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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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I am fed up with pro-VE supporters banging on about /there is nothing else on the table/. Well, when the Saxavord RAF station in Unst closed down some years ago, ideas were asked for from the public as to what could be done to provide employment 'up north'.


I, and many others (some of whom have told me their ideas), contacted the council with their suggestions and not one of them was taken up, or in fact even discussed, so far as I am aware.


This is an easy, 'cheap' way out, and is detrimental to Shetland in every way.


Is it too late for a 'think tank' to be formed to hold open and wide discussions on alternative money-making and job-providing projects?

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^ Just because "there's nothing else on the table" isn't a good reason to go ahead with whatever is on the table regardless. In fact, its very likely to be the worst reason possible for going ahead regardless with the one thing that is on the table. It smacks of desperation, a "last ditch, put your shirt on it anyway" effort, to stay afloat. Any project should stand, or fall on its own merits first and foremost to make it on to any shortlist, even a shortlist of one.


There's far too many non-commercially sensitive questions about VE gone unanswered, and far too many issues been quickly and quietly swept under the carpet for many to see VE as a "good" project.


Transparency, openess, information are all sorely lacking in many areas of the project, so far it has been "sold" to Shetland on "Green" and "£££'s in your pocket" tickets. There is a whole lot more it needs to be sold on to many before it gets an easy ride.


It was up to the SIC, then the SCT, then VE and the VE project partnership to get their PR and sales campaign for the project right. They've played it as they saw fit, and okay it may have swung some, but for many more it has had the opposite effect.

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Shetland has been sold down the WINDing riVEr! :twisted:

Did anyone seriously expect the spare capacity in the proposed inter-connector to be unused?


It occurs to me that the SIC/VE/SCT must have known about this for some time..

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but this is the size of farm that the antis have wanted. another company thinks there is money to be made. could it just possibly be that there is money in the VE PLANS. worrying thought that the antis maybe wrong.


Maybe.. but this is in addition o the VE project and there would still enough capacity in the interconnector for a few more.


Like it or not, Shetland could easily become a massive generator.

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^ Don't forget the 105 MW scheme for South Yell plus all the marine energy waiting in the wings. Anyone thinking there will only be one interconnector is a dreamer. The more interconnectors the more windfarms and the more people with dollars stuck to their eyeballs !

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