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Donald Trump (poll)

Davie P

Donald Trump  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. In general, do you support Donald Trump?

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The article you linked to only discusses employment rate. Whilst the numbers aren't bad for Trump, they were less positive than expected and are part of a trend since the 10% unemployment rate caused by the 2008 banking crisis.


Better news for him regarding employment, with a wider impact on the economy as a whole, would be the promised increase in average wages which would increase consumer spending. But that hasn't happened yet, and the impact of his tax cuts will only be known over the next few years.




The US economy as a whole is in reasonable shape but the US markets have been on a downturn since October and there are predictions of a recession in 2019.



Since this thread is discussing Trump, it's worth noting that individual politicians and political parties often claim credit for 'booming' economies, and blame others and/or their predecessors for poor performance. The reality is that in a globalised economy there are so many interconnected factors and external influences that it is difficult to draw any kind of "cause and effect" line from a domestic fiscal policy to a measurable impact to the wider economy. It's a case of fine-tuning rather than "I did this, so that happened"


In general, Trump's unpredictable nature (a single off-the-cuff Tweet can knock several points off the global markets, for example), blunt and ill-informed interventions, and habit of threatening tariffs and trade embargoes on other countries doesn't help the US or global economy. 


I also wonder about the common belief that because he is a 'businessman' in a narrow market sector that this equips him for calling the shots on the wider US, and therefore global, economy. His experience is of trying to make his company more profitable than other companies, often at the expense of others, rather than fostering an economic environment to make many companies, countries and individuals prosperous.

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Maybe if we had Trump instead of Threasa May running this country then we might not be a laughing stock in the EU

Maybe, if we had Trump the stump instead of wee Terry, we'd be seen as a bit soft in the head. After all, having to put up with Terry Maybe has brought questions to the fore, both in the present United Kingdom and worldwide. If we had to cope with Trump, it would be the quickest way to become a third-world country. That is, of course, only my opinion. I don't state it as being factual.

Edited by George.
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^ So May has discovered spell and grammar check, and knows how to disable autocucumber, and Trump hasn't, or can't be bothered to use them. Which proves?


Is the ability to spell and produce correct grammar really much of an asset these days anyway, given that a significantly sizeable proportion of the population seem capable of only communicating in textspeak and smileys anyway.

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Trump comes across as an ignorant bully, appealing to rednecks and nazis. Whether he chooses to reduce himself to that level on purpose or whether he can't help is difficult to say. There is a misogynist, racist, right wing element waiting in the wings everywhere, including Shetlink,  for some messiah to lead them.


Theresa May is, fortunately, well educated and able, despite the media machinations. It is obvious EU leaders respect her, despite the rhetoric. When theyhave a laugh it is at the expense of Trump, Boris Johnson and Rees-Mogg, howver they are nor#t really funny but rather sinister individuals, trying to appeal to the extremists as well. Who else do we have. Corbyn and McDonnell - well unfortunately I don't see any hope there. I think it is time for a major rethink of our political system.

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Almost the whole political establishment and the massed ranks of the media told us that Trump had no chance and Hillary was going to win with every poll they published putting Hilary 10 - 20 points ahead yet she lost and by a fair margin . The Democrat party has still not recovered from this shock and have not been so angry since the Republicans took away all their slaves in 1865 . 

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Way to ignore what's been going on and is being investigated. You may also want to investigate the alignments of the Republicans and Democrats way back when slavery bit the bullet. It's the same mistake Trump made. The Republican party of today is very different to what it was back then.

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Theresa May is, fortunately, well educated and able, despite the media machinations.

Sold the educational claims? Sold the claims regarding ability?


Theresa May's Brexit stratagy left brutally exposed by Brussels failure


If there is any proof showing otherwise, it would be interesting to study but, as yet, nothing has been put forward. As far as I know, it never will be.

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Just about every single person that walks this earth is politically biased in some way or another. Unfortunately, an awful lot of them make statements and expect the rest of humanity to swallow it as factual. The press is not a source of fact very often, though. It's a source of opinion. We are all entitled to our own opinions, be they right, wrong or in between the two - but I do expect to be informed honestly whether what is being put forward is either factual, built on faith or no more than an opinion. I do my best to do that, and hope that others will do the same. Unfortunately, they don't always.

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Just about every single person that walks this earth is politically biased in some way or another. Unfortunately, an awful lot of them make statements and expect the rest of humanity to swallow it as factual. The press is not a source of fact very often, though. It's a source of opinion. We are all entitled to our own opinions, be they right, wrong or in between the two - but I do expect to be informed honestly whether what is being put forward is either factual, built on faith or no more than an opinion. I do my best to do that, and hope that others will do the same. Unfortunately, they don't always.

All of the US news shows apart from Fox are vehemently anti Trump and they go after him 24/7 . After Trumps election victory many of the talking heads were visibly upset some were even crying . I think this tells us all we need to know about their political bias . . 

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