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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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In my view this was always going to happen, it happens elsewhere as turbine design evolves. What the carefully designed graphic underplays is that the new sizing makes for a total height in excess of 500 feet in old money, and by definition they are built on high ground to start with. Having seen various onshore windfarms on mainland scotland I'm not at all sure everybody realises what the scale of visual impact is going to be. A number of applications on the mainland have been rejected on grounds of impact on areas of natural beauty but apparently that doesn't apply to Shetland.

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Seems to me that with massive amounts of gas available from the west side,should we not  be diverting attention from wind to a proper gas fueled power station say at Sullom voe.


Daft to send all this fuel south,and build massive wind farms when we should and could use the gas reserves to our own benefit. After all it is on our doorstep so to speak.


I'm not against wind farms in moderation but this gas is going to be used anyway so lets us use it first and by the time we have used it all, technology will be a step further ahead possibly eliminating the need for unsightly wind farms.

SSE had a fairly detailed plan for this a few years ago.



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Seems to me that with massive amounts of gas available from the west side,should we not  be diverting attention from wind to a proper gas fueled power station say at Sullom voe.

Burning gas pollutes, whereas farming wind.....                                                                                 


So its all right to sell it for someone else to burn . Bit like a teetotaller selling booze . 

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Seems to me that with massive amounts of gas available from the west side,should we not  be diverting attention from wind to a proper gas fueled power station say at Sullom voe.

Burning gas pollutes, whereas farming wind.....                                                                                 


So its all right to sell it for someone else to burn . Bit like a teetotaller selling booze . 


Little difference to Scotlands pride and joy the Scotch Whisky industry.


They stand up in parliament and brag about the whisky sales but do we care about the many problems it causes !

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So its all right to sell it for someone else to burn . Bit like a teetotaller selling booze . 

No, it's not all right to sell it to somebody else. Then it's just somebody else poisoning the world. We'll enjoy the benefit from the sales but the poison will blow over us too, along with the rest of the of the planet.

Edited by George.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

So da turbine size increase has had da nod from the council. Nae surprise dare, but I was blyed to read this


"As well as the income from the community share of the project, Viking Energy has committed to paying community benefit of £5,000 per installed MW of capacity, which will provide an income of up to £2,285,000 per year for community projects in Shetland.”


Dat's a fair whack of money, and da first time I mind seein a number. But it is "...up to..." which I expect will mean "....somewhat short of..."

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ One step nearer to nowhere unless some idiot completely loses their wit and stumps up a cheque for £700 Million to pay for it, that nobody will ever get back.

Tend to disagree Ghostrider ,not long paid my electricity bill and if everyone's bill is like mine it won't take long to rake in £700 Million.


Think i'm paying for "diamond plated electric units"  when ordinary ones would do.  :roll:

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  • admin changed the title to Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy

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