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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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Rather fond of the odd casual sarcastic remark yourself Davie I see. I suppose we're all hoping for the best.


Considering the major problems facing the planet maybe brexit should be a little lower on the list of priorities anyway, and independence even lower. 


I think you must be picking me up wrong as I'm not intending to be sarcastic.


But yes, we're all hoping for the best.


In the big scheme of things Brexit is really just a bureaucratic and legislative sideshow. We'll end up with another pile of trade deals to replace the ones we're ditching, global capitalism will continue as normal and the whole episode will be an embarrassing historical footnote!

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I suppose we're all hoping for the best.


Considering the major problems facing the planet maybe brexit should be a little lower on the list of priorities anyway, and independence even lower.

Dis is a very good point. I tink we get lost among aa da brewhaha and spend ower lang shergin at each anidder dat we forgit dat we're aa in dis tagidder. If we aa pit as muckle effort intae finnin workable solutions as we do nigglin aboot whaas right and whaas wrang den we'd be in a much better situation.


At least in dis by-election aa da candidates ir, for da most part, makin a positive fist o things rather than tryin tae pick at each idder.

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So Alex Salmond has received over £500,000 of taxpayers money after a legal battle with the SNP,

and this is because of the SNP's incompetence apparently. He also has £100,000 from a crowd funding

appeal to fight his case.

He has yet to come to trial. Is this really happening?

Is this really the party for a new beginning, a party to take Scotland forward to a bright future.

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I think it’s a shame that our lampposts are being used for posting adverts. Imagine if all 10 candidates did the same. Kind I’ll triven.

Tom Wills' team have gone a bit OTT and in your face. It's like the daffodils have had a second sproot this year and climbed the lampposts.
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I think it’s a shame that our lampposts are being used for posting adverts. Imagine if all 10 candidates did the same. Kind I’ll triven.

Tom Wills' team have gone a bit OTT and in your face. It's like the daffodils have had a second sproot this year and climbed the lampposts.

Smacks of desperation to me, everywhere you look you see his face. I doot someone is throwing a lot of money at his campaign.


Wonder if I could get away with advertising my business on every lamp post for the next two weeks

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