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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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If it can make some of us feel better I can do a rerun, anybody wi a modicum o midder wit should be able to understand this :- " Just imagine a 600 tonne crane lift capacity rumblin aboot on da tap o da Kames "

Nope, not quite there yet.


I can imagine a 600 tonne lift crane being set up on da tap o da Kames, on the hard-standing engineered to carry it, then being dismantled and moved to the next hard-standing for the next turbine.


I very much doubt the crane will be driving around weighing 600 tonnes.


Still, a nice try at scaremongering there, 5/10, maybe a 6?

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Hmmm, and I wonder how many thousand plants VE are intending to put in on the top of The Kames....

Quantity not needing debate, as lang as dir aa Shetland kale plants. We'll need a grain o kale ta aet alang wi aa da reestit mutton fae da puir auld hugs dat hae nae hill ta live upö. :lol:

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Hmm, I think your 600t crane projections are perhaps too peerie. I'd guess you'd need a 700t crane because the proposed turbines are so huge.


This is a 750t Liebherr crane.




Now, can you visualise how much earthmoving and infilling would need to be done to accomodate this beast?. Oh, and the trucks and trailers that tow, in particular the counterweights, can weigh anything up to 120t when loaded.


Whatever machine was to be used I really don't think anybody appreciates how massive they are and what it will take to build the working areas.


And look what happens when the ground gives way....


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I don’t think there’s a real understanding of the scale of these windmills.


A 49m blade is only the radius.

So would I be correct to imagine something covering the area of the Gilbertson Park pitch, on the top of a mast/tower, on the top of a hill?


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^^ Look at the masts on Bressay, then imagine each of them is twice its existing height, then imagine there are 127 of those double height beasts lining up along the Bressay skyline.


Oh yeah, and they're soild white poles too, not nicely "camoflaged" battleship grey lattice like the masts.


A nice little project for some Photoshop proficient person with a spare hour, to create a basic graphic illustrating what it would look like.


....and before anyone cries "they're not that big". With one of the blades at "12 o'clock", they are.....


The turbines at Burradale have a 45m tower and a blade is 26m long, giving a total height to the tip of the blade of 71m. The turbines being considered for the Viking Energy development will be roughly double that height. The towers will be up to 90m in height and the blades will be up to 55m long, giving a maximum total height to tip of 145m.




Bressay, Shetland Islands.

NGR: HU503387. Site Height: 220m. Structure Height: 70m




Put one Bressay mast on top of the other, and paint it solid white x 127. That is what the proposal is.

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Or to give it another perspective, for the turbines proposed on the highest area of the Kames around Scalla Field (c. 270-280m contour), the top of the blades will be the second highest point on mainland Shetland - exceeded only by the summit of Ronas Hill, only 25-35m (80-115ft) above it, and a similar height to the Kame of Foula.

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Or to give it another perspective, for the turbines proposed on the highest area of the Kames around Scalla Field (c. 270-280m contour), the top of the blades will be the second highest point on mainland Shetland - exceeded only by the summit of Ronas Hill, only 25-35m (80-115ft) above it, and a similar height to the Kame of Foula.


You're exactly right Seaflech, I agree, They should be twice as big and they're should be twice as many of them. :wink:

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