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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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As well as believing that a small random poll wasn’t random, AT also thinks in his flights of fancy around the land of the cloud cuckoo that the question was ‘Are you in favour of Sustainable Shetland?’

He may well also believe that the question was ‘Are you in favour of SNH?’ or ‘Are you in favour of RSPB? Or ‘Are you in favour of Shetland Bird Club?’ or ‘Are you in favour of Shetland Angling Club?’ ‘Are you in favour of John Muir Trust?’ or ‘Are you in favour of Shetland Amenity Trust simply because all these and many many more are opposed to Viking Energy windfarm plans.

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It wasn't random, exciseman. That's a fact. If you can't face reality, then that's your problem, not mine


Might I respectfully suggest AT you refer back to your own post where you have quoted the ST as saying "The random sample was weighted for age, sex and population distribu­tion to give as accurate as possible an indication of the balance of opin­ion."


So when is a random sample not random?

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Getting into an argument over the ST ( should of been a tracker)poll is irrelevant.


The OFFICIAL figures from the ECU are the only one's that matter, why can't the supporters get that into their thick heads :roll:


71% opposition, !!!!!!!!!


There were at least 350 people at the March and rally today that were counted, probably more.


Only 220 people allowed into Town Hall, which left many more outside.

Get your facts right!


Well done to everyone who came along in crap weather, it was a succesful day :D

Where was Tavish ?????

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Getting into an argument over the ST ( should of been a tracker)poll is irrelevant.


The OFFICIAL figures from the ECU are the only one's that matter, why can't the supporters get that into their thick heads :roll:


71% opposition, !!!!!!!!!


There were at least 350 people at the March and rally today that were counted, probably more.

Only 220 people allowed into Town Hall, which left many more outside.

Get your facts right!


Well done to everyone who came along in crap weather, it was a succesful day :D

Where was Tavish ?????

I cant speak for anyone else but this thick head has no problem understanding the ECU figures but that still doesn't mean that the majority of Shetlanders are against the windfarm it just shows that the ones against the windfarm are the ones who are shouting loudest to put their point across.

If those for the windfarm and i would count myself as one of them, were to put the same amount of effort into our shouting the ECU official figures would probably show far nearer a 50/50 split. And i do wonder if that were to happen would you still give the ECU figures the same level of importance as you are now.


As for the figures on the march i would very much doubt that the 350 you suggest is correct. Having seen the gathering at the cross and the march commencing at 11.30 this morning I'd put the number nearer 200 and thats being generous.

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It is quite clear to me that significantly more people, 71% in terms of letters to the ECU oppose the windfarm. This is highly significant and is the most relevant poll.


[edit] Don't imply anything AT [/edit], what I know to be correct is that there is and always has been a majority opposition to this windfarm, demonstrated consistently over 4 years. There has been no demonstration of majority support to the windfarm now or at any time over the past 4 year.

Ah, there's none so blind as those who will not see.


The ST poll indicates there is a majority in favour of the windfarm. That directly contradicts what you've just said.


The ECU letters are not a poll. It's that simple.


You would see much more clearly if you looked at the bigger picture AT.


VE misrepresented public opinion by using the results of a MORI poll carried out in 2006, well before the extent of their plans had been made fully public. They mercilessly used the results of that poll even in the face of overwhelming public opposition encountered in their 2007 public meetings.


What you are doing now, as indeed are they, is shamelessly using the results of a single opinion poll, the methods of which VE themselves publically discredited when the results did not suite them, to claim majority support and collapse of opposition... and only then after arguing the definition of the word majority while consulting the dictionary or a 'wordsmith'.


You are so, so far away from reality.


In fact it is utter nonsense and complete fantasy. You will have to try much harder than that if you want to convince anyone that there is anything other than majority opposition (a good example of the level of opposition measured in the past couple of years has been posted above by others since my last post).


There is so much more highly relevant evidence showing the scale of public opposition to this project if you care to look at responses to the VE proposal over its history. Isolated, it would be questionable, but it is not isolated... every public meeting, every debate, council consultation, speakeasy, letters to ECU, ST poll. It's there, plain as the nose on you face... overwhelming opposition. You can give me one example (from a widely disputed poll and not even an overall or absolute majority ), I give you 10, even more.


Collapse? No. There remains very strong majority opposition AT. I saw no evidence of collapse of opposition in Lerwick today.


[2,736 letters of objection, 1,114 letters of support, 71% Opposition]


[edit] you can show anything you like if you cherry pick. You have to take an honest look at the bigger picture if you want to get closer to the truth.

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"Speccy"]I didn't count, but I was one of many who couldn't get in the town hall afterward as it was full - several hundred at least on the march. I think the organisers should be proud of what they achieved, on such a cold day. How many would the pros have mustered?


Folk are much more likely to march in protest of something than in support.


Lets be very generous and say 350 folk did march. Still not a massive opposition to the windfarm, but a very vocal one. SS have done very well in getting their point of view across.

Judging by some of the anti-letters being written you'd think VE was planning nuclear testing!

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Guest Anonymous

probably the biggest march shetland has seen outwith up helly aa.


even with VE writing the letters for them the supporters could not be bothered to show their support for the project. not much support then when you get down to it

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The march was well attended.

It is good to see that when folks do not want something they march.

No march from the supporters tho, does not mean that there is no support, just no march.

I mean, how many pro GOV Cut marches have there been?


It is great to see folk do something, instead of nothing.


Congratulations to the organisers, it is the Pro Wind farms turn, no doubt they too will be afforded a peaceful un-heckled march.

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^^^ + Clooty Cap get real.


It was not a 50/50 split.


There are probably just as many of us who are anti giant wind farm, who do not protest or write against the project as do, therefore to use your method of calculation the ECU figures could be extrapolated as being twice as many against the VE project as shown. is that 142% against?


My maths must be as bad as yours! LOL


Good for all those who marched in protest, in this poor weather, demonstrating our democratic right. Lets hope the right people are listening.


Thinking too about protesters fighting their causes in Bahrain, Lybia, Egypt.

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