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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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^ So in answer to my question AT, VE do not state that by having the windfarm we would not be tied to fossil fuels for the next 30 years. Dunno about you, but I read the word "may" in there for starters.

If our power is coming from the windfarm, then why would we still be tied to fossil fuels?


The reason I used that phrase initially was because Billy Fox of "sustainable" Shetland advocated, as an alternative to VE, extending the gas powered Sullom Voe power station which would commit us to using fossil fuels for the next 30 years.


Edit: I see what you're getting at now. The word "may" is used in the context that the power we export to the mainland would replace fossil fuel power generation down there and "may" save enough CO2 to counteract the emissions from transport and industry up here making Shetland truly carbon neutral, not just electrically carbon neutral.


I expect the word "may" is used because nobody has actually done the sums yet to see if it would displace enough CO2.

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So the windfarm is meant to be one of the most important decisions the council have to make.....ever.....yet only 13 votes cast. This does not sound like democracy in action. Can it be that the other 9 had to declare an interest and could not vote or are our councillors really not bothered by the chance to turn the central mainland into an industrial mess or to make Shetland a prime source of clean electricity for the national grid.

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So the windfarm is meant to be one of the most important decisions the council have to make.....ever.....yet only 13 votes cast. This does not sound like democracy in action. Can it be that the other 9 had to declare an interest and could not vote or are our councillors really not bothered by the chance to turn the central mainland into an industrial mess or to make Shetland a prime source of clean electricity for the national grid.

I think there were 2 councillors missing, and a bunch who declared an interest and left the meeting.


I think it was actually 9-3.

Sorry, yes it was 9-3 for the first vote with Wills abstaining. Wills then introduced an amendment which (I think) said that due to conflict of interest, the Council wasn't qualified to express an opinion and so should recommend a public enquiry. That was defeated 9-4.

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Sad that a public enquiry was rejected.


For a project of this size, that has so polarised the opinion of those who live here, it would have been good to have a proper enquiry, followed by a full referendum, then everyone could have seen democracy in action by having one vote for each adult in Shetland.


As it is we will never know the full story of the political shinannigans that have gone on in the background.


This is not like the debate over Sullom Voe, which sits nestled in a corner - out of the way for most all of Shetland (and Shetland's visitors).


The wind farm will be a dominant part of the landscape, directly affecting hundreds of people every single day, even though they will gain nothing from it, and indeed will have to endure its building and the subsequent effects on their health, property values and lifestyle.


Part of Shetland's 'specialness' has died today.


Very sad.

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Part of Shetland's 'specialness' has died today.


Very sad.

Not quite the end of the process as the Scottish Government can still decide to hold a public enquiry. But is is not inspiring that so few councillors actually make such an important decision especially when they are going against their own planning officials.

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A sad day indeed :(


The simple reason a referendum wasn't held is because the "powers that be" know fine well that most folk in Shetland are against it and place a little more value on Shetland than given credit for.


The Scottish Government will rubber stamp this without batting an eyelid.


A sad day where greed, money and an SIC dominated "lifestyle" has come before the land that we live on and the air that we breath.....


Edit; I'm going to add a little more here.


What happened to the 2300 objections?. What happened to the SIC Planning Dept 69 page report which raised serious concerns?. What happened to Shetland's claim of Geo Park Status and "unspoilt beauty"?.


What will happen when all the earthmoving triggers massive landslides which will further marr the landscape?. What will happen when a winter hurricane damages half the turbines?. What will happen if the subsidy is cut?. What about the construction delays because the huge crane(s) can't operate due to the wind.


*sigh* :?

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