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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Guest Anonymous

Could you please stop talking about nuclear reactors.

If the damned SIC get hold of the idea they'll have that as the number one topic on their next "How to waste Shetland's money" meeting.

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Tell you what A.T. - if that interconnector goes in we'll have a nukey power plant here before you can say Sandy Clueless. Mind you there would be less damage to the the environment. :?


If you've been following this thread, Hardwadder, then you'll know fine well that simply doesn't make any sense! It is blatantly obvious that there would be no advantage to building a nuclear reactor in Shetland. Please read back through to find the relevant postings. :roll:


In fact, anybody who still believes that there is a remote possibility of a nuclear reactor being situated here please shout "AYE!".


All it would take was a little concentrated tabloid sensationalism of the negatives of the nuke, to generate a "healthy" level NIMBY-itis in the main centres of population and we'd look awfully attractive, despite the negatives of the location.


Once something becomes a political point-scoring chess-piece, practicalities and common sense are the first victims.

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We are talking about something exceptional here, petrocelli_, not a decision about where to put a new pedestrian crossing or funding for a care home.


Yes, agreed! It is something extraordinary, Ched.


Would it just be a straight vote, as in YES/NO to the windfarm? How would you see such a referendum taking place?


That said, my feelings on referendums haven't really changed and I would still be against such an idea.



Referendum, survey whatever. At the very least...


...the whole of Shetland should be asked if they are supportive of VEs specific proposal.

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I would like to see the size of the buildings proposed at Weisdale (?) but can't get onto the Scottish & Southern Energy website at all.


I would also like to see a scale map of the proposed location and size of the windymills. The message "This interactive map has been temporarily withdrawn pending a revised layout to be released in early 2008. Please check back again soon." is unhelpful and been sitting on the Viking Energy webpage for many months.

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I would also like to see a scale map of the proposed location and size of the windymills. quote]


Yes we are all waiting.... for some comparison consider this.


Blackpool tower is 158m high, the top of proposed wind turbines is 140m - not a lot in it only 18m - and we are going to get 150 of 'em

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I would like to see the size of the buildings proposed at Weisdale (?) but can't get onto the Scottish & Southern Energy website at all.


The interconnector station was said, at the public meetings, to be comparable in area to the new extension of the lerwick power station, I'm not 100% sure about the height, but i'll not specify as i can't recall and i wouldn't want to exaggerate. :wink:


(Catfirth was also suggested as a location for it)

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I would also like to see a scale map of the proposed location and size of the windymills.


Here is a bit of artwork which might help! One turbine against the Telecom Tower of Central London.


Imagine 160 of these in central Shetland.



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But, even with a scheme other than the VE one, nobody should ever get free electricity, prices should be comparable to grid prices and in the case of Shetland the benefits of any micro-renewable scheme should fund the CT, or similar community based fund. Give everyone free electricity and they'll soon be sitting on the patio with the 3 bar electric heater going on a summers night, which would do nobody any good.


Saying we would all deliberately waste electricity is nonsense, I think the proceeds of this project should go to reducing peoples electricity bills, Every household, based on the number of occupants should be given a Quota of free electricity a year, I can assure you people would not waste electric, especially if it was going to cost them extra if they go over their quota. Everyone would benefit equally, from old age pensioners who are finding it difficult to stay warm in the winter, right up to business owners who are creating wealth in the economy.


Any other way of using the money is unfair.


In 10 years time, people here are going to be struggling, The population will decline. Reduced energy bills will help keep people here, and make live viable. There is no reason that Shetlanders should not have free power. We have wind, we have the funds to setup the turbines, we should not be denied it.

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In 10 years time, people here are going to be struggling, The population will decline. Reduced energy bills will help keep people here, and make live viable. There is no reason that Shetlanders should not have free power. We have wind, we have the funds to setup the turbines, we should not be denied it.


Good point, but that would reduce the profits for the shareholders.....

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In 10 years time, people here are going to be struggling


I am pretty sure that following the recent price rises for heating oil never mind petrol that a lot of people are struggling with bills right now.


I can see peat cutting coming back into fashion in the next year or two.........:shock:


We must then of course, consider if this activity would be more or less carbon neutral than a reasonable amount of subsidised electricity from what are billed as 'our' wind turbines. :wink:

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I can see peat cutting coming back into fashion in the next year or two........

Now there's a thing. How do all you "Save Shetlands Peat" campaigners feel about peat cutting? Surely that's a practice to be deplored and despised and ended as soon as practically possible? At least the windfarm will only be moving the peat around, not digging it up and burning it.

:wink: :) :twisted:


Edit: I need a "stirring" smiley.

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You think that's scary, Frances?


Cop a load of this!!:shock:




Now, I may have got King Kong slightly out of proportion but am pretty sure Godzilla is bang on! :)


More worryingly, if we build the windfarm and one of those buggers comes in here and knocks the whole bloody lot down... we're knacked!


Hopefully, with those blades spinning round at 200mph they might lose a limb or two in the process and thus save Shetland from a complete disaster! :D


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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