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"Gilbert Bain is not fit for purpose"

Davie P

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How about the site half way up the north road where Peterson’s had his peat cutting business. Nice flat site, with views, plenty of space to extend, not to built up for helicopter landings, clear access for ambulances and could easily be added to existing town bus services.

Been thinking about yon location and it would probably be a very good place, also offering an  alternative route through the Black Gaet for ambulances coming from the south,during busy times of the day which i have done many times myself to avoid delays.

Yes, a decent public service to and from the town,and many of the buses already pass that way, Could be a good choice certainly one to be considered

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Any new site needs to be big, relatively flat, have reasonable road access and ideally have a decent outlook for the folk who will be unfortunate enough to stay in it. Bolts would almost certainly be far too peerie/hemmed in and while the Knab might be big enough and provide a splendid outlook, road access isn’t the best and keeping the listed buildings might be a bit of a constraint.


We’re only at the very early stages of this happening though. Considering what all needs to be done next (a business case, securing finance, design, public consultation, procurement, planning permission, construction etc.) we’re probably speaking about the place opening in 5-10 years’ time if it gets the green light at all. Bolts is for sale now and most of the old AHS is going to be flattened fairly soon so I don’t think the timing would work out for either of them anyway.


While there is land at the north end o da toon, a sizeable amount of it is surrounded by pretty ugly industrial buildings so my bet would be on somewye out the Sea Road/Ness of Sound being looked at if road access can be improved a bit.

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High up to avoid being swamped by the next Tsunami, not too close to existing buildings in case of a fire, sheltered from strong winds, and constructed to withstand them, with large enough gutters so as not to get overwhelmed by heavy downpours..


With lots of parking. (We have after all, vast areas of nothing, so why does everywhere have to have such tiny car parks!)


And room for future expansion, so you don't have to relocate again..

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