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Shetland windfarm - Viking Energy


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Sea level has clearly altered that amount and more, certainly upwards, and quite possibly down as well in the past, the world and us are still here.


So, we lose some low lying land, but with the accompanying temperature increase habitation at higher, and currently unviable altitudes will become viable. Its a relocation exercise.

My point is that we do not have to accept this change, not if we act quickly.

Notwithstanding of course that the sea does actually rise seven metres, I am too yet to be convinced that they're gotten that sum right either, take all the ice in the world, melt it, and it becomes a layer seven metres deep over all of the world's oceans, plus lesser depths on the flooded low lying land. I'm just not seeing that quantity of ice when I look at a world map and compare the white bits and the blue bits, especially as ice shrinks its mass considerably when melted.


Good grief, do some research will you. The 7m rise comes only from the melting of the Greenland ice cap. If all of the ice melted the rise would be around 70m!

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Does anybody know anything about how co2 is measured ? I find it hard to understand how the various components of air is converted into weight , the percentage content i can understand but i cant get this millions of tons wieght business , who exactly is responsible for this data ?


I worked it out on page 37 of this thread. Got an answer about half of what VE were claiming at that time. They later admitted that their calculations were wrong. Let's hope that the potential profits are not also being hyped....

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Does anybody know anything about how co2 is measured ? I find it hard to understand how the various components of air is converted into weight , the percentage content i can understand but i cant get this millions of tons wieght business , who exactly is responsible for this data ?

This is an article which explains the make-up of the earth's atmosphere and which, I hope, will answer your question.



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"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares

for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the


-- Proverbs 22:3


It is probably a good idea to build some size of windfarm in Shetland. I believe we will see global chaos from energy shortages a lot sooner than from climate change. It would be sensible to have our own generating capacity in Shetland from a renewable source, and even better if we can export the surplus and earn from it. The problem I have got with VE is that they are not conducting an independent assessment of this project, David Thomson will potentially be very rich if this works and Aaron Priest is almost evangelical about the windfarm. I just have no faith in anything they say any more.

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Guest Anonymous


Good grief, do some research will you. The 7m rise comes only from the melting of the Greenland ice cap. If all of the ice melted the rise would be around 70m!


It's a BIG IF, but absolutely correct with the 70m figure.

here's a rather interesting page I found about it which has a table showing the world ice inventory.


oops forgot to paste link :oops:

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Good grief, do some research will you. The 7m rise comes only from the melting of the Greenland ice cap. If all of the ice melted the rise would be around 70m!


It's a BIG IF, but absolutely correct with the 70m figure.

here's a rather interesting page I found about it which has a table showing the world ice inventory.

Yes, but it was Ghostrider's 'If', not mine. At the moment there is plenty of evidence to suggest the Greenland icecap is melting, much less relating to the Antarctic ice. But if Global warming is allowed to proceed unchecked.....

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so passing the global warming over to the other site. why should we not build them.

  • we have had the council are stupid/incompetent(why then are they still the council)
    that the peat is so valuable (what the value of an acre of blanket bog. whats the stocking rate of sheep that you can have on it)
    that it will not make money(even if you just used it to provide heating and possably the power to produce hydrogen for our transport im sure we could break even)
    that the wind stops blowing( heat storage)
    that it will spoil the looks of the countryside( it will change it)
    that tourest will stop coming (the tourists provide the same amount of money as farming. farming is in difficulties the rent from the sites built would help support the local farming communities

have i missed anything.


so if the interconnector is built but not the wind farm. can you guess what could be built up here.

lets have an atomic plant the goverment is wanting to build new ones. its clean, it produces plenty of jobs and the best part is its miles away from the main popultation centres. oh and if they did build one you could not stop it with the new rules that they are going to introduce about major cival projects.


theres a perfect site becoming available in lerwick with all the dredged sand and stone from the harbour.


that another point what impact did that have on the marine wildlife of the sound. i never noticed any impact studies.

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that it will not make money(even if you just used it to provide heating and possably the power to produce hydrogen for our transport im sure we could break even)


I would support it if it could break even. VE are saying that it will be viable even without subsidised transmission charges. Can we believe them? Maybe, but they are a bit like the boy who cried wolf to me.

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Paulb wrote a while back...theres plenty of things that can be done to reduce the impact on the enviroment, i totally agree, SCRAP the project right now before Shetland and it's people get well and truly screwed.


whats new wheres our free petrol that was promised at the time of sulloms building

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paulb asks;............

we have had the council are stupid/incompetent(why then are they still the council)


The Council performs a vital role in managing and executing many roles in all aspects of life in Shetland. This does not mean that they are in any capacity qualified or skilled in attempting to run a commercial enterprise - and the results are there for reviewing!


In the debate over Mareel, it became apparent that a number of councillors are indeed highly capable of reading a balance sheet, and equally capable of interpreting and questioning a business plan. Those same councillors are the ones who will perhaps take the role of questioning the accountable individuals to substantiate the date they are providing. This is an everyday occurence in any business, to ensure that problems are identified and resolved as soon as they become apparent.


The Council could very easily sink itself if they got this investment wrong, as much from the destruction of the tourism business as the mechanics of Viking Energy!

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