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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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The pilot study area is presented in VE's Habitat Management Plan, and potential members of the independent advisory group are mentioned in it as well I think.

But what VE said in that excerpt above, about MSC and Dr. Birnie still irks me! He did not say that "none of the blanket bog...could be described as pristine." He actually wrote that, "It would...be inappropriate to describe the blanket bog within the...site as being entirely 'pristine'."

He qualified this by stating: "One of the concerns relayed to me [presumably by VE] was that the Viking Windfarm site was generally perceived to be 'pristine blanket bog'", going on to state that this was clearly not the case.

IMHO, the introduction of the term "pristine" was not very helpful. The crucial thing about blanket bog is whether it is active (i.e., capturing carbon) or not. In fact much of the site that was surveyed was found to be active bog. Some of this was "recovering", meaning that it had been eroded or "modified" but was becoming active again. The key to that is the presence of vegetation in the form of sphagnum moss and cotton grass.

At no point in his report did Dr. Birnie estimate "that the greenhouse gases already escaping from the wind farm site could be as much as those from one of the major industrial complexes in Shetland." That assumption was made elsewhere in the Addendum.

Finally, Shetland Amenity Trust, among others, has been undertaking some small-scale peatland restoration measures (there is non-windfarm funding available for this now).The results, to my mind, have been surprisingly encouraging. But applying the measures to large areas of eroded hilltops...not easy!

someone methinks is riding on the back of findings looking for a sum of money by writing a thesis on the subject ...untill we get freak monitary values on the subject will we learn the truth 

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james come and join in with the folks at Viking. its probably the best way your concerns can be met. if they wont work with you that will tell a lot. re siting if you were working along side them and one was very badly placed it would be easier to adapt it than just complain. if your not impressed by proposed route of tracks suggest an alternative route. we need it to be built to tje best possible standard. your group could make it a lot better.


if ian is a member it may be wise not to be walking near an active slip. you just cant tell if its finished. it seems odd for a pool to have formed on a ridge was it a past peat cut. 

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@ paulb: That's as it maybe, but when the planning authority have disregrded the advice of its own "officials" to give the go ahead, the main local backer, despite being the guardian of money belonging to "everybody", is run by incesteously hand picked muppets who have no obligation to engage with anyone, never mind justify their decisions, and the "front men" of the enterprise are part of a similar "closed shop", "joining in" is pretty difficult to achieve short of digging ones heels in and telling it all to bog off.


The greatest tragedy so far as I see it, is that the critics so far have been far too civilised, polite and "gentlemanly" in their heel digging, and VE have ignored it, not because the points raised have been addressed, but simply because they could. Had there been a lot more ass kicking right from the start, this fight would have come to a head and been sorted, one way or the other a long time go, instead of rumbling on and on, creating more and more divisions and deeper and deeper ill-feeling as it does.

Edited by Ghostrider
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Wish they would hurry up and build these roads,I'm looking forward to going places I have never been before. :thmbsup  


Don't hold your breath, by the time all this is built, if its built. The creeping paranoia about "terrorists" will have made it that there's a padlocked gate with a guard only allowing 'Authorised Personnel' on to the site. I'm surprised Burradale haven't gotten it already - maybe they were savvy enough to ferret out insurance that pays out on terrorist attack though, and don't give a monkeys.

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No! surely not barbed wire,heavy gates and massive padlocks in this day and age,more likely to be fancy cameras and number plate recognition so they can add a little bit to the income Ghostrider.


Terrorists --doubt if they would be interested in a few wind turbines!

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Terrorists --doubt if they would be interested in a few wind turbines!


Well, if VE is going to be such a vital contributor to Scotland's energy needs as its proponents try to sprootle the rest of us in to believing, you never know.


Anyway, even if terrorists couldn't give a stuff about them either way, since when did that matter to the scaremongers who make up the rules. Terrorists have never shown any interest it blowing the North boat to kingdom come, but that didn't stop them turning Holmsgarth in to something akin to Fort Knox's poor relation.

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