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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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Here's the Shetland News live updates of the count https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2019/08/29/by-election-2019-count/




00.25pm: Returning officer Jan Riise has just announced voting figures of 11,835 – or 66.5 per cent of the electorate. The postal vote of 2,414 was a whopping return of 83 per cent and 9,421 ballot papers were cast at station, a 63 per cent return.

More votes have been cast at this by-election than in the 2016 election, an extraordinary engagement.

Edited by Davie P
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Lib Dems hold Shetland 


  • Beatrice Wishart, Scottish Liberal Democrats 5,659;
  • Tom Wills, Scottish National Party 3,822;
  • Ryan Thomson, independent 1,266;
  • Peter Tait, independent 31;
  • Michael Stout, independent 134;
  • Ian Scott, independent 66;
  • Debra Nicolson, Scottish Green Party 189;
  • Stuart Martin, UKIP 60;
  • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative and Unionist Party 425;
  • Johan Adamson, Scottish Labour and Co-operative Party 152.
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Lib Dems hold Shetland


  • Beatrice Wishart, Scottish Liberal Democrats 5,659;
  • Tom Wills, Scottish National Party 3,822;
  • Ryan Thomson, independent 1,266;
  • Peter Tait, independent 31;
  • Michael Stout, independent 134;
  • Ian Scott, independent 66;
  • Debra Nicolson, Scottish Green Party 189;
  • Stuart Martin, UKIP 60;
  • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative and Unionist Party 425;
  • Johan Adamson, Scottish Labour and Co-operative Party 152.
I ended up voting for Lib Dems i gave SNP a lot off consideration for my vote but in the end i just cant agree with thier pro euro stance if they won an Indy Ref.


I thought Beatrice winning speech comments about SNP bully boy tactics were uncalled for.

Edited by XAM7102
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If the discourse focused on bread and butter issues rather than constitutional matters such as Brexit and Scottish independence I think Labour could have won.

No chance labour are miles away under Corbyn.


Do you not think they have a duty to complete the leave process and honour the vote we had in 2016 ?

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Congratulations tae Beatrice Wishart. 


I thought Beatrice winning speech comments about SNP bully boy tactics were uncalled for.


I agree aboot her speech. Nae need. Da Lib Dem campaign has been a negative and anti-SNP affair. But she's wir MSP no so good luck tae her.


I hope she gets a bit more confident at public speaking though - twaree interviews we da local media is a different kettle o fish tae Holyrood.

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If the discourse focused on bread and butter issues rather than constitutional matters such as Brexit and Scottish independence I think Labour could have won.

and, if my granny had wheels she would have been a wheelbarrow.  :rofl:  Get a grip Andrew.  Labour never had a hope up here, and they knew it.


What I find strange is that the SNP thought that they could win it.  After the landslide Tavish got the last time, it was most unlikely that they would as it would have required a "swing" of biblical proportions !


They (SNP) might eventually achieve something here but, first they have to "prove" that they are no more than empty promises.  Telling us that we wil get this, that, and the other by voting for them suggests, to me anyway, that if we don't vote for them, then we will get nothing out of them.

Personally, faced with that choice, I would settle for "nothing".

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​Well to be honest I am disappointed Ryan Thomson didn't win, although he did well. However, I am very relieved that the SNP didn't get in. They threw the kitchen sink at it and still only got ~30% of the vote. 

​I still firmly believe some form of Autonomy is the way forward for Shetland, if we elect an SNP MSP then the chances of that ever happening are greatly diminished. 

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Interesting how the poll here is so out of wack with what people voted for in the end !

Not really "out of whack"  More "out of touch with reality".


One of the SNP tactics was to flood(?) social media with "supporters" in order to spread the "impression" that they were "popular" and were going to win.!  Just the same as covering anything that looked like a lamp post with yellow banners.  Shout something long enough, and loud enough, and a lot of people will begin to believe it.  A failed attempt at "social engineering" really. 

Thankfully, enough of the local population were smart enough to see through the ruse.


One think that really "hurt" them was when, allegedly, one of their "less intelligent" (and there are many) supporters(?) spray painted the War Memorial with "SNP".  They might as well have sprayed it with "IRA" or a Swastika etc.

Object to that comment if you like but, that was the first thought that came into my head at the time and more than illustrated the kind of people we were dealing with.

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​Well to be honest I am disappointed Ryan Thomson didn't win, although he did well. However, I am very relieved that the SNP didn't get in. They threw the kitchen sink at it and still only got ~30% of the vote. 


​I still firmly believe some form of Autonomy is the way forward for Shetland, if we elect an SNP MSP then the chances of that ever happening are greatly diminished. 


Didn't think that Ryan Thomson would make it so, I took the safe option.


Agree that now we have told the SNP to "go away", I think that we might have won a few "friends" at Westminster and that a request for some kind of autonomy might be viewed with some favour. 


Are there any "leaders" out there willing to give it a go ?

Edited by Colin
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Interesting how the poll here is so out of wack with what people voted for in the end !

Not really "out of whack"  More "out of touch with reality".


One of the SNP tactics was to flood(?) social media with "supporters" in order to spread the "impression" that they were "popular" and were going to win.!  Just the same as covering anything that looked like a lamp post with yellow banners.  Shout something long enough, and loud enough, and a lot of people will begin to believe it.  A failed attempt at "social engineering" really. 

Thankfully, enough of the local population were smart enough to see through the ruse.


Good attempt at discreditin da SNP, but it dy theory doesna explain why Ryan Thomson got exactly da same number o votes in dis (Shetlink) poll.


And I doot da reason Lib Dems didna have a good showin on dis poll is dat dir voters tend tae be owlder and dunna use da internet as much

Edited by Muckle Oxters
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