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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Yes, diesel generated electricity gets very hefty subsidies, I'm sure more than most wind. I've no problem with appropriate subsidies being paid, including to wind. Fossil fuel prices are only going to go in one direction over the years to come, and that is upwards. Electricity prices will follow suit, so establishing a proportion of wind generated power now is no bad thing.


But Paul, I am not sure what you mean in your first sentence, I expect support to these 3 to be the same as to any others of that size.

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we will be paying more for those 3 as we wont be recivinany payments for production. and if we are going to go on about subsidies remember our power supply is subsidized a lot by other  sse customers. 


If I set all my morals to one side and suddenly became a heartless cow wanting money at the expense of other Shetlanders' suffering, how much hard cash in my personal wallet/pocket would I be getting from VE then, paulb?  By my reckoning it is a big fat zero because even if pigs suddenly developed the ability to fly and the SCT got millions in profit, community funds to build community halls do not equate to dosh to feed me.


What's the cost re livestock being unable to sleep?


What's the cost re the extra strain on the NHS for the extra visits to the GPs as people get ringing in their ears, migraines, lack of sleep, etc.?  Add into that lost work days.


Factored in the lack of tourists visiting too, have you?


Factored in reduction in house prices?

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Factored in the lack of tourists visiting too, have you?


Your evidence on this?




As for the strain on the NHS, any news on this has been quite sparse, so in the household you live in, it will only be deemed a conspiracy. I agree there have been stress related illnesses, mainly brought up by the scaremongering of such groups whos names are not really what they are about it seems...






Reduction in house prices, is compensation not been offered? Now then, folk like money. It is only a problem if you have your house as an investment, the price of a "home" can not be measurable.


Livestock unable to sleep? FFS. I have never heard so mush sharn. Sheep are OK next to motorways, A Roads, coastal areas, petrochemical plants, factories, they even appear contented when I see them grazing in the field next to the slaughterhouse situated between 2 motorways and a main A road.

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Someone obviously hasn't read the reports about a Danish mink farmer witnessing the pups being turned on by their mothers when the wind turbines are operating ... or the goats dying from lack of sleep.  Easily available on the web.


Edit:  here's one link:



Edited by Suffererof1crankymofo
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very odd. most wind farms south have livestock under them. the cows at crown point in lancashire always seemed chilled out when we walked past them. sane with the sheep, maybe just maybe caging a wild preditor may stress them more,


i was talking as a community as a whole not individual pockets, if you want to earn from energy take part and invest, greedy begger wanting something for nothing,


ian what i meant was the 3 turbines are wholly owned by the energy company hence we still pay the green whatever its called but gain nothing back with viking and any other community energy schemes we as a community get benefit from them, so in a way making them cheaper,

if we want to help the energy poor lets arrange something with the generation group. cheap heating systems ect. even free power for pensioners. stopping the winter deaths shame, it cant be that hard to do.


the above poster sounds like unlink if so welcome back.

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Perhaps that will reduce the intensive farming of mink for vanity. A very good thing. It will of course be a worry to those mink farmers throughout Shetland. The photos of the cages used to keep these animals in is shocking, I have passed this on to a group who will look into the company. How you can use such an industry to promote your non-wind turbine protest? It is reprehensible! It is, sickening!


Many of your links you suggest do not seem to have any credible independant status.


Still, I put it that these stories are accredited to wind turbines because folk in the vicinity do not want them and will jump on any difference in their lives totally attributed to turbines.


With no direct proof, how will you convince us they are as bad as you say.


As we are on this,



By my reckoning it is a big fat zero because even if pigs suddenly developed the ability to fly and the SCT got millions in profit, community funds to build community halls do not equate to dosh to feed me.




Community projects enhance the community, this has been evidenced throughout the world.


Bridge End Outdoor Centre

CLAN Appeal Shetland

CLAN in the Community

Climb Shetland

Community Mediation Team (Citizens Advice Bureau)

Disability Shetland

Gulberwick Together Community Group

Lerwick & Bressay Parish Church

Marc Hutchison Asthma Trust

Moving On Employment Project

Northmavine Community

Shetland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (SADP)

Shetland Anglers Association

Shetland Befriending Scheme

Shetland Bereavement Support Service

Shetland Canoe Club

Shetland Caravan Club

Shetland Carers Group

Shetland Classic Motorcycle Club

Shetland Clay Target Club


Shetland Pre-School Play

Shetland Rotary Club

Shetland Stroke Support Group

St Magnus Episcopal Church

The New Shetlander

Unst Community Council

Voluntary Action Shetland

Volunteering in Shetland

Whitedale Football Club

Yell Community Council


Just a few that enhance the community, I would guess if more money was available, there would be more...




It is a shame you can only think of yourself...

