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Just been reading about SNP MSP man John Mason's apparent support for the heroes of the "Easter Rising."  Also his statement that the IRA murderers of 3 unarmed Scottish squaddies lured to their deaths, should be treated as "freedom fighters." 


This is the kind of extreme nationalism that is truly frightening, and it is bubbling just beneath  the surface in Scotland, endorsed by members of this political party.


John Mason had to offer an apology to the relatives of victims but only after pressure from above which only came after huge protest. The sentiments are still there.


Shetland is different to mainland Scotland, we need to keep the SNP out of here. They are desperate to get a foothold here in their campaign for independence and one party state.

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^^Meanwhile in the real world and back on topic, here's a clip from the Chief British Negotiator in Northern Ireland 1997-2007 on why the Irish backstop is essential and why a hard Brexit will threaten the peace process in Northern Ireland. He also mentions how Boris on his third day as PM has set back the negotiations to get Stormont back up and running

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I have just been reading that the result of the EU referendum is not legally binding because of the UK constitution. If this is the case then obviously the result of an independence referendum would not be legally binding either.


I rather think the fanatical independence mob would cause blood to be spilt if positive result wasn't recognised in that situation.


Different group, different attitude, 

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It all depends on the legislation upon which a referendum is based. Referendums are not 'native' to UK constitutional processes so the technicalities of each referendum are pre-agreed and enacted into law by parliament before the actual vote.


To cut a long story short, the EU referendum was a straight non-binding 'advisory' one (some legal commentators have likened it to an opinion poll), but the Scottish Independence referendum, whilst still technically advisory, had more legislative weight. This was in part due to the constitutional details being pre-thrashed out as Westminster had to devolve the administration to the Scottish Parliament, and the Scottish Government published considerable detail in advance as to how the result of the Scottish Referendum would be enacted.


There was little or no legislative detail re: the EU referendum, which IMHO has been the root cause of the Brexit mess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So the SNP leader is calling Boris a dictator due to his decision to suspend parliament, surely this must be a case of the "pot calling the kettle black".


With so much open rhetoric going on between our politicians,our EU leaders just have to sit back and do nothing ,they have presented us with a deal ,apparently no longer negotiable, which has been rejected but still the "remoaners" fight tooth and nail .


This must be "open dealing " the EU just have to sit back and watch the pantomime and do nothing and they have got it all there own way ,unless of course Boris manages to get us out.


Let democracy run it's course ,leave the EU as the majority of GREAT BRITAIN voted, and get the country back on track .


Tomorrow I will vote but only for someone who respects democracy,not tactfully but not sure I care who gets in now,they all full of promises that we know  will never be fulfilled  

Edited by Urabug
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So the SNP leader is calling Boris a dictator due to his decision to suspend parliament, surely this must be a case of the "pot calling the kettle black".



How many times has Nicola Sturgeon suspended parliament in order to wreck the economy?


The people who are doing the most damage to the UK are those who oppose the democratic wishes of the majority , and cannot or won't accept the overall decision of the people above and beyond there own ideological  views .

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So the SNP leader is calling Boris a dictator due to his decision to suspend parliament, surely this must be a case of the "pot calling the kettle black".



How many times has Nicola Sturgeon suspended parliament in order to wreck the economy?



She doesn't have one to suspend, Holyrood is a toothless talking shop. Besides, she doesn't need to suspend it, whatever it is to wreck the economy, she's doing a sterling job of that day by day.

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Boris Johnson is playing a very dangerous game - attempting to "take back control" from the EU by attempting to bypass the sovereign parliament Brexiters wish to have more power.


Today's events bode very badly for British democratic processes, and it is ironic that many Brexit supporters seem to be happy about it. Reverting to the tired old 'will of the people' referendum rhetoric is ridiculous when a 'no-deal' agenda that was never proposed during the referendum.


Unless, of course, Brexiters are happy with a sovereign parliament that can be switched on and off on the whim of a Prime Minister.


We appear to be heading toward dictatorial facism.

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The folk who are making the most noise are the "remainers" but for them we would now be out of the EU and all necessary arrangements would be in place.


Boris was between a rock and a hard place and this was probably  his only option, possibly in the hope that this would force the EU to start some new negotiations but with the "remoaners" making so much noise  they will just sit back and laugh at us with the rest of the world.


What would be the point of sitting in parliament  discussing the same thing over and over again when the EU has made it clear they will not enter into any discussions regarding a new deal.


After 3 years of this we all want an end to this nonsense and surely the most democratic way would be to honour what the UK voted for.


It is the "remainers" who are the dictators.

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Urabug, your rhetoric doesn't cut it.


The reality is that a proven liar who does not have a Prime-ministerial mandate tested at a General Election is attempting to bypass the seat of our sovereign democracy in order to push through an agenda that was not proposed at the time of an advisory referendum won on a slim majority.


It is ridiculous to attempt to justify this scenario by bandying around the word 'democracy'. If you believe it is democratic, I suggest you read some political history and see where this type of scenario leads. Whether or not you support Brexit, Wednesdays events are an affront to parliamentary sovereignty and representative democracy.

Edited by Davie P
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Urabug, your rhetoric doesn't cut it.


The reality is that a proven liar who does not have a Prime-ministerial mandate tested at a General Election is attempting to bypass the seat of our sovereign democracy in order to push through an agenda that was not proposed at the time of an advisory referendum won on a slim majority.


It is ridiculous to attempt to justify this scenario by bandying around the word 'democracy'. If you believe it is democratic, I suggest you read some political history and see where this type of scenario leads. Whether or not you support Brexit, Wednesdays events are an affront to parliamentary sovereignty. 

Very obvious that you do give much credence to democracy IMHO.

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