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Poll - 2019 Shetland MSP by-election

Davie P

Holyrood Election  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. If the election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • Johan Adamson, Labour
    • Brydon Goodlad, Conservative
    • Stuart Martin, UKIP
    • Debra Nicolson, Green
    • Ian Scott, Independent
    • Michael Stout, Independent
    • Peter Tait, Independent
    • Ryan Thomson, Independent
    • Tom Wills, SNP
    • Beatrice Wishart, Lib Dems

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I winder, did Nicola Sturgen try tae book da boat tae come here, and be tell da best she could hope fir would be a reclining chair or a seat in da bar. Maybe if she had tae endure a packed boat sleeping next tae strangers, she wid understand whit we hae tae pit up we. Poor capacity and no fit fir purpose.


The chances o her booking da boat wid be brawly slim, nae doot she flew up, she widna hae gotten business class though. Hopefully she will realise dat travel in and oot o Shetland is a lifeline service, not the luxury business class she’s nae doot used to.


As far as I’m concerned her visit is aa aboot waffle and false promises. We’ve been listening tae it fir years noo. I doot Mr Wills will soon find oot he has tae tow the party line if he gets in.

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^^Work started on the woefully inadequate North boats in 2001, blame our former LibDem MSP Jim Wallace, he was in government at the time as deputy First Minister no less. Or maybe the former Scottish Minister for Transport Tavish Scott could shoulder some of the blame, did he do anything about it when he was in charge?

Do the Scottish Lib Dems have any policies? All they seem to do is sit pointlessly on the sidelines moaning about things they must've forgotten to do when they were in power.

Edited by Capeesh
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Goldmans Sachs did an assessment on Brexit Britain which pegged the cost to the UK economy since the leave vote at around £600 million per WEEK!! Thats before we've even left!! Heaven only knows what it'll be if we go full on Kamikase with a "No Deal" Brexit and crash our economy under Boris's State Circus clown show.

I feel sorry for anybody who has to attempt to govern Scotland or any of the other devolved administrations when the crap hits the fan. Even though every single constituency in Scotland including Shetland voted resoundingly to remain in the EU that democratic cry has been completely ignored. (Now there's an advert for centralisation, funny how some who cry about it coming from Holyrood never bat an eyelid when it comes from Westminster.)

We'll have to deal with the dogs dinner the Tories have served up and face many many more cuts and hardships to come, unless anybody is fool enough to believe Boris, who only seems to worry about the city of London, will suddenly start worrying about your average Joe outside the M25 and increase the block grant the devolved governments recieve when the economy gets flushed down the toilet.

Edited by Capeesh
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Do you tink dis is a joke? https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2019/07/29/candidate-wants-to-return-the-monarchy-to-scotland

".....Walls man Peter Tait who is campaigning to bring the monarchy back to Scotland. The former mussel farmer says he is not interested in discussing any local issues but instead wants to use the Scottish Parliament by-election as a platform to test his political message."

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Do you tink dis is a joke? https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2019/07/29/candidate-wants-to-return-the-monarchy-to-scotland


".....Walls man Peter Tait who is campaigning to bring the monarchy back to Scotland. The former mussel farmer says he is not interested in discussing any local issues but instead wants to use the Scottish Parliament by-election as a platform to test his political message."

I was thinking the same Muckle Oxters. Seems a bit strange for a local msp candidate to state they are not interested in discussing any local issues. Mind you, I wonder if I could apply to be one of the “Scottish monarchy”
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The joke is a quote from Radio Shetland tonight.  Tom Wills saying he thinks "Shetland needs a change and a constructive voice within Westminster."

A candidate without any experience, and doesn't even know where he will end up if he wins.  Madness.



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