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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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I think the Danish offshore windfarms can manage about 30%.


Wow! Am willing to put me mortgage on my top four fae Da Kames!:lol:


Co2 emissions, am no gonna get to hung up on this whole debate Crofter. There are too many "unknown, unknowns". My gut feeling is that it has to be for the better capturing power from wind. I'll leave it to everybody else to squabble about if, how, why much is actually being saved. It's not top of the list of the reasons for me why we should be doing this, but it is a valid reason.


Re the report below.




Christ, I think I could have written that report meself!! :wink:


Mr Dalby highlights all the very reasons why we should be going ahead with a windfarm. Still looking for independent verification?! :wink:

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I sat on the fence for months, and in fact to begin with I was very much on the side of the Viking Energy plan, but having read the many posts in this thread I realised that Shetland is being screwed once again. Not least by the fact that most of the people posting here with 'supposedly real knowledge', in favour of the project, would appear to be connected to, or likely to profit from, the said project.

As I've said before, I'm thick, so I am most likely reading this wrong, but if there hadn't been so many obvious 'company ' posts on this thread, I might have stayed in favour of the project.


Rasmie, don't put yourself down man. There's plenty on here who'll do that for you. :wink:


Next time you're over from Norway give me a shout and I'll gladly meet you for a pint and explain in detail how I am in no way connected with this project.


I have children and my vision is that this project could make their future, and more importantly Shetland's on the whole, all the brighter for years to come.

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Co2 emissions, am no gonna get to hung up on this whole debate Crofter. There are too many "unknown, unknowns".



Totally agree, but if it is argued that this project is of environmental benefit as well as future financial benefit, I want to see proof of both. The more I look into this, the less convinced I am that there will be any significant environmental benefit, so persuade me that the risk can justify the potential returns - (let's just deal with the "known unknowns"!)

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This is an excellent effort at simulating what we might expect in Shetland. Minus of course the roads, electricity substation and the pylons.





Bressay simulation:



... and this is only 20 turbines!

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This is an excellent effort at simulating what we might expect in Shetland. Minus of course the roads, electricity substation and the pylons.





Bressay simulation:



... and this is only 20 turbines!


Oh, Jesus wept! Whit next?


Nonsense, utter bloody nonsense!!


Come on, stick with reality here people. Go and have a look at VE's website, there are loads of images there which give a TRUE reflection on where the turbines are actually planned.


I would imagine when the revised plan comes out at the end of this month we will get more pictures, hopefully the interactive map will be there too.


Really!! :roll:

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Here are a few.


Wouldn't like to put exact figures on it, for obvious reasons, but I would like to see a good portion go towards research and development into other renewable technologies here in Shetland. Forms of energy which can be used to supplement wind, even replace it, eventually making oil fired power stations in Shetland redundant.


Help fund micro-renewable projects. Steps such as these could make Shetland totally self-sufficient in renewable energy.


I view the VE windfarm as an exciting first step on a ladder which could open various doors for future generations of Shetlanders. Sure, the current SCT funds could probably see me out. If I was to be selfish about it then, hell, let's keep the status quo until the money's all gone.


But for me that's simply not good enough! We can do better than that, we can think bigger than that, future generations of Shetlanders deserve better than that!


Shetland could be the test bed for so many renewable technologies of the future. But, we would need to fund it ourselves or else we could find ourselves at the disposal of of big business. If we generate our own funds then, like the SEE agreement, we could develop alongside partners with industry expertise such as mentioned.


If we build the windfarm I'm confident that we could generate income which could self-fund all this, and more, for years to come.


To sit and watch the pot run dry would be the biggest sin we could commit!



In my view, how the money is spent is at the heart of the debate for most folk. If the people could see how, and how much they will benefit from the windfarm, it would probably get a hell of a lot more support. Every person in Shetland is going to have to gain financially in some way or else most will think, what is the gain to me for having to put up with this massive eye sore and a huge slice of our oil cash spent?.


We need cast iron guarantees from the council on how much and where this money is going. I think it will probably go into more council waste, high paid council jobs, big elaborate buildings etc. It will probably benefit the few at the expense of everyone else, I am nearly sure thats the way it will end up. For you and me, we will more than likely be no better off, if VE and the council get there way.


Investment in other renewable technologies R/D is excellent, but there has to be sustained progress, if it is just another money siphoning project, given a fancy name to up the employment figures, then im dead against it.


