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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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I hope the negative smear campaign that's been launched against Tom Wills's bid by some of his opponents falls flat on its face.

I don't think we're daft enough to fall for it, people will see through the clumsy fabrications.

I’m not sure there is any smear campaign against Tom Wills, he’s a local man with good intentions, I for one would rather see a local person elected, rather than someone from the mainland, who won’t know the ways of the isles. I think the issues lie with how his party has taken over his campaign which is not doing him any favours. This extremely over the top, in your face approach is not the Shetland way.

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Yes George there is a possibility that the SNP will win. 


I just hope our Nicola will then stay at her desk and try to find a solution to the alarming deficit before rushing headlong into another referendum campaign. 


The deficit has not been helped by the half a million pounds of taxpayers money which has been handed to Alex Salmond. This much needed cash has been lost due to the botched handling of the Salmond affair. The main party to this is no other than the permanent secretary to the first minister. 


Why has nobody been called to account here, for this gross mismanagement of public funds. Mr Salmond, the "hero" of the SNP not long ago, had no problem winning his case this time around.


Perhaps he will have less success with his long awaited trial. I sincerely hope there is no russian interference, he seems to have made friends on that side of the fence.

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Yes George there is a possibility that the SNP will win. 


I just hope our Nicola will then stay at her desk and try to find a solution to the alarming deficit before rushing headlong into another referendum campaign. 


The deficit has not been helped by the half a million pounds of taxpayers money which has been handed to Alex Salmond. This much needed cash has been lost due to the botched handling of the Salmond affair. The main party to this is no other than the permanent secretary to the first minister. 


Why has nobody been called to account here, for this gross mismanagement of public funds. Mr Salmond, the "hero" of the SNP not long ago, had no problem winning his case this time around.


Perhaps he will have less success with his long awaited trial. I sincerely hope there is no russian interference, he seems to have made friends on that side of the fence.

All sounds a bit dodgy,best give them a wide berth and put your "X " elsewhere  :roll:

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I've just heard that after his failure to buy Greenland, Donald Trump has been holding talks with Calamity with a view to the purchase of Forvik.

Should these talks prove fruitful for Donald this could pose problems for the SNP in their obsessive campaign for independence.

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Thank you, Claadehol. Yes, you're right I believe. There is a markedly strong chance that the S.N.P. will win again, but I strongly suspect that there is an inherent problem for you in that.


Why has nobody been called to account here, for this gross mismanagement of public funds. Mr Salmond, the "hero" of the SNP not long ago, had no problem winning his case this time around.


The above strongly suggests that you have a large problem with what has happened regarding Mr. Salmond. I wonder if similar, or possibly worse, happened via Westminster. Remember how much public money was wasted by Margaret Thatcher to fund the rescue of her son, who was pulled, while abroad, for illegal sales of arms, and Maggie did it without right. That is only one of thousands of events that have happened throughout Westminster. That kinda means that a wee problem with Mr. Salmond is a very wee problem. No doubt you will disagree, but regardless, it may well be worth considering who is on the good side and who is on the bad side.


I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump agreed with that point - regardless of whether or not he buys Greenland.

Edited by George.
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Margaret Thatcher's wayward son's activities and Maggie's part in his rescue was extremely well publicised just about everywhere, whereas the half a million quid fiasco we're talking about here has been completely sidelined. Why is nobody held to account here George? Doesn't it matter?

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I hope the negative smear campaign that's been launched against Tom Wills's bid by some of his opponents falls flat on its face.

I don't think we're daft enough to fall for it, people will see through the clumsy fabrications.


The negativity is towards his choice of party, the only negativity towards him the individual is his choosing to stand under their colours.


Once upon a time the SNP appeared to on the ascent in the credibility and respectability stakes, then along came Salmond and his sycophants who took it over and became one and the same. You either love or hate Salmond, his ideals and his methods, there is no room for inbetween, and my opinion of him and them would be deleted by Admin.....


