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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Thanks crofter - I remember yon noo and dare I say it, it starts off looking not too bad but as it pans across Bressay it just looks awful.


I'm no expert but given how big these turbines are you're probably going to need some of the biggest size of cranes available.


And the bigger they are the less it takes to stop them which equals lost time and money. I believe Allen Fraser(ex forecast man) has even mentioned this. The working areas will be huge.


Like most Shetlanders I'm not against windfarms/power but on a scale fit for purpose. I wouldn't mind seeing Shetland powered, if it was financially viable. As I understand it, we're not even going to benefit via cheaper electricity from the VE project!.


A German windfarm thread.



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If the right deal is done Kavi, the benefits could pave the way for cheaper power. It could be asked for by councillors as part of conditions, you may not get money off, but there could be grants made available to install alternative power for household and communities.

VE cannot tell the Hydro to lower their prices, and especially as you can flip between suppliers it would be a nightmare. Grants to lessen the bills could be a possibility.

You need to keep an open mind with this, you are not able to say if it will or wont happen. If your elected councillors get the right training, and are experienced in speaking up for people then there could be benefits if the committee is minded to approve (of course with conditions).

Protesters will need to be in a good financial state to appeal as they initially would have to pay the costs, and find a backer.


Any upgrades will either be sorted with the original plans or VE will have to make applications as it is needed. Again, there will be money involved that will come to those on the islands, we hope. Again, up to those you delegate to look after your interests.

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I heard an announcement on Radio Shetland tonight about a meeting for the membership of Sustainable Shetland which is being held in the Tingwall Hall damoarn's night.


Would non-members be welcome to attend even if just to listen and be there?.

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Petition to lower electricity bills by reducing the subsidies to windfarms:-





At their current rate of 47 a day it will take 6 years before it reaches 100,000 and they may debate it.


They have already lowered the FiTs by half. Also put additional conditions.

As we know , the large wind farms do not get FiTs. They get Renewable Obligation Certificates. The energy distributors are duty bound to buy so many of these a year from the alternative generators, which is allotted to their rated capacity.


The value of ROCs is only one element in the overall financial consideration of the project. While ROCs are likely to be reduced, the value of the electricity generated should rise and some of the costs facing Viking are expected to come down.




The ROC are for all types of greener generation types, not just wind. You would need also to cut the money to the Wave, Tide and Solar stations. I do not think any further cuts will reduce your bill, in this instance I think you would stand a better chance of securing a grant from the project from a fund to install your own green machine. Reducing the funding to get greener energy is a backward step. Especially now. It could mean the loss of incomes to many communities. You could ask yoursel why do the electricity companies not just reduce prices, lower dividend payments and perhaps become more efficient. Well they are out to make money. When you think that some of the utilities who 20% of their water usage is lost through leaks, the electricity used to force and maintain those leaks comes from their electricity distribution side, as well as the damage it causes to roads and other land and properties. The country has an obligation to use more green energy and by a certain date.

It will also have an effect on all those who have domestic set ups, hoping the grant will pay for them, as well as the many schemes that are up and running.


The UK GOV tried to cut these before the consultation period was up, Friends of the Earth and other manufacturers took them to court. This put off the price drop, the GOV appealed when they were told they were unlawful and it has dragged on until the new cuts came in, which was welcomed by the manufacturers and installers. The GOV still had to pay out and pay court costs and legal fees. So, no gain there.


Here are some ECO-Straws, green of course.





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^ Given the state of the Euro and the rest of the EU coffers, do you seriously believe though, SP, that these subsidies are going to continue for the lifespan of the proposed VE project? Haven't Spain and the Netherlands told the EU to get stuffed and have stopped their subsidies already?


I'm off to the meeting tonight at Tingwall and have space in the car if someone wants a lift up from the south end.

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Communities Against Turbines Scotland has a good website highlighting some of the issues surrounding wind farms. They are also having having a march and rally in Edinburgh on 25th April to coincide with Donald Trump's visit to the Scottish Parliament. All anti windfarm groups are invited to join them. Might be an interesting morning!


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Communities Against Turbines Scotland has a good website highlighting some of the issues surrounding wind farms. They are also having having a march and rally in Edinburgh on 25th April to coincide with Donald Trump's visit to the Scottish Parliament. All anti windfarm groups are invited to join them. Might be an interesting morning!




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so unlink your supporting this group supporting donald trump. i think you may want to think about that for a moment. he does not give a stuff for this country and to be honest anyone that is supping with him well i will let you finish that statement.

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so unlink your supporting this group supporting donald trump. i think you may want to think about that for a moment. he does not give a stuff for this country and to be honest anyone that is supping with him well i will let you finish that statement.



They are not supporting Donald Trump per se; they are in agreement with his stance on windfarms or have you not visited their website and read their reasons as to why they are using his dosh and facilities?


Do you really believe it is democratic for the underdogs aka the general public to not have the funds to mount legal challenges?


One could argue that certain Directors of SSE and VE most certainly don't give a stuff about Shetland - perhaps you'd care to think about that for a moment.

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