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"Gilbert Bain is not fit for purpose"

Davie P

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Its a very difficult to access and very cramped site, its now a hotchpotch of conversions and extensions to the original building, which itself is 60 years old - Whether or not its unfit for purpose at the moment is maybe still open to debate, but I think its fair to say its already passed its sell by date by a chunk, and if not now, then quite soon its fitness will become increasingly and rapidly more questionable.


That said, a new building isn't going to magically fix the ails of our local NHS. What I'm seeing is a service so wrapped up in its own little bubble of procedures, policies and protocols that even routine work has been turned in to a cack handed marathon, and the vast majority of good people it employs are being frustrated and stymied by a small handful of characters who should have been strongly persuaded (forced?) to follow an alternative and very different career choice from Day 1, but have somehow managed to ingratiate and wheedle themselves in to key roles of influence and control.

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New Hospital where will they build it........


How about someplace relatively quiet and peaceful and equally sheltered from the weather. The vast majority who inhabit such places are either feeling pretty grotty or are watching the door for the reaper - to be left it peace and quiet to either recover as best you can or peg it as incoveniently to the person involved as is possible, is what most need. The place, by default of what it is generates quite more than enough noise and kerfuffle indoors for ill and dying folk to have to put up with before you add to it with external noise too.


Where the current one is maybe wasn't too bad in 1960, it was almost on the edge of the then town, there was far less road traffic, and much less foot traffic. Now its nearer the centre of town than the edge, and both road and foot traffic is constant well in to the night.


It has always been a hellish place whenever there was any appreciable wind from anywhere easterly for infirm folk to move round the doors, stuck as it is up in the air atop banking with no shelter from the sea whatsoever. At least it has a decent view, which might not be considered anything worth worrying about to planners, but is appreciated by many stuck in the place, and arguably puts them in a much better and positive state of mind, which in turn can only be beneficial to recovery.


Just for God's sake don't let anybody resurrect the 'idea' that was briefly punted when this subject was kicked around last, building across from the power station, somewhere in the vicinity of where the pipeyards were..... Stuck in the bottom of a mirey hole, surrounded by nothing but bleak brown hills, and the only other view either the back of teh power station or a glimpse of the gut factory, is more than enough to want to make anybody die than be stuck in such a place one moment longer.


As has been said by many, 'Hospitals are no place for ill folk" - Can't we try at least now in the 21st C. try to make them a little more suitable for ill folk.

Edited by Ghostrider
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AFAIK the Tollclock shopping Center is still on the market and looks a little bit "tired" requiring some TLC.


I'm not to sure what many of the buildings that make up the shopping require to bring them up to modern standards but would imagine that some or all might have to be be demolished,and rebuilt..


Now access to this location is good from all directions for emergency traffic and additional parking available of Garthspool Road,which could also be multi storey  parking.


This location is central to the town and  a multi storey ,several floors high , would give very good views of the harbour.


No need to worry about noise as a modern building would surely have proper  glazing and made of materials that absorb any annoyance.


This location is also spot on for those who depend on buses being not to far from the station and many buses already going via North Road.


Many of the existing shops could be accommodated in temporary buildings until they were able to move back into permanent positions in the ground floors or where ever the architects have agreed


I cannot think of another site in the town that would and could provide a better location but the costs will probably rule it out.

Edited by Urabug
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I would have thought the ness of sound might be considered as they would be able to put the helipad on da roof, don’t think they could do that at bolts.


perhaps da old school site at the knab would be better suited for a hospital, then crammed in houses with no/little parking, but they might have to avoid rooms facing the graveyard  ;-)

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No need to worry about noise as a modern building would surely have proper  glazing and made of materials that absorb any annoyance.


Um......fresh air?


Anytime I've been near the place patients were extremely glad of a waft of fresh air from an open window whenever possible, some, if they felt up to it and were capable equally glad of the chance to spend a little while outside in it.


The unfortunate, but regrettably very necessary use of numerous chemical cleaning, disinfecting etc materials in a place such as a hospital makes for a permanent very sickly air in such places that can only be a negative for those spending 24/7 in them.

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I would have thought the ness of sound might be considered as they would be able to put the helipad on da roof, don’t think they could do that at bolts.


perhaps da old school site at the knab would be better suited for a hospital, then crammed in houses with no/little parking, but they might have to avoid rooms facing the graveyard   ;-)


Yup, as I';ve said on here before, the AHS site is the last 'in town' site (though why a hospital must be 'in town' I fail to see. Build it in Gulberwick or Tingwall - they're quieter, more sheltered, there's plenty of room, and they're equally as accessible to the majority of Shetland's population) that would suit a hospital - but only if a new road were to accompany it. Upgrading Breiwick Road and sending a new branch up from somewhere around the Waarie Geo corner to come out at the Coastguard hut wouldn't be that much of a job. The current vehicle access is just downright hellish, always has been ever since the New Road sent all the extra traffic through Scalloway Road.

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I think it should be built somewhere higher than Bolts to future proof against rising sea levels. Most of that will be under water in 50 years time.

Well the "powers that be" agreed to build the Museum and Mareel where they are so it must be ok  :ponders:

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Building the New Hospital near to the bus station and other amenity's ,would save many people who do not have there own vehicles taxis fares back and forth to attend appointments and visit friends.


Shame if it was built somewhere inaccessible that costs a fortune to those who unfortunately have to visit regularly and cannot afford there own transport .


Ness of Sound would have some advantages but access roads would have to be widened,  and it's location might not be desirable for many without there own means of travel.


The road to the Knab are not ideal for emergency traffic ,ambulances very often in a situation where every second counts need as few obstacles as possible.


Having considered all the options i bet they will build probably at Rova Head, good site there that was intended for the New Power Station 

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^ In the toon may be reasonably accessible to most toonies without personal transport, but in the toon is inaccessible to everybody else without personal transport.


Buses run when buses run, rarely are they scheduled in such a way than ends up with a five minute in/out something or other at the hospital turning in to a half a day or more away from home/work for the person involved, or incurs them a hefty taxi fare to either catch or get back from a country bus route if not both. Shouldn't everybody be inconvenienced roughly equally and incur roughly equally additional costs to access a public service, why should toonies have the privilege of having everything 5 mins along the road, and everybody else not?


Personally I'd build all facilities intended to serve the whole of Shetland someplace around Sandwater/Voe etc, as that's probably about as central to everybody as you're likely to get. Probably not a wise move now though with the windmills, if there's any substance in the allegations of health risks from flicker/white noise etc, sticking ill folk there with the size and number that are supposed to be coming is just going to finish them off all the faster.

Edited by Ghostrider
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