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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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Suggesting a governing party has more influence implementing policy than anyone else is so obvious it's like saying the sky is blue or the sea is wet.


Yes, but, if they want to win over people to ensure they get a certain constituency seat next time instead of someone else, being seen to treat that constituency equitably and fairly and taking their needs and views in to consideration goes a long way towards making that happen.


Whatever message the SNP propaganda machine intended to portray, what's being received is that unless we get with the program we will continue to be short changed and largely ignored. If thats not what they want people to receive, maybe they need to review the material they're churning out and how they deliver it to its recipients.


I'm 'almost' tempted to vote for Peter Tait.....almost.

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According to the Sunday Times, they say the SNP have run a highly visible campaign, importing teams of activists from the mainland. That’s maybe the group Ghostie saw around his neighbourhood.


A distinct possibility, they had all the appearance of having been parachuted in. As the saying goes, you can spot the 'tourists' a mile off.


A least they had a local self-drive car, so they left that bit of cash behind them for the local economy.

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I see as well as having two visits from Nicola Sturgen, we are having a 2nd visit from the deputy leader along with MEP Christian Allard, then to be followed by Westminster leader Ian Blackford.


It is unbelievable the money the SNP are throwing at this, pity they can’t find the time to come up when issues like airport parking charges are being discussed..


According to the Sunday Times, they say the SNP have run a highly visible campaign, importing teams of activists from the mainland. That’s maybe the group Ghostie saw around his neighbourhood.


This all smacks of more than just desperation to win a local by-election !!!

Perhaps they would like to see the damage being caused by Viking Energy whilst they're up here and explain how a helicopter taking water from lochs is carbon neutral?  The more I read about the SNP, the more tempted I am to put my views about the LDs and Brexit to one side and actually vote for Beatrice.

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As long as you are getting a sense that any candidate's campaign is being run by themselves and the local branch of the party, I'm willing to afford any candidate enough respect to hear out their speil. These are locally based folk after all, and can (or should be) able to present their chosen party's policies in a way that shows how they would benefit Shetland.


The longer this by-election campaign goes on the more you get a sense that the local SNP branch and its core supporters have been sidelined, if not frozen out by Head Office, who are dictating and organising everything using their 'own people'.


That just smells of outsiders who know nothing about us and the place wading in telling us we're doing it wrong, and what we should be doing instead. Not a good impression to create, as the first image that jumps in to my head when folk do that is Harry Enfield's 1990's arrogant twat 'You don't wanna be doin it like dat.....' character.

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I think this is make or break for Scottish Independence. I would have thought, however, that it’s a bigger issue for the Liberals. They would need to buck up their ideas if they are to keep their seat safe. However this is just a by-election and for an inconsequential parliament at that. The real battle and the only one that matters is the UK parliament sitting at Westminster. Girn an greet aa you lik.

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This inconsequential parliament put my brother through university free of charge, it's in the process of almost doubling the free nursery hours for my youngest child enabling my mrs to work and earn extra money and save us extortionate childcare costs, saved me money on travel to the mainland, built a new high school a few of my family members attend not to mention the hundreds of affordable houses that have sprung up all over Shetland where a couple of my friends live, given first class healthcare to a good few of my family and friends and that's just of the top of my head.

These are real tangible things that have come to me and many other Shetlanders from Holyrood under the SNP.

If that's how they punish Shetland for not voting for them then forgive me if this Shetlander bends over and takes six of the best.

Edited by Capeesh
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Of course not but you just have to look at what's happening in the North of England right now, we're lucky we have a devolved parliament, they almost get completely ignored, Boris couldn't give a flying fig what happens outside the M25, I'm sure it was Thatchers government going on about managed decline in cities like Liverpool.

If Westminster's so good why have they downed tools to tear themselves apart while taking the whole country to the edge of an economic cliff edge with their no deal Brexit?

The only memorable thing our MP and his fellow LibDems did was jump into bed with the tories and treat us to a decade of austerity.

Edited by Capeesh
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The reality is we are only some 21000 people in Shetland and our demands on the "governments" probably well exceed those of other areas and we are probably lucky to have what little we get.


It costs more for everything on those islands ,eduction,transport,health services ect ect and that is probably more than they reap back in tax to pay for it.


Many argue that we could be self sufficient, i somehow doubt that and will always maintain that we are better off as part of the UK  .


The SNP would like Scotland to break away from the Union and yet remain part of the EU this makes no sense to me but everyone to there own opinions


IMHO our political representatives are not listening to the majority of there constituents anymore but trying to appease what appeals to them alone.


There is nothing "free" someone somewhere has to pay for it.

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There is nothing "free" someone somewhere has to pay for it.

Or it could be seen as an investment like free education, I'm sure someone on here posted evidence from a study proving the benefits of having a well educated population to the country's economy. Getting medicine to people who need it with free prescriptions who are put off by the cost might end up costing the NHS more down the line. Free care for the elderly may stop hospital beds getting taken up. Free nusery care could lead to parents getting back in the workplace earning money gaining disposable incomes, maybe taking them out of benefits and paying tax. Means testing also costs money. I'm no expert by a long shot and I don't have the facts and figures but I'm pretty sure it's not as black and white as free stuff is a burden on the taxpayer. Edited by Capeesh
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