Salmond's mark is still indelibly upon the SNP, mainly because he's still lingering in the shadows poking at things with a pointy stick occasionally, the party is still largely in the control of his disciples, and in any case his direct influence only diminished in the relatively recent past. That is the main criticism and opposition Wills has attracted by choosing who he aligns politically with.


On a personal level, and in my personal opinion, the only real concern I have about Wills is that his politics largely mirror daddy's politics, and we know all about daddy's political beliefs and methods having not long since gotten rid of him from the ;local political scene, and are well aware of his more historic failed attempts to enter politics on a more national level.


Wills junior is an unknown on the political scene, he has no track record of any kind to judge him by. No doubt those who have personal knowledge of him know the origins and extent of his political beliefs, but for the rest of us, many of whom never knew he existed before he was announced as the SNP candidate. We have to consider to what extent, if any, junior is simply senior's protegee/mouthpiece to live through vicariously now that he seems to have become too old and tired to do so actively himself.

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I am stunned regarding the timing here. The SNP secretary for transport has just issued a statement saying that he considers Tom Wills' proposal for ferry fares very reasonable and he looks forward to discussing with him.


Isn't that amazing? He is ready to discuss this and plan a way forward with Tom even before the vote has taken place. Has he just read Tom's leaflet?


I wonder how much discussion has taken place here regarding timing of press releases here.


My! My! This is really well planned isn't it? 

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I am stunned regarding the timing here. The SNP secretary for transport has just issued a statement saying that he considers Tom Wills' proposal for ferry fares very reasonable and he looks forward to discussing with him.


Isn't that amazing? He is ready to discuss this and plan a way forward with Tom even before the vote has taken place. Has he just read Tom's leaflet?


I wonder how much discussion has taken place here regarding timing of press releases here.


My! My! This is really well planned isn't it?


Ha ha, they must think the Shetland folk are stupid, this us all so orchestrated it’s unbelievable. Their backhanded tactics will eventually backfire on them.

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I am stunned regarding the timing here. The SNP secretary for transport has just issued a statement saying that he considers Tom Wills' proposal for ferry fares very reasonable and he looks forward to discussing with him.


Isn't that amazing? He is ready to discuss this and plan a way forward with Tom even before the vote has taken place. Has he just read Tom's leaflet?


I wonder how much discussion has taken place here regarding timing of press releases here.


My! My! This is really well planned isn't it? 


We're going to need much bigger bribes than empty promises.......


Offers of non sequential numbered used notes in significant quantities left at secluded remote locations by prior arrangement, would be a good place for them to start.

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No longer empty promises Ghostie, the plan will work. Some of Tom's promises will of course come to well planned fruition. 

The timing of it all is of course critical.

Once in, all the stops will be pulled out to ensure enough of Tom's promises will be fulfilled in order to prove what a great choice we have made.

And of course how beneficial for Shetland the vote for the SNP really is.

Any chance we may have had of seeking the same sort of autonomy as the Isle of Man or Faroe in the future will of course have been lost. Jo Grimond tried that many years ago but the spirit wasn't there. It might well be now the way the whole country is going.

But once we're in the SNP clutches, we  will have to accept what we're given, and our SNP representatives will toe the party line without question.

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And while we're on the subject, why can we not take some notice of Jim Sillars, (former deputy leader), and Alex Neil, (former cabinet minister), on their present day views on the SNP.

They want to know why the views of the many "leave" SNP politicians have no voice in the Commons. Why should we have a nationalist party now that will not tolerate dissent.

SNP politicians now have to toe the party line, otherwise they have to face the music.

Many politicians of other colours swap sides now and again, that's democracy.

Not in the SNP however.

Ask Jim Sillars 

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.Many politicians of other colours swap sides now and again, that's democracy



It would be interesting to see a definition of "Democracy."

government by the people especially : rule of the majority. b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
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