If the windfarm is used to make electricity cheaper for everyone, i.e. free micro generation to all who have room for it, discounts to people who dont have room, and free community wind turbines to power groups of housing, then i'm all for it. That will make living here in the isles easier for all and the make the trade off for the eye sore and spent funds more bearable.

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Oh, Jesus wept! Whit next?


Nonsense, utter bloody nonsense!!



Really!! :roll:


You may be exasperated with that Petrocelli, but during the public meetings the question was raised as to why the windfarm could not be situated on Bressa', it's ideal really when you think about it. Perfect landfall for the interconnector, close proximity to current grid station. Only one complication, i'll not state it. :wink:


The VE directors laughed, perhaps a little nervously and suggested that the person asking the question be the one who told the Bressa' folk and everyone else that it would be sited there. All good fun, but there's an underlying point there. Why not Bressa' if it's such a good scheme? It would make for a lot of wealthy Bressa' folk. :)


EDIT! i forgot to mention, constructing a landing stage for the components would be easy, as would the road building and minimal too! /EDIT

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You may be exasperated with that Petrocelli, but during the public meetings the question was raised as to why the windfarm could not be situated on Bressa', it's ideal really when you think about it. Perfect landfall for the interconnector, close proximity to current grid station. Only one complication, i'll not state it. :wink:


Why not Bressa' if it's such a good scheme? It would make for a lot of wealthy Bressa' folk. :)


I was not so much exasperated with the possibility of a windfarm on Bressay but more the amateurish way that Mr Hammond presented his simulation. Sadly, it's in keeping with most of the other so called arguments put forward by the anti brigade!


To go back to my original posting I said that I would be dead against a proposal to site a windfarm at the cliffs of Eshaness, Sumburgh Head, Hermaness, etc. I would class Bressay in that same category. I have personally walked over it, cycled through it, gone round it several times by boat and would suggest that it could possibly be compromised by wind turbines. These are areas of undeniable scenic beauty.


I have driven through Da Kames hundreds of times, never seen a sole near it, consider it one of the most non-descript bits of landscape this side of the equator. Never heard anybody suggest going for a walk there. That is why I agree that if we are to build a windfarm then that is as good a place as any.


If you feel that Da Kames landscape equals the coastline of Bressay then fine, that's your opinion. But I think you'll find that you would be in a very small minority if it were put to a vote. :roll:


Personally, I couldna care who gets rich here, doesna matter if its John Scott, Brian Anderson or anybody else for that matter. I would have preferred for the land to have been bought by compulsory purchase but that would have probably meant a considerable capital outlay, or legally impossible, christ kens!


Anyway, as I said I couldna care who gets the money, if they've got land and we're putting turbines on it then pay them the going rate.


I've tried to stick to as much factually based evidence here as I can. Sadly, that is not the case for everyone else! If you feel you're doing your case any good by bringing up nonsense such as this, plant trees etc. (cos they'll make money! :roll: )... then keep going my friends!

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This is an excellent effort at simulating what we might expect in Shetland. Minus of course the roads, electricity substation and the pylons.


With Ward Hill about 250m high and the turbines 140m to the top of the blade, there would seem to be some scaling problems. The perspective doesn't seem to match up either.


For photo-montaging to be accurate you need to match all the virtual and real cameras properties, and it doesn't look like that has been done.


The visual impact will be one of the main concerns people have, and it would be better to judge things from solid information.

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I was not so much exasperated with the possibility of a windfarm on Bressay but more the amateurish way that Mr Hammond presented his simulation. Sadly, it's in keeping with most of the other so called arguments put forward by the anti brigade!


Ameteure: not profesional ie. unpaid.

Where as we have VE and all opinions expressed there are profesional, ie. paid.

And paid by who?


What we have here petro is local folk fighting for there community and big buisness trying to bury popular opinion with "SPIN". :lol:

(I know it is very apt in the situation though) :oops:



There is millions going to be made if this project goes ahead, but it will be made by the few and as far as I'm concerned they have made enough of our backs so why should they make any more.


Drop the Ltd from VE and I might just believe that the proposers are honest in there preaching, otherwise I don't think we should touch it with a bargepole.

Ltd: no risk to the directors when it all goes tits up.

Director: Usually well paid figurehead of organisation, liable for his decisions unless the company is Ltd.


And Petro I'm not thick as mince and I do think you have some connection with VE, if not financially then one or more of the Burradale boys is your mate.


Meet me for a dram if your sure of your impartiality :wink:

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