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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Subsidies or no subsidies, one of the arguments for Shetland supposedly needing this windfarm is that we need the income.


Ages ago I suggested that the Charitable Trust change their fund managers.  Anyone else clock how the Trust's value increased:-



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thanks for the responses. takes a bit of time for complicated maths to get through the old head.


obviously the charity trust should be seeking the best return at the least risk. however that really is just an housekeeping policy. 


so if that policy goes through the wind farm is financially viable.

when is the court case finshed seems to be dragging on.

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so if that policy goes through the wind farm is financially viable.



If you know how much the cable and converter station is going to cost and then you more accurately estimate transmission charges and also factor in more accurate estimates of the other costs, and can forecast these figures to at least 2018, and can then show that the income is adequate to cover these costs, then you might be in a position to say that. 

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obviously the charity trust should be seeking the best return at the least risk. however that really is just an housekeeping policy. 


so if that policy goes through the wind farm is financially viable.

when is the court case finshed seems to be dragging on.

In that case then, surely the windfarm is a no goer?  The health report has been published.  VE appear to be ignoring its findings leaving themselves open to legal action should anyone get ill as a result of living so close to a wind turbine.  There's still no interconnector.  There's still no full planning permission granted for the converter station.


As for the Judicial Review, both sides have had their say; the Judge has had a busy Court list during the summer and it's expected to be another couple of months before she gives her verdict.

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In that case then, surely the windfarm is a no goer?  The health report has been published.  VE appear to be ignoring its findings leaving themselves open to legal action should anyone get ill as a result of living so close to a wind turbine. 


no proven cases. yet another scare tactic

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Maybe you should say, "No proven cases yet", paulb.


Health Study too late and dismissed, Health Impact Assessment abondoned... and Viking Energy says, "we are satisfied that the risk of negative health effects arising from the Viking Energy wind farm development has been minimised to acceptable levels in all cases". What are these cases they refer to? That statement is complete rubbish!

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turbines falling on heads. someone nicking the copper wire. sleep deprived crofter running a muck with pitch forks. I wonder if they have done an impact study on the mythical creatures of Shetland. the trowies would be upset to get a load of concrete dumped on them.

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ched yes indeed yet. however the proven risk of living near high voltage cables has not resulted in abandoned homes or a serious reduced price. radon is the same. people get used to them.


Really?  Then how come several of the major banks, when surveyors are carrying out bank valuation reports, ask about radon, not to mention the view of Insurers?  Some Purchasers are put off if their prospective home is near a high voltage cable and whilst many won't mind the extra income having a sub-station in their back garden brings (or a pole), others decide not to proceed.

Edited by unlinkedstudent
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ched yes indeed yet. however the proven risk of living near high voltage cables has not resulted in abandoned homes or a serious reduced price. radon is the same. people get used to them.

You don't have to look too hard to find a case of home abandonment by a UK couple because of disturbance from a wind farm (http://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-14019591).

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think that has more to do with 2.5 million compo. maybe their home just was not selling. not really proof. lived around them in the past and i would be amazed at the noise level they claim. they could in 6 years have grown a tree belt that would have helped. that was 2 years ago

http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/wind-farm-damages-action-settled nice earner


by the way they are still living in that farm and running a cattle farm from it. must have used the notes as sound proofing.


J T & E E Davis
Grays Farm, North Drove BankSpalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3JX record current sep 2013
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A report by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and Oxford Brookes University in 2007 suggested there was no clear relationship between the proximity of wind farms and property prices, and suggested that this may be an urban myth with apparent changes in value disappearing when examined closely.

The study looked at transactions of residential property near wind farms at two locations in Cornwall, and found that while terraced and semi-detached houses within a mile of one of the wind farms were lower in value than similar houses at a distance of four miles, other factors influenced the devaluation: the houses in question were ex-Ministry of Defence properties and were less desirable.

The study found no change in property prices beyond one mile from the wind farms.



However the following year Jane Davis won a discount on her council tax because her £170,000 home had been rendered worthless by a turbine 1,000 yards away.



so they could not live there for 6 years. but they claim a rebate on the council tax. mmm the davis are either a couple of chances or rabid antis. i suspect the first one. so if there is an issue with noise or flicker then the home owner can do the same.      


however the peak noise level was 30 dbs on windy days which was a mixture of wind noise and the turbines. it was classed as not a nuisance. 


remember they are still living there. 


here is a db level guide. http://www.uvm.edu/safety/sites/uvm.edu.safety/files/noise-chart.jpg

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