over this inferiority complex about the English. Scottish independence should be based on a modern evaluation of our needs and as soon as we get a more grown-up attitude from some independence advocates, then I for one would be happy to vote for independence. Especially as it would mean remaining part of the European family.


I completely agree Wheelsup. I support the SNP because of their policies which I believe best serve Scottish residents as part of an increasingly interconnected world. I joined as a member in the weeks after Brexit when the disarray about to unfold became apparent, and Brexit has all but ensured a second Scottish referendum.


I was also struck by the positivity of their Independence campaign. Detailed policies were put forward years in advance of the referendum and the debate was robust and generally constructive. This was a marked difference to the pre-Brexit debate which was essentially a collection of non-specific and often contradictory promises and was marred by misinformation, xenophobia and illegalities.


In my opinion Scottish Independence is not a goal in itself, it's just a mechanism to empower Scotland, particularly when Scotland has consistently voted differently to the rest of the UK in general elections and Brexit. I feel that Scottish Independence would be beneficial for the rest of the UK too as it would allow them pursue whatever political direction they want without being hamstrung by an oppositional vocal minority.

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^^I'm very surprised to hear that you vote S.N.P. Davy, considering that in your comments you talk about Britain and England regularly.


I fail to see how those are connected. Scottish political, social and economic history is deeply entwined with the other UK countries and I hope Scotland will always work in close partnership with England. My preference for Scottish Independence is for positive reasons, not because of prejudice or animosity.

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What I don't get about Scottish Independence is, if the SNP gain it, why do they immediately  want to sacrifice it all to Brussels by becoming a member of the EU ? 

Is it because the SNP know that Scotland is a "basket case" or, do they just want away from the "English" at all costs.


NB.  I would NOT vote for the SNP in a "Month of Sundays"

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What I don't get about Scottish Independence is, if the SNP gain it, why do they immediately  want to sacrifice it all to Brussels by becoming a member of the EU ? 


Scotland would have greater control of domestic policy whilst benefiting from being part of a larger trading block


Is it because the SNP know that Scotland is a "basket case" or, do they just want away from the "English" at all costs.


Erm.... I refer you to my reply a peerie minute ago. I don't think it's helpful to infer that everyone who supports independence is anti-English


NB.  I would NOT vote for the SNP in a "Month of Sundays"


That's super. You can vote for whoever you want!

Edited by Davie P
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder what Shetlink users are thinking about the Hunt / Johnson leadership contest?


Personally, I don't think Johnson is fit to be PM, but I'm not one of the circa 160,000 Conservative Party members, the majority of whom are wealthy, white, upperclass, southern english, and 50yr old+, who will be making the decision. But hey ho, dem's da rules!

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^ Its a case of the lesser evil, and lets face it, its going to take a great deal of hard work to be a greater evil than the deranged lunatic who's vacating the post. I'd rather not see Hunt or Johnson as PM, but seeing as these be the choices, I'll tolerate Boris ahead of Hunt. Boris may or may not be a bumbling inept buffoon, but bumbling inept buffoons can be trained, Hunt comes off as a slimy little greaseball toad who'd sell his grandmother's soul multiple times just to get his name in lights, such people are best kept where you can see them and at the other end of a newly disinfected 40 ft bargepole.


I'm not a member of any party, I'm white, and I'm 50+, but I'm none of the rest of that list.


Bring on the general election ASAP I say. The current bunch in Westminster have failed with bells on, they need gone, and a new lot in there. Preferably mostly Brexit party members. Although, a Brexit party member taking Tavish's seat is a preferable short term goal.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Da best thing wid be for anider referendum based on da actual deal, or a general election I doot. Yun pair seem determined tae haul wis oot o da EU withoot a deal, which wisna whit dey wir promisin at da time of da referendum. We wir telt dat da EU wid be trippin ower itsel tae mak deals we wis, and noo da deal is on da table dey dunna lik it, and so tae appease a rightwing minority and get demsels intae da top job dey are going to crash wis oot o Europe.


