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Please, provide urgent information! Employment offer of complete unknown for oversees newcomer ;)


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Just received interesting job offer to work on your beautiful islands. The beauty of nature there tempting me so much, however vital information about conditions are very scarce. And must decide tomorrow.

So, I earnestly request You, please, explain the key facts about what I may expect?


The work is in the Shetland hotels. The employer promise excellent accommodation: every employee gets own house with 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom (?). However it is not specified in the very contract text.

is it really likely? Too cute to imagine ;)


There are also some unknown about how oversees newcomer may socialize, I'm going to come alone and bit frighting of loneliness - to say honestly. How do you think?


After all, please summarize what to expect? It seems some emotional dilemma...

Edited by ivy.lally
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I guess it might come down to whether the hotel in question is near to the centre of civilisation (aka Lerwick.) or at the edge of the world..


Edge of the world, I've been here 3+ years, and haven't made a friend yet !


I can quite imagine some places to offer accommodation, at least until they are so busy that its suddenly profitable to rent out said places to paying customers, so for how long, is a bit of an unknown.


Usually as you get nearer to Lerwick, accommodation becomes more scarce.


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It all sounds highly suspicious to me.


Hiring someone at the end of the tourist season when folk are being laid off in the accomodation sector, from overseas with post-Brexit issues still uncertain, and needing an answer in 24 hours.


Without knowing which hotel/position, and/or what unique skills the OP would be bringing, the 'job offer' at face value comes off as more than a little dodgy.

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I hasitate a long time already, but enough is enough and they require the decision at last!

This is why in 24 hours now.


So after the summer season, don't tourist come to Shetland hotels? For instance, to admire excellent look of the auroras?


And about BrExit yet... I think business runs anyway, trying hard not matter how politicians enjoy their games. :)

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^ A few tourists come in winter, but only a trickle. Short dark days and unpredictable mostly extreme weather doesn't make for much chance to take in the scenery, and auroras are hit and miss, its just on nights when the conditions are right and the sky is reasonably clear they're visible. Most of winter the night sky tends to be overcast.


Concerning Brexit, yes, businesses will continue to run, but if you're a non-UK national working in the UK, its far from clear what your work/residency status might be on 1st November. Worst case scenario, depending on your nationality and whether the UK has reached an agreement with your home nation, you could find yourself without either a work or a residency permit and be required to leave the UK immediately, or be deported.


Sorry to be so negative, but I'm just being realistic. There are many days in winter even us residents only go outdoors when we really must due to the weather, and with the current uncertain political situation nationally, relationships between the UK and the rest of the world's nations will remain unclear until at least 1st November.

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As we can see, whatever to start talking about it always comes to Brexit ;)

Here, in EU mainland, most people sees it as very artificial initiative (without any hard foundation) and share such an opinion common sense will prevail eventually :)


However, if not, it is still an interesting adventure to experience your unusual environment for few months.

BTW, I've just seen an interesting TV report from a bicycle trip from Berlin to China. Two brave guys challenged it successfully ;)

And your troublesome weather might be seen as refreshing for a newcomer tired with hot summer in her/his country. Probably only after some period it gradually starts feeding up.

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However you've said it's dodgy. What suspicion do you suggest? What danger can you imagine and what kind of evil masterplan?


'Dodgy', as in you wouldn't be the first person to be lured from mainland Europe to the UK on the promise of an attractive sounding, but non-existent job, only to 'vanish' upon arrival. If you're making your own travel arrangements, then probably fair enough, but if your prospective employer is 'arranging' them, perhaps not......


Lerwick is a small town, there's a few pubs, a few cafes and a cinema..... and not much else in a winter evening. The 'nightlife' doesn't exactly extend to very much. There's a few 'specialist interest' groups/clubs that meet weekly/monthly/whatever, depending on your interests.


While Brexit looked at from outside may seem something of a storm in a teacup that will sort itself out eventually, the view from inside is looking more and more like, close the door, build a wall, and walk away.

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If I’m correct the Shetland hotel, in Lerwick has a recently new built accommodation block for staff, the planning application said it would contain 6 x 2 bedroom self catering houses, if it the Shetland hotel your going to work for then that could be the accommodation on offer.


Some if the other hotels in Lerwick, like the queens hotel , certainly used to have staff blocks.


If you have a formal offer from a Lerwick based hotel, I would think there shouldn’t be an issue, but why don’t you contact them to get more details on the accommodation to put your mind at rest.

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If I’m correct the Shetland hotel, in Lerwick has a recently new built accommodation block for staff, the planning application said it would contain 6 x 2 bedroom self catering houses, if it the Shetland hotel your going to work for then that could be the accommodation on offer.


It looks nice like.

But, why do they seek staff after tourist season (to redirect the other participant's question)?

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If you have a formal offer from a Lerwick based hotel, I would think there shouldn’t be an issue, but why don’t you contact them to get more details on the accommodation to put your mind at rest.

Yes, I have.

Actually, I'm using the services of an employment agency.

Very nice guy explains all my questions very carefully and patiently. He seems very friendly and honest. But some of my friends try to discourage me, they have bad experience with jobs in the UK, to say it openly.

(They suggest there is enough interesting jobs in the European Union mainland countries. However what is precious to me personally is just your Islands unique nature, indeed!)

I feel very confused, hesitated a lot, seem now not in the position to negotiate and demand further information.

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And probably it would be a good idea to hear directly from the employer what might I expect.

The issues that bother me the most are also e.g. if an employee can receive guests from abroad for some time? However, it must be said that I am afraid of loneliness due to the small population of the islands.

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