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Njord Market Google Login?


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Ok. So some folk on old/older versions of FireFox have notified us that they were only receiving a blue screen and the site wasn't loading for them. We have just rectified this issue and so can these people now try again? You should get the site loading for you now.


Works fine for me and a nice new looking set up, well done Shetlink Admin Team.

Thank you. Much appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some IE11 users. You were experiencing an interesting bug. If you refresh your browsers (even try CTRL and F5 keys together) then you will all now be able to load the site properly.

Hi Trout I am having difficulties with the classifieds and getting in touch with a customer/seller on Shetlink Ive even placed a wanted add to try to contact them but no reply to pm's. Can you get in touch please I cant figure out how to pm you direct. Perhaps the item has sold.



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Hiya. Apologies for length of time in reply to you. For logged in members there's private messaging 'support' available via the https://www.njord.market/contact form available from the footer.


This section https://www.njord.market/faq#mymessages of the FAQ's detail the workings of the PM system. The sub-section on tracking conversations will help you to garner whether people have read your messages

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Hiya. Apologies for length of time in reply to you. For logged in members there's private messaging 'support' available via the https://www.njord.market/contact form available from the footer.


This section https://www.njord.market/faq#mymessages of the FAQ's detail the workings of the PM system. The sub-section on tracking conversations will help you to garner whether people have read your messages


Many thanks. I understand the njord messaging system and have left many(4/5) messages about this one advert there has been and continues to be no communication with the individual, and I suspect one of two things. Either the user cant login to get the messages or the item has sold. I found  that I could not login as the people above, I found the password reset emails in my googlemail/gmail spam folder.


I will not mention the users name in question here, but was hopping you could do something.



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