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Brexit (merged threads)


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Has it worked out well? No, not yet. Because its not been done yet. Brexit was supposed to involve closing doors, cutting strings, and ignoring the demented ramblings of commie continentals. Not the tweak here and tweak there we've managed so far.

It was supposed to revert back to the 21st C. version of how things were pre-'73, back when we paid no attention to or had any interaction with Europe unless they sent plane loads of bombs our way.

Would I vote the same way again. Unquestionably, but this time try and make sure something existed in Westminster to do the job that didn't run away, or lie through their teeth, or be all soundbite and no action.



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7 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

It was supposed to revert back to the 21st C. version of how things were pre-'73, back when we paid no attention to or had any interaction with Europe unless they sent plane loads of bombs our way.

Did you really believe we’d pay no attention or have no interaction with Europe post-Brexit?

So not even trading with our nearest neighbours?

I can’t recall even the most extreme and xenophobic versions of Brexit pushing for that.

What would the benefits of this ‘flavour’ of Brexit be?

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Brexit has had its day.  The UK now seems to be rebuilding connections with the EU. Energy security and defence means we must work together. Even if the EU fails we will always have to work with our neighbours. The country is now desperate for foreign labour and it will only get worse as our population ages. 

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On 20/11/2022 at 10:17, Davie P said:

Did you really believe we’d pay no attention or have no interaction with Europe post-Brexit?

So not even trading with our nearest neighbours?

I can’t recall even the most extreme and xenophobic versions of Brexit pushing for that.

What would the benefits of this ‘flavour’ of Brexit be?

No, I didn't believe it would end up like that, too many people have established relationships within Europe out of necessity of the UK being an EU member for nearly 50 years for them to abandon as long as they have any profitability left in them. I did have a little bit of forlorn hope though, that we might get at least a noticeable amount towards it though, unfortunately our politicians cannot even achieve that despite all their hot air.

The benefits of being rid of anything EU is that the EU in common with most socialist organisations has an obsession with governing from the top down to micromanaging proportions and a similar fixation with adhering to 'one size fits all' policies. Both, IMHO leave those subject to them hamstrung and at a disadvantage compared to those operating under more governed from the bottom up and able to create bespoke policies on a situation by situation basis.

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18 hours ago, Skekler said:

Brexit has had its day.  The UK now seems to be rebuilding connections with the EU. Energy security and defence means we must work together. Even if the EU fails we will always have to work with our neighbours. The country is now desperate for foreign labour and it will only get worse as our population ages. 

The EU is a poor partner to have for energy security, seeing as they're as much a conduit for Chinese energy, and up until earlier this year, were for Russian energy, as they are a producer. Defence, yeah, well, its an arguable point whether mutterings about an 'EU Army' was the final straw when added to all the Yank military shenanigans in Europe that convinced Putin it was time to do a bit of sabre rattling.

Twice in just over 200 years Russia has been invaded, once by the French and once by the Germans, is it any wonder that when the two get in cahoots and start appearing to be organising an army, that ole Russki gets a bit miffed and puts on an attempted show of strength with a sacrificial neighbour. Unwise, probably, but surprising, no.

The UK lacked labour pre-EU, the so-called hospitality industry was rattling full of Philippinos back in the day, as was the NHS, along with an ever increasing number of Indian Doctors. EU labour just filled a gap that was caused by the EU preventing those nationalities working in the UK any longer. We don't necessarily need to source people from the EU, there are numerous nations worldwide who have crowds of people who'd give their right arm to be able to come here and work, even for half the posted salary, we just need to facilitate capable people to come here, their nationality is irrelevant.

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Twice in just over 200 years Russia has been invaded, once by the French and once by the Germans, is it any wonder that when the two get in cahoots and start appearing to be organising an army, that ole Russki gets a bit miffed and puts on an attempted show of strength with a sacrificial neighbour. Unwise, probably, but surprising, no.

No need to apologise for Putins actions. The only need for NATO or an EU army is the fear of Russians trying to get the ex Soviet territories to rejoin his union.

The EU and UK made the mistake of buying oil and gas from Russia. As well as market forces, probably hoping that by doing so the Russians might pass on some money to their own people, which would in turn enable them to join the capitalist world and buy goods. (Tory Dream)

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