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General Election 2019


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On Thursday, 12/12/2019 the general election will take place. Has anybody decided what they will vote for, has anybody decided to vote for a different M.P or party, or has the majority of folk decided not to bother this time round?


What does everybody think the result will be this time around?



Edited by George.
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I'll decide who I'm voting for, and if I vote, once the full field are known.


We're going to get an abortion of a Parliament again unless the Tories stand aside in every constituency where the Brexit Party is standing, and give them a clear run and let them form a government. Orr at least the Tories and the Brexit Party form a formal alliance ASAP until brexit is done and dusted.


Otherwise nobody will have an overall majority and we'll just keep on going round in circles as the peddling and horse trading (or not as the case may be) continues, gaining nowt, but giving nowt either. 2 1/2 year of that crap already is taking the pith before we sign up for more of it.

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I'll decide who I'm voting for, and if I vote, once the full field are known.


We're going to get an abortion of a Parliament again unless the Tories stand aside in every constituency where the Brexit Party is standing, and give them a clear run and let them form a government. Orr at least the Tories and the Brexit Party form a formal alliance ASAP until brexit is done and dusted.


Otherwise nobody will have an overall majority and we'll just keep on going round in circles as the peddling and horse trading (or not as the case may be) continues, gaining nowt, but giving nowt either. 2 1/2 year of that crap already is taking the pith before we sign up for more of it.


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I'll decide who I'm voting for, and if I vote, once the full field are known.


We're going to get an abortion of a Parliament again unless the Tories stand aside in every constituency where the Brexit Party is standing, and give them a clear run and let them form a government. Orr at least the Tories and the Brexit Party form a formal alliance ASAP until brexit is done and dusted.


Otherwise nobody will have an overall majority and we'll just keep on going round in circles as the peddling and horse trading (or not as the case may be) continues, gaining nowt, but giving nowt either. 2 1/2 year of that crap already is taking the pith before we sign up for more of it.






The leave supporters are not going to give in. Either we leave, or actions to force it will escalate.


The politicians who've been at it for 2 1/2 years have chased their own tails all that time changing nothing.


Change is inevitable......It can either be calm, orderly and slightly civilised, or not........ To foresee any other outcome is delusionally optimistic.

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^ The whole Tory party will be dead in a ditch if they don't stand aside or do a deal with the Brexit Party. The Tories have had far more chances than they deserve, 2 1/2 years, three leaders and an election, and they're still trying to figure out how to organise a piss up in a brewery, They've already lost the 'leave' supporters vote.

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If the ERG Party (It cannot claim to be conservative or unionist any more) and/ or the Farage Party win, then regretfully the only option left for Scotland will be independence..In the unlikely event of Libdems winning, or a Labour government which then offers a second EU referendum, then an imminent Indyref 2 might not happen. Dangerous times.

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No, Wheelsup, the only option left for Scotland will NOT be independence.  The minority in Scotland might well support independence, which isn't possible by being in the EU, for starters.  An option for Scotland is to embrace Brexit like the rest of the UK and carry on trading with its biggest trading partner - England.

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The minority in Scotland might well support independence, which isn't possible by being in the EU, for starters.  An option for Scotland is to embrace Brexit like the rest of the UK and carry on trading with its biggest trading partner - England.


The facts don't support this opinion. Recent polls indicate a small majority in support of independence, the result of an upward trend over the past few years. And of course it's possible to be an independent country and member of the EU, and 62% of Scottish voters wished to remain in the EU at the referendum.

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" And of course it's possible to be an independent country and member of the EU, and 62% of Scottish voters wished to remain in the EU at the referendum."



Technically true, and oft touted by the confused, but do not forget that leaving the EU was a major campaign point for the SNP in 2014, and still would be today if it weren't for the negativity about Brexit.


The fact is that Scottish Independence means leaving the EU. Sure, we can then apply to join but we all know the (still standing) official EU stance on that.

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The fact is that Scottish Independence means leaving the EU. Sure, we can then apply to join but we all know the (still standing) official EU stance on that.


But we're leaving the EU anyway (unless there's a major upset at the next election). Scottish Independence doesn't make leaving the EU more likely.

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