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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Trust asked to triple Viking investment




Well surprise, surprise! Viking Energy back to suck the teat of the cash cow yet again!

There is no stopping money grabbing scammers.

The trust will send the money to Nigeria yet again.

The Muppets in our town hall will never learn.


The report got pulled at the last minute as the powers that be were worried that the meeting would be inquorate. Something for the new trustees to get their teeth into.

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We could also do with more honesty and openness from Viking Energy.



Some honesty from The Herald would be appreciated as well. Yet another article which doesn't mention the subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, which were increased by another £3 billion in the budget.


BTW, VE will happily answer any questions you might have, just e-mail them.

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Some more UK specific analysis of the fossil fuel subsidy issue:




Lord Browne, the former chief executive of BP, has backed wind power subsidies. "People forget the government supported the oil and gas supply chain in its early days: with generous tax incentives, training programmes, strategic infrastructure; and supportive regulation," he said in 2011. "The result today is a world leading industry, creating jobs in manufacturing and engineering across the UK."



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tax incentives as in they did not pay tax while spending huge amounts on infrastructure that is already there for the wind industry, what I object to is the extra on my bill to put money into the pockets of investors/speculators.


Oh and one more thing AT you always accuse anybody who disagrees with about global warming of being in thrall to the oil companies, but could it not also be said that you have a beef with the oil industry going back to your time in employment with them and your manner of leaving?

just a thought after all it is good as you say to know folks background when they pass comment just to get it in context and all that. :wink:

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The TOSSERS have approved it.


Right, you can count me in as one of the first to be standing in front of the diggers - anyone else?

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I'm really in two minds. For the greater good of Shetland, I think it is a good idea.


From a purely selfish point of view, I'm going to have several enormous turbines on the hill the other side of the Voe. I'm really worried about flicker as the sun rises behind the turbine blades.


Who do I get in touch with to look into this? :?

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I'm really in two minds. For the greater good of Shetland, I think it is a good idea.


From a purely selfish point of view, I'm going to have several enormous turbines on the hill the other side of the Voe. I'm really worried about flicker as the sun rises behind the turbine blades.


Who do I get in touch with to look into this? :?


You raised this as an objection / query during the formal period for doing so?

In which, you have been over ruled or, if not, probbaly a bit late to be thinking about it ?

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Good news at last for Shetland, amid all the doom and gloom.


Welcome to the future. :D


No it isn't good news.


YOU may have been FOOLED by the promises of additional jobs (err, how many AFTER construction?), YOU may have been HOODWINKED by the promise of lots of dosh (err - how much (alleged) profit if NO subsidies?).


MANY of us possess commonsense and can see through the propaganda to realise windfarms are not all they are cracked (excuse the pun re broken blades, etc.) up to be.


So what happens when Billy Fox gets voted in (He's getting my vote down here in the Sarf End) and others and with any luck, then say no to the windfarm? Sure, will cost money but not as much as the cost in the longer term.




Edit: And before you say write to Wishart, I have and he didn't have the decency/figures to hand/know and he is now away according to his "Out of Office Autoreply" until 12th April - so if he doesn't know, who does? He just gave an extremely waffly response and failed to even attempt to answer the questions.

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I'm really in two minds. For the greater good of Shetland, I think it is a good idea.


From a purely selfish point of view, I'm going to have several enormous turbines on the hill the other side of the Voe. I'm really worried about flicker as the sun rises behind the turbine blades.


Who do I get in touch with to look into this? :?


You raised this as an objection / query during the formal period for doing so?

In which, you have been over ruled or, if not, probbaly a bit late to be thinking about it ?


No. Because I didn't know about the concept of turbine flicker until very recently.

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