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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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A very poor decision by the SNP administration but not surprising considering their obsession with wind power.

I feel sorry for the poor people who will have to live next to these monstrosities. The 2km setback rule should have been applied. Most people in favour do not live near the areas affected.

Will property owners be compensated for loss of property values or health issues that may arise?

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A very poor decision by the SNP administration but not surprising considering their obsession with wind power.

I feel sorry for the poor people who will have to live next to these monstrosities. The 2km setback rule should have been applied. Most people in favour do not live near the areas affected.

Will property owners be compensated for loss of property values or health issues that may arise?


Think Compulsory Purchase Orders just like with the Eurotunnel Project in the south of England for anyone living within 2km.

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Seen this on YouTube the other night -


Seems ridiculously simple, but claims 3-4x the output (so cheaper than nuclear), lower noise, and can be netted to prevent birds casualties.


The future of wind power...? Would make for a much smaller windfarm!

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A very poor decision by the SNP administration but not surprising considering their obsession with wind power.

I feel sorry for the poor people who will have to live next to these monstrosities. The 2km setback rule should have been applied. Most people in favour do not live near the areas affected.

Will property owners be compensated for loss of property values or health issues that may arise?


The issues for anyone living just inside a 2km radius from a wind turbine will be much less than those who have had to endure the filth pumped out on a daily basis from the dirty power station at Gremista. I would think a 2km radius for it would take in most of Lerwick!

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Don't forget the massive quarries and the destruction of Upper Kergord for the converter station,

The list goe's on and on as only people with brains realise :roll:


You're right, and I am literally almost crying at the utter physical destruction this is going to do to the central and north mainland.


To see the hills torn apart for mile after mile as they tear open the peat and then gowge out great quarries for all the stone for the access roads, construction areas and concrete/turbine bases will be horrendous.

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