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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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The evidence that something is going on is around. The price of fuels are increasing and delivering them is increasing.

The cost of electricity will increase, burdening local Govs and folk who are within the low pay band.

In all, we all will pay, we are already being levied 15% for our luxuries.


If by "luxuries" you're referring to VAT, its been 20% since January 4th, and it was 17.5% before that from 1st April 1991, unless for a brief spell between 1st December 2008 and 1st January 2010 when the Govt. dropped it back to 15% as a sweetener.


Power prices are apparently so manipulated by the Govt. that the actual cost to produce and sell the stuff at a viable profit is all but near impossible to calculate. To my way of thinking forcing distribution companies to buy power at a grossly inflated price, so that, for the moment at least, "green" generators can be viable, is madness in the first place. Add to that that "conventional" generators are apparently also pulling in some sort of "subsidy", and you have a situation that IMHO is the dictionary definition of insanity.


Pull the plug on all subsidies, tax breaks and whatever gives all generators preferential trading terms in comparison to other businesses, and let the market set the price. Theoretically at least, we should be no worse off, as its an infernal merry-go-round anyway. Like you say, we all pay anyway, so let folk pay for the cost of what they actually use, and not for the cost of accountants and civil servants keeping tabs and records of all these ROC's, tax breaks etc power generators, distributors etc play monopoly money style with too.

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Well right now I'm thinking so long as they don't want to put a (insert your own choice of expletive here)nuclear reactor here, how bad can it really be....

But you’d be perfectly happy to use ~30% of nuclear generated electricity that will come came along the cable from the mainland UK when we get connected to the national grid?

Well no actually I wouldn't as I live on Foula which has it's own power supply as the national grid isn't interested in giving us any of their power. Wind, hydro, solar and wave power might not be ideal but if a windmill falls to bits I won't be loosing sleep about the health implications for me and my family.


This is a very tricky subject as the 180+ pages stands testimony to but as I watch the news this week I cant help but feel that oil and nuclear are not our friends so yes I'm leaning towards the far from ideal alternatives and thinking folk would need to try to lead less power hungry lives....not easy :?

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I can hear VE already " hit's mair tae geen wrang " ! ..

It really is amazing how the pro VE lobby gets going as soon as there is some positive news about marine renewables.. :wink:


^^ Where do you get the notion that those in favour of wind energy are against the tide & wave stuff?

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i'm sure that most VE supporters will be happy to support marine energy. but its not a choice between one system. the sea stuff is not at a commercial stage yet. however when were sinking under the piles of dosh from the turbines and was it 50 million from total as well. we could aways join up with them for a joint venture.

funny that you seem keen on this project. you do note who is paying for it.


the chinese are also going into green energy in a big way hydro and wind.

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you might be on to something there ^^ wind turbines to dry our cloths and the tidal turbines for washing them. ;)


A certain old and long departed local character used to stake his dungaree breeks in a burn that was on the boundary of his land, and leave them there for several days. It was said they came out cleaner than they would have from any soap and water.

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you might be on to something there ^^ wind turbines to dry our cloths and the tidal turbines for washing them. ;)


PMSL - whatever did happen to that washing powder called "Tide"? :wink:


Omo, we are dredging the deep now. We could take Comfort and Bounce back into the topic(choc bar, sorry) and stop Surfing around the subject. Although you guys will always wash at 60 degrees.


I will get my coat..........................

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