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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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^ One step nearer to nowhere unless some idiot completely loses their wit and stumps up a cheque for £700 Million to pay for it, that nobody will ever get back.

Tend to disagree Ghostrider ,not long paid my electricity bill and if everyone's bill is like mine it won't take long to rake in £700 Million.


Think i'm paying for "diamond plated electric units"  when ordinary ones would do.  :roll:



I could well be very wrong, but I don't think them that will be paying for what goes through the wires out of here (if any ever does) are charged quite so much as us beggars. Diesel and a boat to bring it needs paying for.


They'd certainly bring in the £700 Million and the rest with little bother and in a relatively short time I shouldn't doubt, but with everything else they're committed to putting it towards already in this overall project, I doot dey'll no be muckle left owre ta pey fur a 200 mile wire fur a brawly lang time, unless somebody else gets short change.


On paper sho's a hefty pot o' gold, bit every pot haes is boddam.

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Of course, this isn’t the first interconnector to take energy from Shetland to keep the lights on in the rest of the UK. Googling gives different answers, but what seemed a reasonable report gave the cost of the Laggan Tormore project as £3,500 million, so nothing comes cheap. https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/101001/laggan-tormore-fast-facts-and-brief-history/

Since much of UK electricity comes from gas, all electricity users are now paying for that interconnector whenever a gas turbine is running. But at least oil/ gas producers don’t get “subsidies” like there is for renewable energy producers. No, they get “tax breaks” met by all the rest of us taxpayers. So presumably that is ok then – at least if you use a lot of electricity and don’t pay tax.
Probably won’t live long enough to know for sure, but I bet that the wind will still be blowing and able to send electricity down the wires long after gas has run out at Laggan Tormore.

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  • 2 months later...

Not a lot.  Opposed to the windfarm anyway but, now it seems that the whole lot has been handed to SSE who couldn't care less about Shetland, it's people and, it's environment.  All they are interested in is profit. 


SSE have used the CT as a "stalking horse" to establish the farm in principle as a "local project", and now they are going to join an ever increasing queue of "subsidy junkies" for their shareholders benefit, not ours !...


Shetland has a history of handing it's best opportunities (salmon farms etc.) to "outsiders" so, I'm not the least surprised.  I am, however, very disappointed.

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The S.S.E may well be in full control of the windpower created by Viking Energy, but at least there will be fewer power cuts as long as the windpower generates electricity, while probably generating less polution.



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  • 6 months later...

So noo dat the muck moving has started I suppose we'll have to get used to it, like it or no.


Wan positive thing is that there's a big infrastructure development kicking here off just as there's likely to be a global recession. If Viking Energy was going to go ahead onywye, noo is a good time for it.

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BTW, do you know who Mac W. Mitchell is?


I wouldn't expect you do.


You need to travel a very long way to find him, but from what I am given to understand (and stand corrected if mistaken) is that he is quite possibly the person who stands to receive the largest potential payout for the least investment, work or risk from the whole VE debacle. The published figure currently standing at multi Millions Sterling.


He is not alone, he's in a cosy little informal 'club' of several members.


Things are not always what they seem, and full stories are seldom told, even for things being 'done in our name'.

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