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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Now there's a thing. How do all you "Save Shetlands Peat" campaigners feel about peat cutting?


I can't see that the amount of peat cut for burning would add up to the amount which is going to be destroyed by the VE project.


The obvious solution is to build enough turbine capacity to supply Shetland either free or free for an allowed amount. We would then not need to cut peat, and we would not need the huge number of turbines required by VE, hence the environmental damage is kept to a minimum. Shetland would be 'doing its bit' towards solving climate change and we would perhaps be able to afford to live here. AND we would not be risking so much of our financial nest egg.

Is this too simple......... of course it is - there would be no massive income for the greedy who are hoping to profit under the guise of the climate change banner.

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I would also like to see a scale map of the proposed location and size of the windymills.


Here is a bit of artwork which might help! One turbine against the Telecom Tower of Central London.


Imagine 160 of these in central Shetland.



It is good to see an effort at giving scale to these turbines, sanitycheck. If VE will make no effort to commuicate the true scale of their proposal to the public then this sort of thing as an alternative is an excellent way to communicate this point.


Sorry to see the feable ridicule your efforts by petrocelli_ above.

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Someone asked about the interconnector station - this is one in Ireland around the same size as the Kergord proposal





C'mon guys - it's no dat big - I think it would look pretty good at the head o' Weisdale Voe

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.... which is going to be destroyed by the VE project.

This is really starting to annoy me. What do you mean, destroyed? Do you think it is going to magically evaporate? Disappear into thin air? Spontaneously combust? No! It will be dug up in one place, transported to another, and replanted. There is no "destroy"!


When Sullom Voe was built, several hundred thousand tonnes of peat were excavated from the hill on Calbeck Ness and dumped into Orca Voe. This peat was not destroyed! It has been replanted and is now a healthy heathland, just as it was before it was dug up.


(Qk, there are rumours of some nasty rubbish being buried along with the peat but that was waste from the construction phase at Sullom. Given the scrutiny that VE will be under, that won't be repeated.)

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Here's and extract from VE's website. It from the Shetland REnewable Energy Forum....





7.2 Community Objectives for Shetland

Short Term (0-5 years)


7.2.1 Development of community-scale renewable energy plans and projects.


7.2.2 Establishment of local targets and priorities within communities.


7.2.3 Publication or distribution of a “template†explaining processes for

communities to develop renewable energy schemes.


Long Term (5 years +)


7.2.4 Provision of equivalent of 100% of Shetland’s energy requirements

from renewable energy sources (consistent with the EU 100%

Renewable Energy Islands’ Target)3*


3* 100% Renewable Energy Island – A target recognised by the EU “Campaign for Take Offâ€programme. Shetland would form a renewable energy partnership where local bodies combine to produce an amount of renewable energy equivalent to the energy consumed within Shetland.



7.2.5 Achievement of 100% community ownership for renewable energy in

identified or island areas sufficient to match local requirements.


7.2.6 Achievement of a minimum of 25% community ownership in all

renewable energy development in Shetland.


7.2.7 Increased standards of energy efficient design and construction in local housing and other buildings.


7.2.8 Preservation, protection and enhancement of Shetland’s natural flora,

fauna and marine life including statutory designated areas in the

locations of renewable energy development.


7.2.9 Preservation, protection and enhancement of Shetland’s archaeological heritage in the locations of renewable energy development.


7.2.10 Minimisation of all and any unavoidable pollution or negative environmental effects related to the development, construction, operation or removal of renewable energy developments.



Hmmmm - PetroCelli - any thoughts?

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It will be dug up in one place, transported to another, and replanted.



And what pray is the carbon expenditure of this operation. I do not believe you can dig up and replant virgin peat without considerable damage to it. And don't forget the consequences of altered drainage to the hill etc.

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It will be dug up in one place, transported to another, and replanted.



