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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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So yun's RJ McLeod officially been awarded da contract https://www.shetnews.co.uk/2020/07/28/viking-energy-wind-farm-construction-programme-expected-to-start-in-august-after-engineering-firm-wins-contract/


Dir will liklee be folk complainin dat the contract wisna awarded locally, but dirs nae local contractor we da experience o engineering works lik dis, and dir we be plenty o subcontracts being awarded tae local firms.

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Onybody could bid fur da contract but dir isna da expertise or track record for local companies to be able to take on contracts dat ir dis specialised on dis scale. Even pittin da tender bid tagidder for a contract lik dis needs a lot o specialist knowledge.


RJ McLeod hiv been doin dis kind o contract aa ower Scotland fur a lot o years noo.

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I don't think that I'm allowed to "name names" even though it is a matter of public record, but the then convenor of the SIC said something along the line of "Wind Farm development will not go ahead without the people of Shetland being consulted".

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I might be wrong too but wasn’t it something along the lines of ‘if Shetland doesn’t want it, it won’t happen’ as opposed to the offer of an actual vote or referendum?


If that’s what was said, assuming there would be public agreement one way or another made it a pretty foolish statement to make IMO

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The problem is, who’s ‘say’ wins out when there are strong opinions on both sides?


I’m on the opposing side but the notion that folk haven’t had a chance to say their bit is nonsense.


Objections were made, the decision-makers disagreed with them and one side lost out - they were never going to be able to please everybody.

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 the notion that folk haven’t had a chance to say their bit is nonsense.


Objections were made, the decision-makers disagreed with them and one side lost out - they were never going to be able to please everybody.

*Spherical objects you keep in your underpants*


The only way to properly consult the population is by taking a vote....


The whole thing appears to have been decided right at the outset, and in the meantime, the people responsible have done nothinh more than make a complete mess of things.

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I read a lot aboot folk sayin dey were promised a vote, dat we've been lied tae, dat Shetland has been betrayed, aabody' is against da windfarm etc etc


I can understand why objectors ir so furious (I wis an objector, but I can see baith sides) but it's no helpin wir community tae be throwin aroond claims lik dat withoot proof or evidence. I canna mind being promised a vote? Im no sure why I'd hiv been given a vote on it onywye as I dunna ken enough aboot aa da factors tae mak an informed decision!


It's vexing to see da wilderness being torn up, but it's no muckle idder dan whit happened when da main roads were biggit, Sullom was biggit, hoosin schemes wir/ir biggit.... I winder how many tonne o peat was cleared to put da road through the Lang Kames?

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Just like other developments throughout Shetland guess we will just have to accept it and live with it.

What's wrong with demanding a halt to work and the reinstatement of the site.


Even if that approach fails during the construction phase, what's wrong wit continuing with the same demands as long as the completed installations remain on site.


If any one of us built a, as a Sandwick man once wrote a poem/song about, a peerie glessy porch afore da door, and SIC Planning, for whatever reason decided they didn't like it, they'd demand it was torn down. Surely a just and fair system of governance must allow 'the people' to demand the same things as 'decision makers' impose upon them, until and unless the matter is seen to be decided one way or another democratically.

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Little of this project makes much sense to me when we have a good supply of gas at Sullom Voe which could have fueled a modern power station that would have satisfied our power requirements for many years to come, but the "powers that be" obviously think otherwise . 


Back into my shell I know nothing.,but it might be wise to invest in a good generator in a few years time.

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