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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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We all ken hids about money ,you canna argue it is about environmental concerns as if it was we would ban the cruise ships that enter our waters as it only offsets about 3 off the big ones and I would like to hear ATs comments on probably the biggest polluters in the world for no end other than making shareholders rich(er) and recreation for the well off. And why he? she is not more vocal on the issue.

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here's another thought (2 in 2 days isna bad - come on)


Instead of the current "dash for cash" ( the SSE, Mikeys team and some twirps caad Bill'N'Drew) why not draw a line in the sand right now.........



......then (with all the current Blue prints/Plans and Approvals safely in hand) ....


>>>> stake wir claim>>>>>>>>> and HOLD.


Then when..


...Global Climate change starts to suffocate wir planet and/or Puffins look like becoming Dodos and BP/Shell/Total? and da peerie global players move on to other things......


..and the whole planet looks like it needs a helping hand...


we resurrect VE and save everyone... We could be called the Shetland Island Cavalry.


Joost think - in 3000 years time the SIC come to the rescue. Now that wid mak a headline in the Shetland Times.


In the meantime, get the paperwork done by all means but there is is no need for actual wind turbine induced desecration for at least a millenium.

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ooh build it build it build it.

big bloody deal I never was a big believer in the bird mincing, but as I've stated before and will state again this is about putting money in certain individuals pockets at the expense of Shetland scenery, habitat, amenities, folks health and wellbeing.

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I see the argument that they will kill birds does not stand up from the new evidence. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17694256


No mention of the whimbrel in that article, but there is mention of a close relation, the curlew...


Here, they declined in density by about a third during wind farm construction, as did snipe, without recovering.


[edit]... and they also said...


"It's not a black and white picture; but this kind of finding is precisely why we get involved in this kind of research."


... and don't forget, the RSPB objected to the windfarm.

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windmills make a great habbitat for wildlife aspecially birds as they are thought apon as trees!!! and as for the trout fishing just think all the roads they will make threw the hills we will be able to go to any loch with ease and discover new lochs which havent been fished before this is great news bring on the windmills,this will be the most money shetland has seen since the oil industry *brilliant* great job oppertunity's for our children to make there money as did people before at sullom.

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doesnt the pictures in that link you sent look really nice makes the hillside look more drematic!


Wouldn't have a clue, given that I can't find a definition of the 'word' "drematic". However, it would appear there is a group called Drematic:-




Ah, javelins, that reminds me of the Olympic torch coming here - MUST WEAR my Stop Viking Energy T shirt as I support the torch bearers. What a fine way to spend a sunny afternoon. :twisted:

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these windmills are our futre maybe not for us but for the next generation people might moan about it as its something new and they wont like it but when there built and producing power jobs and money for our children its great news as they'l be brought up with them and wont see them as an isore or whatever people think they are.



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unlink the hills that your arguing about are not unspoilt wilderness. they have not been since man settled shetland. take some time and drive up to voe and come back via aith and then tell us which hills have not got serious erosion due to peat digging and over stocking of sheep.


the john muir group is just an eco group. its clean energy face it the only other carbon clean power is nuclar. would you fancy one of them built in virkie. the farm is going to be built. all that you and your anti friends will do is hand the income to outsiders. again the 5% people would not be investing if they did not know that it was a profitable concept.

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I was at the town hall meeting some time ago when we heard that the planning department had objected to the Viking wind farm, and was under the impression that this objection still holds.


I read in the energy minister's very long report ^^^^ which granted permission, that the relevant planning authority (SIC) had not objected to the application.


So where does the 'authority' lie, with the council (planning authority) or with their professional employees (the SIC planning office) who looked dispassionately at the facts surrounding the wind farm?


I am confused.


As Caroline Miller is a councillor and is on the SIC planning board, and is a director of Viking energy, and plans to stand for council again this year - as does Allan Wishart, the VE project coordinator, what can we expect from them? Not an unbiased vote, methinks.


I wonder if they will vote for or against the wind farm? Oh, they cannot.


Oh for an unbiased councillor.

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Might be wrong but I think our elected members have the final say - which must be very frustrating for the council officials, but it is a two-way street - the officials only let the councillors know what they want them to know. Ultimately very frustrating for them as well.


I went to read a report online about VE on the SIC website and was amazed at the amount of councillors that had to declare an interest and could not take part in the discussion or vote at the meeting. It wasn't just because some were VE directors either, there were other reasons.

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^ I would like to think that any councillor who has voiced an opinion in this either for or against will either not be part of the planning committee or abstain from taking part if any relevant business were to be on the agenda regarding VE. The planning committee cannot enter into any dialogue about planning issues coming up. If they do they should not take part. Planning has to be on planning laws, not personal agendas.

Keep in mind that the planning dept. and the committee are two different things. The planning officers will give the councillors on committee all the relevant information and also legal advice, that is why there can be a number of officers at a meeting, to ensure the smooth running and prevent the wasting of time with finding info or legally.


Since many of the candidates have already expressed an opinion and have been debating this in public forum for years, they should not be part of the planning. It would be quite wrong. They can still voice an opinion at planning, generally after the public have had their say. Keep in mind, that if as the public you want to speak, there may be time limits per speaker and a limit on the number of speakers. So, folk need to get their heads together, on both sides and make their time work for them. Also, any objection should be within the realms of planning law.

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