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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Whit isna democratic aboot it? A democratically elected government has done whit governments should do - med a decision for the good of the majority. Some folk dunna lik it, but dat's democracy fur you.


Does du expect every decision to go tae a public vote? 

Which democratically elected government made what decision and when? There's been an awful lot of slipping things through on a wing and a prayer by any route possible that didn't involve the democratic process and avoided a straightforward democratic decision. The nearest it ever go to facing the public and them having their say on it directly was at an SIC planning meeting, when surprise, surprise they nodded it through dismissing the advice of their own planning experts and objections from the public.


The 'for the good of the country' bit is very much open to debate. There's very little argument that its for the good of the profits of the developer/operator as nlong as it remains so heavily subsidised that regardless whether it produces enough power to make any difference to anything or not, and to a few landowners who are now being paid handsomely for previously worthless (to them) land. Others, maybe not so much.


Its a massive project in proportion to the rock its being put on, the nature and character of Shetland will be irreversibly changed either materially, visually of both for at least 50% of the isles, its buget is equally massive, and includes a not inconsequencial sum of Shetland's money. If that isn't enough to justify a referendum where the all the folk involved have the final say yea or nay, then I don't know what would be.


The Council had no problem whatsoever throwing out the plans mooted for a super quarry in the north mainland some years back on, AFAIK, effectively visual and disturbance to residents grounds........  The quarries to build VE aren't going to fall all that short of cumulatively being comparable to the mooted super quarry......such a complete U turn then some by the 'powers that be', frankly, stinks something rank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The people of Shetland and their descendants are going to regret not mounting a more vigorous opposition to the the wind farms. I have no doubt that a lot of people have not concerned themselves too much as the wind farm is not on their doorstep but over time more will appear and they will be on your doorstep, IT IS NOT TOO LATE.

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Is it not the case that the SNP want Scotland to be self sufficient using completely "green energy" ASAP.


While we have a party in power that cannot see beyond so called renewable energy we cannot expect anything else but more wind turbines


God help us on a cold winters night when Scotland is flat calm,or it is blowing to hard to use the turbines and we have no back up.



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  • 2 months later...

I never hear anyone bragging about the efficiency of those Solar Panels in Shetland,so I'm inclined to think they are not as productive as wind turbines.


Solar panels must also require a fair amount of maintenance in this wet,windy ,salty climate I would have thought making them expensive to keep operational.


Ma'be some one will show some facts and figures to prove me wrong.

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  • 1 month later...
  • admin changed the title to Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy
2 hours ago, Davie P said:

I was googling something about Viking Energy and this thread came up.

There hasn't been much discussion about the windfarm here for a while. Has everybody resigned themselves to the inevitable??

Nope, very far from it. The whole shebang decanted to a F/B group/page or six and is still going strong. Including, allegedly, senior figure(s) within the SIC threatening to take legal action against at least one poster there for an opinion they'd posted in a private group where said SIC figure(s) was not a member.



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I found the Facebook groups to be rather one-sided. Some of the groups feel more like places for folk to go to vent and share their anxieties (which I'm not criticising them for doing) - just not really the place(s) for balanced discussion.

Edited by Davie P
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^ Can't argue all that much with that. The groups as they stand (that I'm aware of) are exclusively anti groups, so pro people are unlikely to join them. There are no pro groups, which is interpreted (rightly or wrongly by the antis) as being an attitude of 'We've won, its happening, and we don't care you hate it', nor are there any general groups where both sides get a fair hearing.

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