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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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Kids went on a protest about climate change, and Wills, who has already nailed his colours to the mast re: climate change, urged the SIC to “listen to the voice of the next generation”. I see no problem there and he's certainly not the only person in politics to do so.


But hey ho, lets continue to find ways to single out Wills and reframe him as a baddie....

Agree with most o yon Davie, but a cynic might think it’s more about trying to get the youngsters votes. But hae ho dats politics ;-)

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The issue for me is whether any of it is genuine or is it all about timing, and a clear determination to win by whatever means they can throw at it. You get the feeling they are following a prepared script and timetable, no doubt been planned out by the advisers in Edinburgh.


I would have liked to see a campaign run by Tom himself with some support from his party, not one run by his party, with some support from him. They have hijacked ‘his’ campaign.


It’s a shame as I do believe Tom’s desire to represent Shetland well, are genuine, but if elected, I think he’ll find his ability to work on Shetlands behalf will depend on whether this fits the party line.

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.....I do believe Tom’s desire to represent Shetland well, are genuine, but if elected, I think he’ll find his ability to work on Shetlands behalf will depend on whether this fits the party line.


This is fundamental to party politics though. Candidates for the other parties will be bound by manifestos and the party whip too.


I'm open minded re: politics and have a relatively neutral stance, but there are many people who have made up their mind long ago re: SNP and are disproportionately  determined to find fault in everything Wills says in order to support their existing opinion.

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"This is fundamental to party politics though. Candidates for the other parties will be bound by manifestos and the party whip too."


and THAT is what's wrong with the whole business.  Regardless of the party, an elected MSP/MP/Whatever should, first and foremost, be there to represent the wishes and needs of his electorate and not be subject to the whims of the party "machine".

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^And Alistair Carmihael proves the point. At present he is the Liberal Democrat Chief Whip, Shadow Cabinet member for Northern Ireland & Liberal Democrat MP for Orkney and Shetland. I think that he gets no more than a little time to look after us.

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Trying to drag in a few of the Green supporters now, and the youth who've been brainwashed by their schools curriculum to 'do something, anything, never mind how ineffectual - just do it, and do it now".




Which bit are you complaining about? Kids being taught about climate science and politics, or kids being politically active?


All of them.


So called 'climate science' is no more a science as weather forecasting is a science. Its generally scientifically related, yes, but its an exercise in guesstimates at best, science by definition is to describe an outcome and how it is achieved, in such a way that others can replicate it again and again. By all means teach kids that based on current knowledge 'experts' estimate yadda, yadda, yadda is how the climate is changing and why, but FFS stop teaching them that its proven fact and a certainty, for its anything but, and that's how they're understanding it. Which in its own way is potentially as dangerous as just sitting back ignoring the situation and doing nothing.


Kids do not have adequate knowledge/experience of life and the world to form a well rounded objective political POV, like religion it has no part in formal organised education, people should be left to find their own political way in their own time.

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Of course, being involved in the 'Green' industry himself, this one could well be seen as helping put a few more pennies from trickle down in to his own pocket eventually too.


Are you suggesting he is taking a stance on climate change for his own financial benefit? If so, I suggest you take your accusation as a conflict of interest complaint to the Scottish Government. It may be a more effective way forward than making insinuations on a forum.



Bahahahahahahaaa........You cannot be serious!


Making a complaints to the Scottish Government.......Which is run by the SNP, against an SNP man, for punting the SNP's pet obsession of making Scotland some sort of 'Green Nirvana".


Yeah, right.......I can just see that getting wholly unbiased and impartial consideration...........NOT!

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So called 'climate science'......


I'd rather go with the evidence and scientific consensus before someone on the internet who puts 'climate science' and 'experts' in inverted commas and uses 'yadda yadda yadda' in place of a reasoned point.


Kids do not have adequate knowledge/experience of life and the world to form a well rounded objective political POV, like religion it has no part in formal organised education, people should be left to find their own political way in their own time.


Politics and religion are taught in schools, as subjects in themselves and as part of other subjects such as history.


What is it you think they teach in schools? Do you know the rigour subjects go through before they make it into the curriculum?


Please use 'brainwashing' in your reply for maximum effect ;-)

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Of course, being involved in the 'Green' industry himself, this one could well be seen as helping put a few more pennies from trickle down in to his own pocket eventually too.


Are you suggesting he is taking a stance on climate change for his own financial benefit? If so, I suggest you take your accusation as a conflict of interest complaint to the Scottish Government. It may be a more effective way forward than making insinuations on a forum.



Bahahahahahahaaa........You cannot be serious!


Making a complaints to the Scottish Government.......Which is run by the SNP, against an SNP man, for punting the SNP's pet obsession of making Scotland some sort of 'Green Nirvana".


Yeah, right.......I can just see that getting wholly unbiased and impartial consideration...........NOT!



Splendid. Let's just make accusations on a forum then, instead of using the independent channels set up to deal with your point. That'll do the trick.


His background in renewables is well known anyway, so I see no problem. Just perhaps, he does have the good of the voters in mind and his background will be useful rather than it being a ploy to cash in in future?

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Of course, being involved in the 'Green' industry himself, this one could well be seen as helping put a few more pennies from trickle down in to his own pocket eventually too.


Are you suggesting he is taking a stance on climate change for his own financial benefit? If so, I suggest you take your accusation as a conflict of interest complaint to the Scottish Government. It may be a more effective way forward than making insinuations on a forum.



Bahahahahahahaaa........You cannot be serious!


Making a complaints to the Scottish Government.......Which is run by the SNP, against an SNP man, for punting the SNP's pet obsession of making Scotland some sort of 'Green Nirvana".


Yeah, right.......I can just see that getting wholly unbiased and impartial consideration...........NOT!



Splendid. Let's just make accusations on a forum then, instead of using the independent channels set up to deal with your point. That'll do the trick.



You're really not getting how this all works, are you.


I really couldn't give a stuff whether Wills has a conflict of interest or not, and don't particularly want to stop him doing what he's doing. In fact the more he's allowed to talk freely the bette rthe odds of him falling on his own sword.


What I expressed was an opinion, it was thrown out there with the sole intent of seeding an idea in to reader's heads in case they hadn't thought of it themselves yet, so that they could, if they wished, consider it, and make up their own minds whichever way they like.


Methinks Davie P protesteth too much......or perhaps may not be entirely au fait with all the differing concepts of the term 'devil's advocate'.

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Not all all. I hear your point, and your intent is clear.


I'm not a fan of folk using their public positions for financial gain either, and would encourage others to call them out on it.


Equally, I'm not a fan of folk making insinuations and I'm happy to challenge them on it.

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