And dir promisin tax cuts for da rich at da time wir economy can least afford it. Whit a pair o lyin turds!

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Da best thing wid be for anider referendum based on da actual deal, or a general election I doot. Yun pair seem determined tae haul wis oot o da EU withoot a deal, which wisna whit dey wir promisin at da time of da referendum. We wir telt dat da EU wid be trippin ower itsel tae mak deals we wis, and noo da deal is on da table dey dunna lik it, and so tae appease a rightwing minority and get demsels intae da top job dey are going to crash wis oot o Europe


Da EU widda been faain owre demsells ta offer a deal if da moaniments upoa wir side a hed da wit ta play da gem in a wye ta makk it happen. Instead we're wasted tree yeer be sendin numpties dat wirna wantin ta leave da EU onywye, an cudna negotiate dir wye oot o' a burst weet paper bag, dat ir destroyed aa.


Anidder referendum wid just confuse an complicate a lost cause, if dat een cam bakk fur laeve tu, wid da remainers be ony mair laekly ta respect dat een is da last een, an if hit cam bakk remain, du da remainers really expect da laevers ta respect dat ootcome ony better is dey demsells ir disrespected da ootcome idda last een...... In ony case it wid makk nae odds, fur we canna bide athin da EU, da meenit da last vott wis coontit da rest idda EU took da dorts we wis fur sayin we didna want ta be athin dir perfect club. Dey'll nidder furgee no furyat dat, if we bide dey'll be knifeing wis idda bakk an screwin wis owre every shance dey gyt.


Win oot among dem is fast is possible, an makk a kirk ur a mill o' it is best is we can withoot dem. Dis hingin idda swidders nidder tae thing ur da tidder is destroyin aa far worse is in ur oot wid.


No deal really is da best case o' damage limitation we hae noo, we're lang since brunt wir bridges ta onythin better.

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Da best thing wid be for anider referendum based on da actual deal, or a general election I doot. Yun pair seem determined tae haul wis oot o da EU withoot a deal, which wisna whit dey wir promisin at da time of da referendum. We wir telt dat da EU wid be trippin ower itsel tae mak deals we wis, and noo da deal is on da table dey dunna lik it, and so tae appease a rightwing minority and get demsels intae da top job dey are going to crash wis oot o Europe


Da EU widda been faain owre demsells ta offer a deal if da moaniments upoa wir side a hed da wit ta play da gem in a wye ta makk it happen. Instead we're wasted tree yeer be sendin numpties dat wirna wantin ta leave da EU onywye, an cudna negotiate dir wye oot o' a burst weet paper bag, dat ir destroyed aa.

What sort of deal do you believe would have been possible?

Edited by Evil Inky
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^^^Yes, I think that we should have another referendum. Every month, every week, every day of the week, every time you break wind - until yo get it the way that YOU want it. David Cameron gave us the vote but the remoaners carry on, regardless. Goodness, how democratic.

Edited by George.
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Ghostrider - whit does du tink aboot da 2019 EU elections? Dey seemed tae indicate mair folk wanted to byde in da EU dan laeve, and opinion polls regularly say da same. Do we hae tae laeve withoot a deal despite the majority o folk no wantin dat tae happen? A No Deal Brexit was niver on da table at da time of da referendum.


Opinion polls in Scotland are reckoning dirs growing support for Scottish independence and rejoining da EU if da UK laeves da EU. Is dat a gamble worth takin?



George - wheesh we dee pleapsin

Edited by Muckle Oxters
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The thought of a kamikaze No Deal Brexit with the lying, lazy, incompetent, hypocritical, egomaniacal buffoon Boris Johnson at the helm fills me with a sick feeling of dread.



...Unless of course you're one of the lucky few in the top 10% who'll be sipping champagne and toasting their massive tax cuts while the plebs struggle to pay their bills, or worse still, have to visit one of the many food banks that have sprung up after nearly a decade of Tory rule.

Edited by Capeesh
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