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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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With TS standing down, who's your money on to become our next MSP?


There's three hats in the ring so far - Ian Scott, Ryan Thomson and Johan Adamson


Or somebody else....?

Very interesting. I think Ryan Thomson will do well, I expect he'll get a lot of the under 40 age group vote which otherwise might favour the SNP.  I think it will be between him and whoever the Lib Dems put up, but it may well be the end of an era.


I see Ian Scott is standing for da Fight Austerity, Save our NHS, Save our Welfare State party. Dat's catchy, or F.A.S.S.O.N.H.S.S.O.W.S. for short.


Onybody fancy playin Countdown wee dat?

He's either a show of or no ass, time will tell!

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You can't call it til the Lib Dems and Nats have announced their candidates, The vote for the person angle counts for as much as the vote for the party angle with Holyrood, thus far anyway.


RT may poach a few party faithful and from among those who know him orknow of him, but he's managed to piss off a not inconsiderable number of folk as well along the way.......

Edited by Ghostrider
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Ok, Tavish Scott has said that he's finished, he's chucking it in and he's supposed to be going to go and do something else. A few years ago, Alister Carmichael said the same sort of thing but he's still here. After such a long time, it suggests that he has either told a wee porky, or he's changed his mind and not told anybody.


Will Tavish do the same sort of thing, or will he actually do what he appears to have stated that he will do?

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^ Dunno, Rasmie. Tories have never been a great favourite around here and, unfortunately, for a long time the Lib's have been in big style. Yes, the S.N.P have become much more popular, while Labour is nobodies friend. I think that it will end up being either Lib Dim or S.N.P. Toss the coin and hope.

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Talk of the devil......


SIBC Headline.



Stuart Hill, under his Sovereign Nation of Shetland, has claimed that the up-coming by-election for the Scottish parliamentary constituency of Shetland is illegal and that any one taking part, either by standing for election or voting, is aiding and abetting a fraud.


Like a stuck record......sausage, no entertainment this time.

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What could be a problem here is a big proportion of the traditional liberal vote going to Labour or the Greens, just as a protest against some previous policy matters. This could well result in a major victory for the SNP who are desperate to increase their power to include the northern isles.

We may well get those Gaelic road signs eventually as the SNP have already planted them in areas of Scotland with no history of the language. We have more people speaking Chinese here than Gaelic, either language would be an unnecessary ridiculous addition to our road signs.

Keep the SNP, the kilt, the sporran, the bagpipes, and the clan chiefs and tartans where they belong, on the Scottish mainland. 

The history of Shetland shows we have little to thank Scottish lairds and lords for.

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^ Considering the majority of SIC 'manager' types and a few Councillors came in da Sooth Mooth, the push for sporrans, haggis and Gaelic to be imposed upon us by the SIC isn't that outlandish.


Left to Councillors we're almost certainly safe, but let that bunch of un-elected suits in plush offices who are the ones who actually run the show, get an idea in to their head, and they take some stopping.


Anyhow, whose going to stand for the Brexit Party in this, they'll get my vote.

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Yes, I agree. first we need to stop foreigners at the national borders, then we can work on all the pesky soothmoothers who have come here stealing our jobs and sitting on their gold plated thrones making us eat fancy haggis etc etc


But what about the councillors that aren't thoroughbred Shetlanders? Have they been compromised with external genes too? Where will it end!



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