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Level Playing Field (Fisheries Protection Agency statistics)


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It does highlight the value of fish (presumably) caught in OUR waters.  I suppose that, without Marine Scotland, there would be a free for all.

Pretty big assumption that the fish was caught in UK waters. Ellingsoy is pretty far North up near Alesund so surely more likely that they were fishing in the Norwegian sea??


There is a difference between "assume" and "presume".  That's why I put "presumably" in brackets.

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Interesting to note in the Norwegian newspaper Fiskbladet , a Shetland Boat recently landed fish in Ellingsoy, worth 100 Million Kroner (Over 9 Million Pounds.)


This is interesting (and good on them!) but I am not sure what the relevance is to the discussion around Marine Scotland's enforcement methods?


Not relevant at all..


It does highlight the value of fish (presumably) caught in OUR waters.  I suppose that, without Marine Scotland, there would be a free for all.


Maybe highlighting the issue will go some way towards re-dressing any imbalance in boardings. 

I wonder if they board so many Scottish inshore vessels because they know that they (largely) play by the rules and don't really want to cause a row by boarding to many "johnny foreigner" types.




Pretty big assumption that the fish was caught in UK waters. Ellingsoy is pretty far North up near Alesund so surely more likely that they were fishing in the Norwegian sea??



There needn't be assumptions made, or doubts cast. Anybody with a paid subscription to marinetraffic.com could tell you where she'd been fishing on that trip.

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It does highlight the value of fish (presumably) caught in OUR waters.  I suppose that, without Marine Scotland, there would be a free for all.

Pretty big assumption that the fish was caught in UK waters. Ellingsoy is pretty far North up near Alesund so surely more likely that they were fishing in the Norwegian sea??


There is a difference between "assume" and "presume".  That's why I put "presumably" in brackets.


Apologies I did mean to type presume. 

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Note the time stamp on this....

I've just read the UK government Brexit white paper, this paragraph should be of particular interest for those who voted to leave the EU in order to prevent EU fishermen fishing in our waters.

"8.16 In 2015, EU vessels caught 683,000 tonnes (£484 million revenue) in UK waters and UK vessels caught 111,000 tonnes (£114 million revenue) in Member States’ waters. Given the heavy reliance on UK waters of the EU fishing industry and the importance of EU waters to the UK, it is in both our interests to reach a mutually beneficial deal that works for the UK and the EU’s fishing communities. Following EU exit, we will want to ensure a sustainable and profitable seafood sector and deliver a cleaner, healthier and more productive marine environment."

^^ The UK government published this white paper nearly a year ago.

See the bit where it says "...It is in both our interests to reach a mutually beneficial deal that works for the UK and the EU's fishing communities." This wasn't written by a bullying EU bureaucrat, it was written by our own side. Successive UK governments have been using our fishing industry as little more than a bargaining chip since the 70's. The deal's all but done, the UK government is taking us out the CFP and replacing it with the.......CFP.

If Mr UK is selling a car, Mrs EU offers £1000 for it and Mr UK accepts the money and makes the exchange, you can't then blame Mrs EU for leaving poor Mr UK without a car.

Edited by Capeesh
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Probably what we really should be asking ourselves, is what UK political party would do a better job at bargaining with the EU just now,and my answer is none .


They are to preoccupied arguing among themselves to satisfy there own selfish ends.


The whole thing is a fiasco mainly caused by those who should have known better.


Oh boy! will there be changes come the next general election,which may not be that far away. 

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Fishermen saw a chance to exit the hated CFP and understandably supported it. 


If that chance is squandered by self serving politicians who made the promises then it is not the fault of the fishermen. Voting Remain would have meant an indefinite continuation of the status quo whilst supporting the SNP and Scottish Independence would very likely end up with rejoining of the EU and the CFP, possibly under worse terms than exist now. 

It is clear to me that very very few people south of Fair Isle give even the slightest concern to the needs of Shetland. Whilst we continue pouring money South for it never to return we will continue to be ignored on the periphery. Perhaps the upcoming Islands Bill may help on that front but IMO will never go far enough to protect our interests. 

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I know some small boats who did quite well this year from the mackerel season, and I believe the unused quota was divvied up among the boats that actually went out after the mackerel, to extend their 'season'. Also, line-caught mackerel attracts a much higher price than the hoovered up trawl catch, adding to the value to the small boats.

It might seem unfair that the super-trawlers get the lions share of the quota, but the vast majority of the fishing they do is way beyond the working range of the small boats, and the forefathers of the big boat crews worked bloody hard to get where they are. You can catch mackerel with a beach-caster off the shore, and small boats can get to places the big boats could never chance going, I think there is enough to go round, and make a good living for everyone, and lots of opportunity for lots more small boats - might even get one myself.

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