And what pray is the carbon expenditure of this operation. I do not believe you can dig up and replant virgin peat without considerable damage to it. And don't forget the consequences of altered drainage to the hill etc.


Fairly trivial I would imagine, a few kilo's/tonne from the digger and the truck used to transport it and a few kilo's/tonne from the peat itself. Certainly nothing like the amount of carbon released by continuing to generate our power by burning coal and diesel. As far as the drainage changes go, this is a well known problem so I would imagine it would be minimised by sensitive design of the turbine sites and the roads connecting them.


The idea that VE are simply going to charge in with all guns blazing and devastate the NE mainland with no regard for the environmental consequences is simply a smokescreen thrown up by the Sustainable Shetland nimby's to cover up the fact that they have very little to back up their arguments beyond "I don't like windmills".

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I would imagine it would be minimised by sensitive design of the turbine sites and the roads connecting them.


The idea that VE are simply going to charge in with all guns blazing and devastate the NE mainland with no regard for the environmental consequences is simply a smokescreen thrown up by the Sustainable Shetland nimby's to cover up the fact that they have very little to back up their arguments beyond "I don't like windmills".


Unfortunately until VE publish some detailed designs, the long awaited scale model, perhaps a little bit about the effects of low frequency noise and infrasound etc etc. - imagine is all you will be able to do.

They seem very reluctant to publish anything..... why else do people seemingly have no idea of how big the turbines are or what the converter station will look like.(re recent earlier posts). Little wonder that the public feel justified in posting their own scale drawings.

As for Sustainable Shetland, I think we should wait untill they have held their public meeting before we pass judgement on what they stand for. I suspect they will get more public approval than VE got at the public meeting I attended last year!!

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Am truly upset! :cry:


I was merely trying to do a like for like with some really scary monsters and you folks give me a hard time!:(


By the way Frances I wasn't mocking you there, I was just exasperated at the sight of another completely pointless turbine simulation. sanitycheck, that was one of the better ones!


Sustainable Shetland chairman, Billy Fox, wrote last week in the Shetland News: "Compare the turbines 476 feet (145 metres) high, with a blade diameter of 361 feet (110 metres), to a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. Its wingspan is 59.6 metres, with a fuselage length of 64 metres - two-thirds the turbine blade span."


I can just see folk running away for their aeroplane manuals... oooh 747, was that a 707, 737..... it's just nonsense.


The only simulations we need to see are the ones where the turbines are planned to be sited. Everything else is just pointless as they have no real bearing on what is intended here in Shetland.


"Sustainable Shetland" is an "anti-wind power campaign" group. They don't like windfarms and they're left trying to dream up as many reasons as possible to stop the project, fair play!


Bright Eyes, if you've got any questions to ask VE then go ahead and ask them. Why sit on here posting about getting no information when you could phone them, email or write to them if you have real concerns. You never know, they might actually be willing to speak to you.:wink:


Anyway, the next Windylights brochure should be due shortly along with a new interactive map. I would imagine once they apply for planning permission (if it gets to that stage) that there will be a scaled model then too. There's no point in doing a scaled model until they've finalised their plans.

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Sustainable Shetland chairman, Billy Fox, wrote last week in the Shetland News: "Compare the turbines 476 feet (145 metres) high, with a blade diameter of 361 feet (110 metres), to a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. Its wingspan is 59.6 metres, with a fuselage length of 64 metres - two-thirds the turbine blade span."


I can just see folk running away for their aeroplane manuals... oooh 747, was that a 707, 737..... it's just nonsense.


Always nice to see you Petrocelli, your scale image was a good laugh, however flippant. Nice one.


I would guess the reason that Mr Fox was drawn to the 747 comparison is that it has been used elsewhere in the world to give people perspective on turbine size, any quick search on turbine sizes on the net yields the likes of this:



From Australia.

I considered making a VE adjusted version, then realised that 747s were pretty thin on the ground around here, like Godzillas. :wink:

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