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Best Mobile phone coverage?


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  • 3 months later...

I wouldn't get too excited about 3G. They market it to look very good, but I have 3G on my phone, and its a novelty to begin with... but then you realise its actual a waste of time.


Mobile TV over 3G has to be one of the biggest wastes of time ever. And Video calls, they are expensive too.

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  • 1 month later...

I spoke to a Vodaphone engineer last year that I happened to meet. he told me that Shetland would not be getting 3G masts anytime soon.

I dont think Shetlands missing to much though. Ive tried it when ive been south and most of the stuff I would do with my phone I can do with the phone in Shetland.

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One benefit I can see of 3G is something T-mobile are doing at the moment, internet for your laptop by using your phone as a modem. T-mobile do a £20 a month package which gives you a 3gb download limit at the moment, and 3G gives you quite fast speeds (I don't know the exact sppeds. If I lived on the mainland all the time, I'd be tempted to go with T-mobile as my phone provider just so I could get the internet anywhere on my laptop, but seeing as they are pretty poor for coverage in Shetland I think I'll give it a miss.


Incidentally I could use my phone as a modem at the moment and access the internet on my laptop through Vodafone, except they would charge me £2.35 a MB. I think not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used my phone for browsin the internet for a week and it cost me £500. I was shocked! I immediately deleted me internet settings so I couldna accidentally go on weeoot realisin. Vodafone's prices are ridiculous. It's no lik it costs them much, they should just drop the prices. Noo you canna even go on vodafone live! weeoot bein charged for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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