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Bridge End Outdoor Centre

CLAN Appeal Shetland

CLAN in the Community

Climb Shetland

Community Mediation Team (Citizens Advice Bureau)

Disability Shetland

Gulberwick Together Community Group

Lerwick & Bressay Parish Church

Marc Hutchison Asthma Trust

Moving On Employment Project

Northmavine Community

Shetland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (SADP)

Shetland Anglers Association

Shetland Befriending Scheme

Shetland Bereavement Support Service

Shetland Canoe Club

Shetland Caravan Club

Shetland Carers Group

Shetland Classic Motorcycle Club

Shetland Clay Target Club


Shetland Pre-School Play

Shetland Rotary Club

Shetland Stroke Support Group

St Magnus Episcopal Church

The New Shetlander

Unst Community Council

Voluntary Action Shetland

Volunteering in Shetland

Whitedale Football Club

Yell Community Council


Just a few that enhance the community,....


A very subjective interpretation of both words with quite a few of that lot, and pretty off topic, given that nothing has been built yet, let alone turned in its first penny of profit.


Lets not forget either, the "community projects" which are currently being denied financial support or have had it withdrawn (some involved are among your list), agruably because SCT have committed themselves to a certain single financially high tag speculative project.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Name and shame then but in another thread I hope...


Nothing to "name and shame", both words by their nature are subjective wherever they occur. If you believe everyone on your list "enhances" some form of "community" by your interpretations of the words, that's your funeral.


I certainly don't agree with those interpretations, and will happily argue the case why not, elsewhere, anytime.

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 and pretty off topic,





We've heard some of the pros for such a cable - as in it making the proposed 600MW wind power scheme the largest community-backed wind farm development in Europe and a potential reality!


Would anyone care to throw into the mix some of the cons against it:


Out to you guys ....


Very little in comparison about the cable though.... from the OP, though initially just looking for problems..


It was mentioned from your partner and is of course very on topic. If there were no benefits to the community there may be more tangable protests. Regardless of your personal thoughts on community activities, the post was an example of community projects and not about the funding from the council, though I would guess you would stretch that further with the wind turbines being funded in part (a very small one) by the council and of course on topic. However, as the sales pitch has been about a benefit to the community and those who rely on these sorts of projects.

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It was mentioned from your partner and is of course very on topic.



My partner? Which one would that be then, in crime, in business, or what? I wasn't aware I'd announced to the world whether or not I had a partner in anything....


Yes, a poster mentioned "Community Funds", but in a wholly other context to how you chose to reply.

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“We were all so excited about it until it turned on, and then we realized we couldn’t live with it,†Cool says.




Anyone care to put their money where their mouth is and categorically come out and state that there will no side effects affecting the health of any individual in the Shetland Isles as a result of wind turbines being installed and being operational?

Edited by Suffererof1crankymofo
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Perhaps that will reduce the intensive farming of mink for vanity. A very good thing. It will of course be a worry to those mink farmers throughout Shetland. The photos of the cages used to keep these animals in is shocking, I have passed this on to a group who will look into the company. How you can use such an industry to promote your non-wind turbine protest? It is reprehensible! It is, sickening!


Many of your links you suggest do not seem to have any credible independant status.


Still, I put it that these stories are accredited to wind turbines because folk in the vicinity do not want them and will jump on any difference in their lives totally attributed to turbines.


With no direct proof, how will you convince us they are as bad as you say.


As we are on this,




By my reckoning it is a big fat zero because even if pigs suddenly developed the ability to fly and the SCT got millions in profit, community funds to build community halls do not equate to dosh to feed me.





Community projects enhance the community, this has been evidenced throughout the world.


Bridge End Outdoor Centre

CLAN Appeal Shetland

CLAN in the Community

Climb Shetland

Community Mediation Team (Citizens Advice Bureau)

Disability Shetland

Gulberwick Together Community Group

Lerwick & Bressay Parish Church

Marc Hutchison Asthma Trust

Moving On Employment Project

Northmavine Community

Shetland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (SADP)

Shetland Anglers Association

Shetland Befriending Scheme

Shetland Bereavement Support Service

Shetland Canoe Club

Shetland Caravan Club

Shetland Carers Group

Shetland Classic Motorcycle Club

Shetland Clay Target Club


Shetland Pre-School Play

Shetland Rotary Club

Shetland Stroke Support Group

St Magnus Episcopal Church

The New Shetlander

Unst Community Council

Voluntary Action Shetland

Volunteering in Shetland

Whitedale Football Club

Yell Community Council


Just a few that enhance the community, I would guess if more money was available, there would be more...




It is a shame you can only think of yourself...

I really wish you would stop constantly looking for an argument. If you have nothing positive to say perhaps it is wiser to say less. All you are doing is putting others off taking part. The mods have already warned you about this :-(

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apart from the odd hiker being crushed by those feebly built turbines i would happily wager a fiver that no harm will befall any shetlander.

but i bet someone will try it on. claiming compo.

with our high depression rate drinking and other health issues good luck proving it.


even the whimble was trying to get extra bird food until it was proven that it was unharmed.

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