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Pierhead gig 31st August 2019


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Hey guys!

I hire band rehearsal rooms in Aberdeen, and we've decided to bring 4 (hopefully 5) of our regular bands up to Shetland for a party. We don't know anyone there, but are hopeful folk might come!

We've hosted plenty of DIY shows within the studio, but wanted a holiday together somewhere different. This one is free entry, and we're hopeful it will be memorable!

-Pierhead Restaurant and Bar, Voe.

-First band 8pm-ish

-Facebook event


Sporkz - https://www.facebook.com/Sporkz/

The one and only Sporkz shall serenade y'all with their own electro-industrial rhythms, spliced with the ramblings of a front man who always knows exactly what to say (and how to say it).

Dirty Rookers - https://dirtyrookers.bandcamp.com

A long awaited return from the guys who blend influences spanning.....NO SERIOUSLY, WHERE THE pootle HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN!?

Death Watch - https://www.facebook.com/deathwatchsludge/(RETURN TO SHETLAND)

Fat and nasty Sludge. Combining elements of Doom, Hardcore and Death Metal. Generatine bone shaking riffs that rock your core. These guys sonically smash the stage whilst remaining some of the nicest bunch in the scene. Previously smashed the Heavy Metal Buffet.

Bitterwood - https://www.facebook.com/BitterwoodHC/

Catchy, brutally honest, filthy & dedicated. Some of the many descriptors you can associate with the music of this hardcore outfit. One minute the lyrics extend a friendly hand shake, the next they're ripping off your arm violently whilst leaving you with a sense of belonging.

ROTU - https://www.facebook.com/RotuAberdeen/

A band which in a parallel universe could have easily been celebrity chefs.


Check their splendid spread of succulent silky smooth sonic soufflé's at MV Showcase No 10!

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