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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Well, like today's "announcement" was ever in doubt. Nats with a self-created "green" list to check boxes on, and an "out of sight out of mind" constituency they have no realistic chance on winning anytime soon. "When" rather than "if" country....


Oh well, not much can "progress" in a month, and after that what direction anything takes, and when, is only going to be known from the ballot box.

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Without dragging back through the pages was it not the case that VE proclaimed they needed nearly 150 turbines to make the project viable, now we are down to about a 100 and by jove it's still viable. Doesn't exactly give them a lot of credence does it !

Maybe best to wait a little longer !

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but the figures must add up for it to go ahead.


This is a crucial point. It will be a few years before the first turbine is spinning. Scotland might become independent in the interim. Will that affect the subsidy money? (currently paid mainly by English consumers)


Even if Westminster are still in charge, things might change. Look at the recent reduced rates for solar FIT payments for example. Fergus Ewing is either being very naiive or deliberately misleading when he says that the project "WILL" generate more than 30 million per year. The truth is, nobody knows.

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Well Wishart, Manson and co will be munching on the volovants and quaffing the Champagne tonight.


Yes - they will be dining out on VE's hospitality account - paid for by Shetland Charitable Trust, but then they are honest, upstanding, deserving, impoverished members of our community - aren't they?


Does anybody know if Allan Wishart's job is included in the 34?

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Being in neither the pro- or anti- camps, I have generally avoided adding to this thread. I do, however, note the following:

However, the fact remains that this was a totally undemocratic decision.

That cannot be called a fact. It is very common for people to talk about democracy as being a single well defined system, even though democracies vary significantly in their nature. Nevertheless, in typical western democratic systems almost all decision making is performed by elected representatives. Just because citizens have not been directly polled on a matter does not make a decision totally undemocratic, or even undemocratic. Clearly the decision making process has not been performed according to some peoples personal ideas of ideal democracy, but it has certainly been in accordance with the democratic system which currently prevails in Europe.

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I like everyone iv'e spoken to ...gutted but im not surprised .

I have no fancy speaches or words to use but like to call it as i see it....Tavish did not recieve my vote because i think he sat on this fence while the crow's and scories bickered and squabbled untill a winner was forth coming and then he would flutter down and join the party.

I never voted for wishart as i thought him more slippery than an oiled eel and would trust him as far as i could spit his house. In my humble, How could he serve his constituents while managing this project (VE). Mr Manson the chairman I can honestly say i have heard nothing positive about him (but i dont like the cut of his jib).

Fergus well he really doesn't care about how beautifull our Islands look he's just doing it for the numbers..

I think that VE would not get one hundredth of the opposition if they took on more like the vikings did which is make more use the sea not just pillage the land.

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look we may not trust our council members to know what they are doing but sse do. they are putting up 50% of the investment.


This, is one of the most worrying aspects of VE.


fact the council are useless and have blown millions on stupid schemes this is not one.


No argument there, but that's no reason to keep the tradition going. Stopping throwing good money after bad tends to win more friends, and do it before the good money runs out.

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Without dragging back through the pages was it not the case that VE proclaimed they needed nearly 150 turbines to make the project viable, now we are down to about a 100 and by jove it's still viable. Doesn't exactly give them a lot of credence does it !

Maybe best to wait a little longer !


Technology does progress, as do measured reductions.

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Perhaps someone can refer to it being quoted in the press before today as to the actual number ofjobs created?


From ST 13.12.2010:


In addition to 65 direct and indirect jobs and 174 construction posts for five years, Mr Grant’s report suggests the windfarm will help create and sustain 370 jobs through “wise reinvestment by the Shetland Charitable Trust and other investors and beneficiariesâ€.



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Do try to be civil, AT. Here is some "evidence" for you - are you aware that wind speed increases as height above the surface increases? Something to do with friction I think. So taller turbines on higher hills, not quite the same, is it?


I'm well aware of this fact. Are you suggesting that the engineers who designed the bigger turbines are not?

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Do try to be civil, AT. Here is some "evidence" for you - are you aware that wind speed increases as height above the surface increases? Something to do with friction I think. So taller turbines on higher hills, not quite the same, is it?


I'm well aware of this fact. Are you suggesting that the engineers who designed the bigger turbines are not?


Didn't you read the rest of my post?


I am not suggesting that larger turbines will not perform, just pointing out that AT is using a spurious argument " Burradale works OK" =/=" VE will not have any technical issues."
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Perhaps someone can refer to it being quoted in the press before today as to the actual number ofjobs created?


From ST 13.12.2010:


In addition to 65 direct and indirect jobs and 174 construction posts for five years, Mr Grant’s report suggests the windfarm will help create and sustain 370 jobs through “wise reinvestment by the Shetland Charitable Trust and other investors and beneficiariesâ€.




Thanks for posting this. However, I note with interest that the quotation is not from a VE Rep. So whilst AT may be content with calling me a liar for saying that VE have always been upfront regarding the number of jobs created, and perhaps it has been the manner in which the press have chosen to report, but I don't recall reading in the press VE stating how many jobs would be created.


Weren't the consultation meetings held way before December 2010?


You speak of evidence, AT. Where is your evidence that the interconnector will create jobs, and lots of them, for the people of Shetland? Will local people be trained to do these jobs then?


The whole thing stinks. The news reported on the telly was that hundreds of jobs are being created just with the windfarm over several years, yet VE state err, what was it, 140 OVER five years. That is not the same as 140 each year.


34 jobs after construction? Blimey, compare that to a hotel being built and how many staff they employ. Okay, not the same but trust some of you will get my drift.


Given the current financial climate, does anyone think that this project would get dosh off the banks if the Charitable Trust didn't cough up any dosh based upon the (lack of) information VE has given us? VE website states based on other projects yet where are the examples giving figures in details?

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yes it would. with planning and consent the banks would be brain dead not to. if the banks wont invest then it won't get built. sse and the trust and the others will be borrowing it from them.


look it will be built the only question is will it produce a profit. im not knowlegeable enough to work that out but i expect the experts are.


orkney the reduction of turbines being built in the middle of england/wales has always been marginal ours will be a whole lot more productive. when a 100 tories want to stop on shore windfarms it can be understood that they have other motives.

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look it will be built


It may be built....the only certainties are death and taxes. The SIC as a majority landowners, and/or the SCT as a main investor could withdraw at any time. Best see what the new version of both think of the whole scheme in a month before wagering much on VE.

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