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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Your comment Kavi is untrue.


No one has gambled every last penny as you quote..


Not yet....


....but there is always over budget "unforseen expenditure", then there is ongoing debt servicing....All fine and good IF all the output figures are in the right ballpark, and the price they get for output remains no lower than estimated, etc, etc.....Oh yeah, then add to the mix that the same group of folk who are overseeing the whole deal not long since wasted, what was it, circa £5 Million fighting the LPA for occupancy of a square of ground they had no legal, moral or other claim on, and none of which had the savvy to check that a certain supermarket's extension planning application included the same planning conditions as the rest of the building t was going to be attached to, to mention only two of a very long list of gaffes, faux pas, cock-ups etc.....mustn't mention the AHS and whatever that game of musical chairs has cost over the last 20 years, of course!


Hardly inspires confidence, does it?!? They are sigining Shetland up to something that will set a worrying sized hole in the coffers anyway, and if it goes awry in any significant way has the potential to wipe out the remainder in a blink covering interest on borrowings if income is low. What if there's an ongoing issue with the cable in the early stages? Its all very well talking about insurance, but even if they were lucky enough to get someone who would insure them in the first place, it would only be good for one year, they claim, and next year's premium with be so loaded that it won't be worth the bother keeping it on.

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Projects like this could indeed put budgets under strain. Espacially if close to



With any luck, it WON'T get to completion.


Whilst I am currently in the foulest of moods due to the old psoriatic arthritis playing up big time and hence not in the clearest of minds to type (which means I'll probably waffle more than usual), it would be appreciated SP if you could note the following:


Me thinks you should stop appearing to support VE and be in favour of whacking the naffest idea in living history here and instead be talking to the lekky company and Councillors in your neck of the woods and have them build one 10 times the size in your backyard with your dosh instead, wipe out your Council's reserves and see how you like it.



On a more serious note, however, I'm not in favour of wind farms on such a huge scale and don't hold the opinion that others should be blighted with the same misfortune as some idiots appear to want to press on Shetland.


Right, I'm off to bed with me painkillers. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

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It's a strange thing as to why with all this praise for the perceived outputs of the wind farms that we cannot see any of these fantastic figures on line. I would have thought given all this bragging about it we would al least be able to look at the figures. Any links anybody ?.

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It's a strange thing as to why with all this praise for the perceived outputs of the wind farms that we cannot see any of these fantastic figures on line. I would have thought given all this bragging about it we would al least be able to look at the figures. Any links anybody ?.


I doubt it given that they are probably only in existence in Cloud Cuckoo Land. :wink:

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^^^^ Yeah, look how many times they've had to rebuild the Burradale turbines, it's scandalous. :shock: :roll:


They do rebuild them. The surcharge on your hydro bill helps pay for all the new gearboxes.


But due to a gearbox problem last February, Betsy was inactive for several weeks and turbine number one (Mina) actually achived the best productivity during 2008.


Mr Ward said: “We operate in a challenging environment and there are always things that need atten­tion. It’s hard to imagine how much better these machines would do without the breakdowns but we get on pretty well anyway.

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It's a strange thing as to why with all this praise for the perceived outputs of the wind farms that we cannot see any of these fantastic figures on line. I would have thought given all this bragging about it we would al least be able to look at the figures. Any links anybody ?.


They do not generate anything if it is "too windy"!

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Whilst I am currently in the foulest of moods due to the old psoriatic arthritis playing up big time and hence not in the clearest of minds to type (which means I'll probably waffle more than usual), it would be appreciated SP if you could note the following:


Completely off topic, but I have the same condition. Go and see Jim Unsworth at the Gilbert Bain. He gave me a new drug that cleared my psoriasis for the 1st time in ten years, and my joints have never felt better.

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Whilst I am currently in the foulest of moods due to the old psoriatic arthritis playing up big time and hence not in the clearest of minds to type (which means I'll probably waffle more than usual), it would be appreciated SP if you could note the following:


Completely off topic, but I have the same condition. Go and see Jim Unsworth at the Gilbert Bain. He gave me a new drug that cleared my psoriasis for the 1st time in ten years, and my joints have never felt better.


I do. Sending pm.

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