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Brexit (merged threads)


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Yes George Cameron made the promise but did not ensure the referendum was legally binding. When he resigned and a new government came in May had no obligation to trigger article 50.


So it would be fair to say that Cameron lied by omission.


Tory to a tee, and painted in the same colours that Westminster is painted in.


IMHO, of course.

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I am worried about the prescription drug supply and have expressed my concerns to the Director of Pharmacy, NHS Shetland, in an email.  He has suitable ignored this. 


Great (said sarcastically).


So I guess we will find out when it all happens because I can't get a sensible (if any) answer from those I have been told to ask.

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^ Big Pharma won't be losing any money they can help, if there's any shortage it'll be down to the NHS' incompetence/ineptitude to adapt and organise, not the upline supply.


And, if worst comes to worst, its amazing what can be ordered up from t'interwebs these days with a little digging around.

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I just would like some reassurance that Shetland NHS is on top of this and has forethought and initiative.

Just cast your mind back to hogmany 2000, all computers were going to stop working ,power stations would fail, telephone exchanges would stop working everything would be total chaos.


What happened after thousands of employees were paid to be on standby, well absolutely nothing.


Someone somewhere is making money out of spreading utter bull**it, and unfortunately many are being convinced.


Stop worrying everything will be just fine. :???:

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I just would like some reassurance that Shetland NHS is on top of this and has forethought and initiative.

Just cast your mind back to hogmany 2000, all computers were going to stop working ,power stations would fail, telephone exchanges would stop working everything would be total chaos.


What happened after thousands of employees were paid to be on standby, well absolutely nothing.


Someone somewhere is making money out of spreading utter bull**it, and unfortunately many are being convinced.


Stop worrying everything will be just fine. :???:



^ That's a myth. The Y2K problems were largely averted because of a global effort to upgrade computer hardware and operating systems in the years before the turn of the millennium. 


Comparing a No-deal Brexit to a well planned and implemented technical upgrade process that took place over years is quite far off the mark.


Still caused a big panic at the time, and after three years ,if trade and all other agreements could not be in place for a break from the EU then those responsible should be taken to task for incompetence.


Dereliction of duty i would say and those individuals probably all on highly paid jobs at tax payers expense


If the government did not want to carry out the countries wishes and leave the EU they should have made it clear at the time and not wasted three years +.


Incompetence at the highest degree which would and could not be tolerated in any other industry .

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^ Depends on the result of the election.


If the Tory brexit supporters and the Brexit Party can combine to create a working majority, the odds are reasonable. If any other lot get in power, not a cats chance in hell. Then the riots/rebellion/revolution will start......probably.

Edited by Ghostrider
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I just would like some reassurance that Shetland NHS is on top of this and has forethought and initiative.


Stop worrying everything will be just fine. :???:
You could take advice from random people off the internet or you could seek advice from people who know what they're talking about like the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

This isn't "Project Fear" these are people who know what they're talking about trying to make sure people don't die from shortages in medicine

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And that is what I am trying to do.


I emailed the correct person (Director of Pharmacy, NHS Shetland).  To date, no reply.  On Monday, I will phone. 

Personally, I do not want to run out of meds and I am sure I am not alone in thinking this. The BMJ recently expressed their concerns too - https://www.bmj.com/content/366/bmj.l5226


So, ignoring the Y2K reference which, imho, bears absolutely no relation to a no-deal Brexit, I am doing my ruddy best.

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A couple of years age I went to Brexit for my summer holidays.



It rained the whole way though - and it hasn't given up yet. Of course, it still claims to be very democratic- "claims" being the operative word.

Edited by George.
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